Eating (3/3)

Looking at the dishes on the table, I grab a nearby chopstick before looking over to the dishes over me. Heh, this lady will be eating all of you today!

Quickly, I pick up a nearby plate and before splitting apart the chopsticks into two. After I break apart the chopsticks, I began picking up meat from every dishes.


Indeed, most of the dishes the goddess chose earlier are all meat. Cow meat, chicken meat and most notably— dragon meat.

Yep, dragon meat.


Just the smell of the dragon's roasted meat makes me hungrier than ever. Waaaa…

"Eat this." The goddess said to me, pointing out a fish with weird fins.


What's that?

I narrow my vision at the fish the goddess was pointing at. It was so weird that the fish piqued my interests.

This looks like… a mini-shark? But it has scales though…


"It's a Yin fish." The goddess said, telling me the name of the fish.

Yin fish? What is tha— wait…

Hold on a second…

Aren't yin fishes the most sought by ladies and yin Qi practitioners?

"Indeed." The goddess said while picking up the meat of the yin fish using her chopsticks.

Suddenly, my mind became focused on the fish before me after hearing the goddess' response to my questions.

Waaa! I can eat this fish?!!!


After all these years of being nerfed to the point of me being broke…

I can now rise up…


Ahahahahaha! I am now going to be a true intellectual!

I grin as I see the poor fish before me. Like a bullet, I quickly pick up a huge chunk of the yin fish's meat before me with my chopsticks and places it on my plate before eating it.

Heh, pardon for my rudeness!

Like a hungry man, I began eating the slabs of yin fish on my plate as quickly as possible.

As the slab of meat goes in my mouth, the slab became cold and juicy at the same time, making me feel like I'm on cloud nine.

Indeed. Although the fish was cooked with fire, its meat suddenly became cold as soon as my saliva touches the meat.

But who cares about that, right? This lady just want to eat food!

While eating the fish meat, I smile gently with my eyes slit to the goddess as I feel more and more bliss as I eat the meat.

"Hehe… This is good, master." I subconsciously said to the goddess before me. I was speaking like a child, free of worries.

"Glad you like it, my dear disciple." The goddess said, smiling as she eats the meat of the yin fish.

Yum yum! Ehehehe….


After that, we both ate the fish happily until there's nothing left but the scales and the skeleton of the fish.

It was so good that we didn't even spare the whole fish except for its skeleton parts and scale.

Looking at the other dishes, I gulp as the smell of each dishes makes me in delight.

Heh, this lady is not content yet! I will eat you all so wait for this lady, okay?

Quickly, I pick up a cow meat and places it on my plate. On the other hand, the goddess was picking up the chicken meat.

Once again, I began eating the slab of cow meat on my plate like a hungry man, devouring anything presented to me.

As I eat the cow meat with my hungry teeth, juices from cow meat began leaking as I gnaw the cow meat away.

These juices from the cow meat were like both honey and sweets, making me shiver in delight.


I look at the ceiling with a half-open mouth. I was so delighted that I subconsciously looked above to savor the taste of the cow meat.


After looking up, I continue eating the meat away from my plate while savoring the meat. It's goooooood!

"Say ahh…" The goddess said, ordering me to open my mouth.

I look at the goddess and see the thick meat being held by her chopsticks. It was a roasted dragon meat.

Looking at the meat before me, I gently brush away my side fringes as I eat away the meat from the goddess' chopsticks.

"Wa—" Halfway through my words, I was struck by something.

It was the flavor of the dragon meat, bringing savory juices into my mouth as I chew away the dragon meat.

The dragon meat was so tender and juicy that I even forgot what I am saying earlier.

"Did you like it?" The goddess said to me as she tilts her head while looking at me with her gentle, cute smile.

"Un!" I nod heavily at her while brimming with a smile. It was so delicious that I nod heavily back to the goddess in response.

After tasting the dragon meat, I lurk my starving eyes at the dragon meat on the second table.

I stand up from my seat and take away my plate and chopsticks with me as I take a huge chunk of dragon meat on the second table.

Hehe… this lady will be eating you, little dragon meat.

Now that I am in front of the dragon meat, I pick up a huge chunk of the dragon meat before me and places the thick slab of meat on my plate. Heh, you'll never be able to see the light again, little meat.

With now the dragon meat is on my plate, I return back to my seat and began eating the juicy meat on my plate.

"Waa~" I moan as I eat away the meat.

Subconsciously, I place my right hand on my right cheek as the dragon meat's juice flows in my mouth.

Wuuuu…. it's so ahh~

Ehem. I did not mean it.

I did not mean to moan okay?! I was just dragged with the savory juices of the dragon meat.


After eating the dragon meat away, I return back from eating the cow meat. Heh, dragon meat should be the last dish I want to eat before leaving this hall.

Like a glutton on the run, I eat and eat and eat the cow meat presented on the table until there's nothing left but bones.


Meanwhile, the goddess also finished the chicken meat, leaving nothing but bones. Yep, the goddess is also like a glutton on the run.

I retract my eyes away from the goddess and look at the other dishes presented on the table that was still left untouched. There were three different meat dishes, one vegetable dish and most important of all— desserts!

Indeed. There were desserts presented on the third table. However, despite the fact that desserts melt after a while of being untouched, these desserts before me were covered by a thick dome glass that covers the desserts and the same time, the dome prevents the desserts from melting.


After I look at the desserts on the third table, I gaze at the three different types of meat. The first meat looks like a white meat then the second meat looks like an octopus meat and finally, the third meat looks like a roasted pig meat.

Well, though I do not know any of you, this lady will eat any of you, little meats.


Once again, I stand up from my seat and pick up my plate and chopsticks as I choose one of the three different types of meat from the second table.

Let's see….

I close my eyes as I randomly point my fingers to decide what I eat next. Since I can't decide which meat I am going to eat next, why not decide it randomly?

After a few seconds, I finally open my eyes as I stop my fingers from randomly moving around.

I randomly chose an octopus meat.

Gently, I pinch the tentacles of the roasted octopus away with my chopsticks to my plate. After placing the tentacles on my plate, I return back to my seat and began eating it.

Likewise, the goddess also chose the roasted octopus meat and picks it up with her chopsticks before returning to her seat.

As I eat the octopus with my mouth, I feel like I'm both eating and chewing a gum. Although it was hard to chew, the juices of the tentacle meat make me in delight.

It was as if I'm in the sea, waiting for a gigantic Kraken to appear out of nowhere.


After eating the whole octopus dish, I once again, pick a different dish randomly. This time, I got the white meat.

I pick up a slab of white meat from the table and began eating it after returning from my seat.

It was a chicken meat. This white meat is a chicken meat.

I look at the goddess who was currently savoring herself with the same white meat. It seems the goddess likes chicken meat, right?

As we both eat and eat away the white meat until there's nothing left but the bones and skeleton of the chicken, I look at the roasted pig meat.

It was a roasted pig meat with golden skin. Hmm…

With its golden skin piqued my interests, I pick up a slab of the roasted pig meat's meat and skin. It was hard to take off and yet, crispy at the same time.

Weird. Definitely weird.

After taking the meat away, I return back from my seat and began eating the roasted pig's meat.

As soon as I chew the golden skin of the roasted pig, I felt that my mouth was savoring the crispy skin of the meat.

It was good!


Quickly, I eat the skin and the meat from my plate as I was delighted with the flavor of the meat.


After eating the meat on my plate, I decided to go up and take another slab of meat and skin away, with this time bigger than before.

Once again, I quickly eat the meat away as soon as possible. The goddess, on the other hand, was eating the vegetable dish.

Heh, it looks like I'm the only one eating the pig, right?

Very well, this dish is for this lady now.

Just as I was grinning at the meat, the goddess also took a huge chunk of the roasted meat.

F*ck! The goddess was reading my mind from the very beginning!


Since there's nothing to do now, might as well share the roasted pig's meat with the goddess.

After all, she's the one who ordered the pig, not me.


After that, both I and the goddess eat away the roasted pig until there's nothing left but skeletons and bones of the pig.


With now the desserts were left, I open the glass container of the desserts and take a sweet sweet dessert with me as I return away from my seat.

Heh, this lady will be eating you now, poor swee—

Just as I was going to eat the dessert before me, I suddenly felt unable to eat anymore. F*ck!

I look at myself. My stomach was bloating. F*ck me.

I forgot that I ate so much that I did not notice that my stomach is bloating like a pig.

"Take this." The goddess said, handing a pill covered wrapped on a paper.

Errr… What's that?

"It reverts your appearance back from being fat to slim." The goddess said as while looking at me.

I nod in return and take the pill from the goddess' hand. After that, I unwrap the pill and immediately swallow it.

"Also, the excess fat that you gained from eating will be converted to an energy instead." The goddess continued as she hands me another set of wrapped pills."

I only need one though? How come the goddess gives me more?

"Just take it. Use these pills if you ate too many foods or sweets." The goddess explained.

"Thank you, master." I thanked and bowed at the goddess. The goddess, in turn, nods back at me.

After bowing, I take the set of pills on the goddess' hand and put it back to my pouches. Since I don't really need to use it, for now, might as well store it right?


After I swallowed the pill, my stomach reverted back to its former state. With that being said, I continued my gaze at the dessert before me and began eating it away.

As I consume the sweet dessert away, the cold temperature and the sweetness of the dessert made me once again, shivering me in delight. Waaa!

The dessert was like a sweet that is capable of making my knees weak.

It was so sweet that I even felt my knees shaking at the sweetness of the dessert.

I was feeling weak at the grand dessert before me.

As I was feeling weak, the goddess, on the other hand, was very quick this time. She was finishing each dessert in just a set of seconds.

She was so fast that even I had to stop eating the dessert before me and look at her instead.

F*ck. The goddess is a sweet gourmet! F*ck!

Quickly, I look at the dessert before me and began eating it as fast as I can. Master, you cannot beat me.

I am the real sweet gourmet.


Just as I was consuming the dessert, I suddenly felt my brain freeze, thus making me stop eating the dessert.

The goddess, on the other hand, had already eaten every dessert on the third table. There's nothing left except my dessert.

This battle was a crushing blow to me.

Goddess, I will never forget this battle. I will train myself to become the greatest sweet gourmet!




Shouldn't there be a music intro after I said that I'm going to be the greatest gourmet?



However, I will still never forget this crushing defeat!

Slowly, I eat my dessert as I learned my lesson of eating too quickly. F*ck, I don't want to have my brain freeze again.


"Waiter!" I heard the goddess calling out the waiter.

I look at the goddess who was brimming with a smile. Tch, the goddess was leading me to her trap.

I know that I lost okay?!

But even so, there will be a time that I will win and you will lose, master of mine.



A sound of something flicking resounded across the hall.

It was once again, my forehead being flicked by the goddess.


After being flicked, I calm myself down and began eating away the dragon meat. Heh, I told you that I will be eating the dragon meat last.

As I eat the remaining dish, the waiter comes beside the goddess and hands out a paper. It was the total cost of everything we ate.

I look at the contents of the paper, only to find out a huge amount of money written on the paper.

The total cost of the dishes sums up to a whopping half a million gold.


I look at the dishes with regret and guilt. F*ck me.

I don't have any money for that.

I'm a broken lady ya know? I don't even have a single gold on me.



Should I become a maid here instead to pay off my debts? F*ck it…

"Here." The goddess, who was also looking at the paper, said while handing out a card.

The waiter, who looks at the card, was shocked. His eyes became larger than ever as soon as he saw the card.

Eh? What's wrong with the card? Is it something amazing?

I look at the card. It was a pure white card with the portrait of the sect master's pretty face on it.


What's this?

Is it something like an IOU from the sect master?


Suddenly, the waiter in front of the goddess bows with formality while saying, "Thank you for visiting this humble pagoda of ours, venerable higher-up!"

He was so loud that even the nearby people look at him then at the goddess.


"Now that we have eaten, let's go take a walk, shall we my stupid disciple?" The goddess said as she rose up from her seat.

"Un," I said back and also rose up from my seat.

After finally standing up from my seat, I take a look at the white card the waiter is holding. He was holding it with care.

It was as if it was as if a totem of god.

I retract my gaze at the waiter and take a quick glance at the goddess.

She was smiling.

Somehow, I feel an ominous fate waiting for the sect master as I saw the goddess' gentle smile.
