
'Why am I even here' a young man around the age of 25 could be seen sitting in a chair while staring at a computer screen this young man was Feng Wushu, a man that hated being born in this timeline.

'Even if my name Wushu means something like warrior I'm living in a time where there are no fights or wars' (Wushu means martial arts in China I just changed it up to warrior)

that's right Wushu hated being born in a time without wars he was a man that lived for his martial arts and trained in it daily to achieve mastery but how could he do so without putting his life on the line?

He could never reach the ultimate level that he wanted to achieve he even needed to take such a worthless job so that he could live. Wushu knew that if he could choose to be reborn, he would do so without a second thought he wanted to fight put his life on the line and achieve the ultimate level of martial arts sadly he knew he never could in this life.

After working for 2 more hours Wushu was finally finished with his day at this damned company, and he could be seen walking out of the luxurious building into the busy street he wasn't really paying attention since his thoughts were elsewhere 'how could I improve my striking power I feel like it isn't enou..'

"well that was a pretty boring life man so what now? God?" Wushu asked that's right he had died after being hit by a car just now he was just looking through his memories and now he wanted to know why he was talking to this god?

God: "Well to be honest to see one of the last one of my descendants in such a pitiful state I decided to bring you here."

"what do you mean with descendants?" (Wushu)

"It's exactly as you think it is im someone that was born into the Feng clan." (God)

"Alright, that cool and all but what the fuck am I to do now I can't train anymore in this soul form." (Wushu)

"hahaha, that's what you're concerned about truly a descendant of my clan hahaha hahaha." (God)

"Well can you answer me please" Wushu was starting to get annoyed at this god he just wanted to train in his martial path not talking to this weird god.

"Well do you wish to be reincarnated" asked god with some interest in his answer

"Yes I would like to, but please put me in a world and time where I can reach the true expert level of martial arts." (Wushu)

"And what do you think is needed for that Wushu?" the god was now genuinely interested in this boy first he had just brought him here because he was the last Feng clan member but now it was like he was looking at his past self.

"Wars and killing" it was answered with a cold tone this is indeed what Wushu wanted he wanted to fight and kill only that way would he reach true mastery over his martial arts and would he feel alive.

Wushu never told anyone in his past life, but the only time he would feel alive was when he was fighting still in modern society how could he fight to the death?

"Well I can gift you that I will send you to another universe with cultivation if that's alright with you," asked the god in a playful tone

"Yes, I'm fine with that" Wushu was excited finally he could do what he dreamed off.

"So wushu do you want a system like all those overpowered mc's from those xianxia and wuxia novels?"

"NO" Wushu answered it immediately he enjoyed reading those novels but to him having a system would make life too easy buying skills from the system? But not fully knowing them it felt like a betrayal to his martial arts soul he would reach the apex differently from everyone else.

God: "Alright that's fine with me you will now be reborn I will let you keep your memories and name good luck in your new life boy."

"Thank you" God knew that this boy was pleased because he had never seen such a glowing soul in all of his life as God.

Back in the Qin empire in the Feng clan estate

There could be seen a mother giving birth to her child after a while the gruesome experience ended, and she held a beautiful little boy in her arms the boy had 2 different eye colors the left one was blue, and the right one was red he had a little bit of white hair and a cute chubby face.

'so this is my mother in this life huh' Wushu was inspecting the room where he was born it was an old Chinese style room, but he knew they had to be rich with how big it was while he was observing the room he saw someone entering the door.

"how is my child what gender is it" a bulky man with a height off 6 feet and black hair with red eyes entered the room this was the current 'young master' of the Feng clan, Feng Chen.

"honey don't scream so hard" answered the women on the bed with Wushu in her arms this was Wushu's mother named Feng Yuki (Snow) the only reason she was named 'Yuki' was because of her all white hair that Wushu inherited.

"Well, its a boy to answer your question" she answered while laughing.

"HAHAHA, another boy truly a blessing" roared Feng Chen.

"Dad could you please shut up your annoying my little brother" a young guy could be seen entering the room with 2 other kids by his side the oldest of them all looked just like Feng Chen only with not as much muscles and looked to be around 16 years.

The other 2 boys looked to be around 14 years old and were identical to each other the only difference between them and their father and brother was that they also had white plucks of hair.

The oldest boy was named Feng Ling the 2 boys were named Feng Ren, and Feng Ran if Wushu heard the names he would but his head against a desk because who would name identical twins almost the same name.

"Well what is my little brother's name?" asked Feng ling with interest towards his parents.

Yuki answered with "his name will be Feng Wushu lets hope he lives up to his name and becomes a great warrior."

'Let's start this new life' Wushu was never this excited he truly wanted to experience this world for himself.