Birthday presents

In the Qin empire, something was bothering the Qin emperor one of the strongest clans in his empire had given birth to a GENIUS 'the kid could walk in 6 months talk in 1 year and is reading right now at 2 years old.'

The emperor was thinking about Wushu since his birth almost 3 years have passed at first Wushu decided to try to keep a low profile, but his thirst for knowledge and strength took over and decided he wanted to learn as soon as possible.

The Feng clan was one of the major 4 clans in the Qin empire, and the emperor knew that if he decided to try to eliminate this boy, it could cost it him his head.

After all the Feng clan had an old foggy Ancestor hiding and with him was an Old foggy spirit beast with the same rank if the Feng clan decided to attack the emperor it could very well be the end of the Qin empire and become the Feng empire.

After a while, the emperor decided to just monitor the kid and see what kind of ambitions he had after all he didn't want to maybe die just yet.

"Young master where are you going" a maid called towards the cute little boy that was running away from her.

"I'm going to see father now" Wushu answered while trying to get away from this women grasps he shuddered in fear when he thought about it how she pulled his chubby cheeks for what seemed like an eternity.

"Alright," the maid was relieved when she heard him say that he was only going to see the young master.

After walking for what seemed like forever for the little boy he arrived before a throne room with a big wooden door he tried to push the door open with his little body but it wouldn't bulge eventually he just screamed with his immature voice "DAD OPEN THIS DOOR FOR ME" seconds later the door was opened with a strong gust of wind when Wushu entered he saw how majestic this room looked it was decorated with all types of weapons and skins of different animals he saw his dad sitting behind a desk doing paperwork for the clan and walked up to him.

"so why are you here little warrior" Feng Chen started calling him that when he noticed that the books Wushu decided to read were all related to famous warriors and his name Wushu was also the warrior.

"I'm almost 3 father" (Wushu)

"So what my little warrior?" (Feng Chen)

"I want to start training martial arts, so here I'm telling you what I want as my birthday present" answered Wushu with a smug look on his face

Feng Chen was astonished usually children started training at the age of 8 to let them experience some years of 'childhood' in the clan, and even then they had to be forced to cultivate but his son who was not even 3 years old wanted to start training?

"So what do you want and why do you want to train so soon?" Feng Chen asked him with a voice full of curiosity

"I don't want to be weaker than my brothers" Wushu answered cutely, of course, he couldn't tell his father 'hey I'm reincarnated I have lived a long time and was a martial arts fanatic and want to reach the apex.'

"and for what I want is simple I want a short spear for my height I want a cultivation technique and general knowledge of the cultivation stages" Wushu had decided to become a spear master, and he needed a cultivation technique since in his old world there was not such a concept of 'cultivation,' and general knowledge is always useful.

"is this all?" Feng Chen had expected to get some unbelievable demands for his sons birthday, but it was only this? As a clan that could maybe even overthrow the Qin empire this was basic things that one would get when he started cultivation.

What Wushu didn't know was that the stupid gifts that he got from the clan for his previous birthdays were more expensive than all his demands together.

"Well if you could hire me an instructor it would be helpful I guess" Wushu answered wondering why his dad asked such a weird question.

"Fine I will give you all this for your birthday" Feng Chen said in a relaxed tone of voice but on his face his excitement could be seen for a child of 2 years old to want to start training this means that he would become powerful if he had talent and another powerhouse in the family is always good.

"Well bye father good seeing you" Wushu said and walked away with a proud face as if he had just won a war against a long time enemy Feng Chen chuckled at this sight 'if only this kid knew that this was basic stuff given to anyone in the clan lets see if he would be this proud then' (Feng Chen)

'Finally, when I turn three I can finally start training again' Wushu's martial arts soul started to awaken and wanted to train to his heart's content as fast as possible.