Blue Moon Hall (4/5)

"Hoooh?" I hear someone while Eumi was constantly talking about elder fairy Hyuxia. It was the goddess.


Please help me out, master. Please.

This is embarrassing, ya know?

I'm being hugged by Eumi for quite a while ya know?

Indeed. For who-knows time, Eumi constantly talks about fairy Hyuxia's favorite food, drinks, abilities and stuff.

F*ck me.

However, because she was hugging me tightly down on the ground, I couldn't escape nor leave the room, causing me to silently admit my fate to Eumi's hands.

"Ah!" Eumi, who also had heard the goddess' voice, quickly stops her constant blabbering as she was startled by the goddess.

I look at the direction of where I heard the goddess and see the goddess standing near the door as she quietly looks at us with interest.

After looking at the goddess, I notice that the door was still closed, implying that the goddess did not enter the room by opening the door.

Did the goddess perhaps teleported to where we are?


That could be the only explanation, right?


Like someone who's shocked, the goddess quickly summons her two fans and began covering her mouth as she take one step back.

She was pretending to be shocked.


You do know that I know that I don't buy your shamelessness, right master?


I look at Eumi. Yep, she bought your pretentious actions, master.

Indeed. Eumi quickly fixes herself as she stands up from the floor. She too was shocked at the sudden appearance of the goddess.

"I… I did not know…." The goddess pretentiously said to us while taking another step back. She was pretending to be shocked.

Inside my head, I began facepalming myself a thousand times. Are you kidding with me right now, master?


"I'm sorry, sacred goddess!" Eumi immediately bows in turn and said those words. Err…

Please, just call the goddess a shameless one and you'll be fi— ack!

*Pluck Pluck!* Multiple sounds of something flicking resounded across the room.

It was Eumi's forehead and my forehead being flicked by the goddess.

However, despite being flicked together, the goddess flicked my poor forehead twice while she flicked Eumi's forehead only once.


This is not fair!


*Pluck!* Another sound of something being flicked resounded across the room.

It was my forehead getting flicked once again.

"You're both too shameless." The goddess said to us as if she was shocked. Err..

I look at the goddess with no emotions on my face. Are you kidding me perhaps?

Who's the one being shameless right now, dear master?


"I…" Eumi calls out herself. "I did not mean to be so shameless, sacred goddess of moonlight!" She said, apologizing at the shameless goddess for being shameless.


Why do I feel so awkward while listening to Eumi and the goddess' shameless words?


"I was the one who dragged sister Xiare into this so I'm very sorry for that, sacred goddess of moonlight!" She continued while bowing to the goddess.


There's no need to apologize though?

But still, thank you, Eumi. Thanks.

"It's alright." The goddess replied in return while still covering her mouth with her fans. "But try to lessen your actions of love, alright?" The goddess continued, making the two of us blush in return.


We're not lovers, ya know?!


Silently, I began facepalming myself as soon as I think about Eumi's actions earlier.


"I…" Eumi once again calls out herself.

I look at the trembling Eumi. She was obviously embarrassed about the fact that the goddess shamelessly pretends that she mistook us as lovers.


I wonder, how many times did I sigh today?


This is troublesome.

"I need to go!" She said to us as she quickly head to the door and began opening it before leaving the room.


The personification of hell herself is now gone, I think?

I look at the goddess who was giggling as she reads everyone's mind and thoughts. Sigh…

Although it could be said that the goddess is shameless to the fact that she even denies it, she's still good, I guess?


I don't know, okay?

But still…

Thank you master for helping me out.

"No worries." The goddess said as she teleports to my side.

After teleporting, she immediately send her fans back to god-knows-where before lending me a hand for me to stand up.

I look at the smiling goddess before holding her hand as I prepare to stand up. Thank you, I guess?

As I stand up, the goddess quickly pats my forehead before like Eumi, hugs me over.


What is this?

Am I in some sort of a sho*jo stories right now?


This is weird, ya know?

Very very weird.

"I'm just checking your Infinite Moonlight Illusions Qi." The goddess said, explaining the reason why she is currently hugging me.

I doubt that, master.

You can just scan my body down and see my Qi, ya know?


"Infinite Moonlight Illusions Qi is very different from other Qi, stupid disciple." The goddess said, continuing to explain the reason why she is hugging me down.


Since there's little to no reasons to argue why the goddess is hugging me, might as well be silent about it, right?

"Stupid disciple." The goddess said as she lets go of me. "Don't use any Infinite Moonlight Illusions skills or use any Qi as soon as the blue moon appears over the sky." The goddess continued, ordering me to not use any Infinite Moonlight Illusions skills or Qi.



Well yeah, there's gotta be a reason why, right?

"If you use any Infinite Moonlight Illusions related skills or Qi while under the blue moon, red moon, eclipse, new moon, and full moon, your body will gather huge amount of cold Qi, causing your body to explode." The goddess said, answering my question.


"You can only use Infinite Moonlight Illusions skills freely as soon as you become a tenth realm cultivator, okay?" The goddess said as she pats my forehead.


Indeed. I really had acquired and learned such skills which either will make me kill myself or become stronger than usual.


This is a double-edged sword.

But even so….

I am an "intellectual."



"Turn off your Moonlight Goddess' Vision right now, my stupid disciple." The goddess said as she notices me using the vision skill the goddess taught me…

That skill's name is called Moonlight Goddess' Vision huh…

What a weird long name.


Quickly, I stop channeling my to my eyes, causing my vision to revert back to normal. I couldn't see anything right now except for the fact that I can see the opened curtains outside,


If this place is dark from the start, then how come Eumi still manages to walk around like a madman earlier?


Very weird.

"Don't use any Infinite Moonlight Illusions related skills or Qi until dawn, okay?" The goddess said as she once again, pats my head.

Although I can't see the goddess in the dark, I can feel her breath and her hands touching my head.

"Since there's nothing for us to do here, let's go back, my stupid disciple." The goddess said as she holds my left hand before dragging me to somewhere.

For a while, I only see darkness until we finally got out of the room, revealing the palace from the outside being darker than before earlier.

"I'll be leaving you for a while, is that alright to you, my stupid disciple?" The goddess said while we walk back to the room filled with high-class people earlier.


What do you mean?

"There's something I need to take care of back in the hidden temple, my stupid disciple." The goddess said as she stops walking and look at the dark sky above.


Although I don't get it, since the goddess is saying those words to me, I can feel that she's being serious right now.

Okay, I guess?

As soon as the goddess reads my mind out, she nods before letting my hand go. Err…

"I will be back soon, my stupid disciple." The goddess said as she looks at me before smiling. "You better take care of yourself, my stupid disciple, okay?" She continued before walking in front of me as she creates a portal leading to the library we destroyed earlier.

As the goddess goes to the other side of the portal, she immediately summons a rapier with the symbol of the Moonlight Sword Sect as its cross-guard before handing the rapier.


I look at the rapier. It was the same as that rapier I saw earlier back from the Hidden Order.

This is your weapon, right master? How come you are casually giving this to me?


"Don't worry. It's just a replica of my weapon, foolish disciple of mine." The goddess said to me as she casually throw the rapier to me.

Quickly, I catch the rapier with my left hand before looking at the goddess who's summoning a mirror.

It was the same mirror from earlier back then.

However, because the portal was slowly fading away, I can only see a glimpse of the black veiled woman covered in thick amount of snow.


What's happening over there?



After the portal vanishes from my sight, I look at the rapier on my hand. It was a rapier with a white sheath. Also, at the cross guard and handle of the rapier lies the symbol of the Moonlight Sword Sect coated in silver color.


Slowly, I draw the rapier from its sheath, revealing a shiny white rapier with runes engraved on it.

I touch the runes engraved on the rapier with my other hand. It was a rough to the point where it is like a stone engraved on the rapier.


Also, as I touch the runes on the rapier, the runes began changing colors like prism injected with light.


Since there's really no use of this weapon since I'm not really in need of one, might as well hang it on my waist as a decoration, right?


Quickly, I put the rapier back to its sheath before hanging the rapier on the left side of my waist.

Har har! I feel like a pirate!



Silently, I walk over the hallways until I finally see the room where we came from earlier. This should be it, right?

As I enter the room, I see nothing but maids cleaning the room around.


Where are the others?


"Excuse me miss…" I head to a random maid before saying those words.

In turn, the maid looks at me before bowing. "What can I do for you, venerable one." She said as she bow in front of me.

"Umm…" I began thinking up a question. "Can you please tell me where did everyone went?" I ask the maid.

The maid, who had heard my question, looks at the staircase right around the corner of this room before saying, "Venerable one, the others already went to the Blue Moon Hall to see the wedding of elder fairy Hyuxia and the mortal emperor of the Haruth Empire." The maid said as she points out the staircase.

In turn, I bow to the maid as a token of gratitude. The maid, on the other hand, looks at me with curious eyes before finally nodding, implying that she accepts my token of gratitude.

After that, I began heading upstairs and see another room which is also being cleaned by maids.


I look around and see a gigantic opened door leading to a new hallway. Quickly, I began walking across the room as I go to the new hallway. Heh, since there's nothing for me to do right now, might as well watch the wedding of the two, right?

By the time I walk over the hallway, I see some cultivators waiting for someone on the other side of the hallway.


I look at them, only to see that they are casually minding their own business as they wait for someone.

Well, since they're not waiting for me, might as well continue to go to where Eumi and the others are, right?

Once again, I quicken up my pace as I walk to the other side of the hallway. However, because I don't know which way I was supposed to go, I immediately stop from walking and look at the cultivator who was casually reading a book.

"Fellow cultivator." I said to the cultivator, calling him out.

The cultivator, in turn, looks at me before saying, "What is it?"

"Do you know where the Blue Moon Hall can be found?" I ask the cultivator. Well yeah, I don't really know about this place, okay?

The cultivator who have heard my question points out the room at the other side of the hallway before saying, "After you head to that room over there, turn left and go downstairs once you see a staircase leading to the ground below."

After hearing the cultivator's answer, I bow in front of him. In turn, the cultivator nods at my bow before continuing reading his book.

Well, let's go there, I guess?

I began walking across the hallway until I finally reaches the room the cultivator earlier was pointing out earlier.

I look around, revealing a room with multiple pillars as its walls. Likewise, there were also maids cleaning the room around.

As I look around the room, I see another hallway on the left side of the room. This should be the hallway the cultivator earlier was talking about, right?

Once again, I began walking across the room to reach the hallway on the left side of the room. As I reach the hallway, I see a bunch of cultivators talking with each other.

Indeed. This hallway was a lively one.

Slowly, I began walking as I go to the Blue Moon Hall while evading any cultivators. Err… this lady is in a hurry right now, okay?

Soon after that, I finally see a stairs leading to the ground below us. It was this stairs that leads to the Blue Moon Hall.



After seeing the stairs which leads to the ground below, I slowly walk over the standing cultivators and began descending the ground. Well yeah, considering that this place is filled with cultivators bustling around, it's hard to walk around, ya know?

"Finally…" I said under my breath as I finally descended on the ground. Haa… this is too troublesome ya know?

After saying finally, I check my rapier to see if its gone. Nope, it's still hanging on my waist.

Thank god I'm not stupid enough to let the rapier be left behind as I struggle to walk across the bustling cultivators.

After checking the rapier on my waist, I place my left hand on the rapier and began grasping it tightly.

Well yeah, considering that there's more cultivators bustling here on the Blue Moon Hall, I need to tightly hold on to my belongings, ya know?


With now my rapier being tightly hold by my left hand, I slowly walk over across the never-ending cultivators. Haaa….

Although it was hard, I still manage to walk around as I finally enter the gate to the Blue Moon Hall.

Indeed. There's a gate in front of me earlier. At the top of the gate lies the name of the Blue Moon Hall, implying that this place is now the Blue Moon Hall instead of the Blue Moon Hall Mansion.


After reaching the entrance of the Blue Moon Hall, I began walking again as I search Eumi and the others across the endless cultivators swarming around.

Yep, this lady is not kidding. This place is filled with cultivators.


As much as I want to shout Eumi's name, I couldn't since there's too many cultivators shouting and talking around with each other. Haa…

F*ck it.

Why did I even have to be here, right?


"Xiare?" I hear someone calling out my name. It was a voice of a male.


Who is it?

Quickly, I look around, only to see bustling cultivators walking around. Err…

I couldn't see the one who's calling my name okay?

"Behind you." The male said, telling me that he's behind me…


As I heard his voice, I quickly turn my head behind, reveali—
