Birthday party

2 months passed and Wushu woke up excited because it was finally time for his birthday party it was also the first time he had a big party the reason for it was simple Feng Chen wanted to show off his son as the young master of the Feng clan he has invited all the major clans of the empire to attend his 4th sons birthday party.

At first, Wushu was always confused why his dad was called the young master but after living for 3 years, he had learned that his grandfather which he has never seen before.

Is the current Master of the Feng clan the only reason Feng Chen is doing all the work for the clan.

Is because the Master has been in closed-door cultivation for almost 4 years now. He also realized that the Ancestor was his Great Grandfather, but just like the master he was also in closed-door cultivation Wushu liked these 2 old men a lot because it showed how much they loved the martial path and Wushu respected that even if he had never seen them before.

"Young master will you please get dressed" a maid entered the room and saw that her young master was still comfortably laying in his bed.

"how late is it," asked Wushu

"Young master, your party, will start in 30 minutes will you please get ready."

"Fine I can dress myself" Wushu climbed out of bed and went towards some basic clothes, but the maid stopped him and said "young master these are the clothes you need to wear" she showed the clothes that all those stuck-up nobles wear and Wushu got annoyed just looking at it

"do I really have to wear this."

"Your father told me to tell you this: "wear this or no presents," told the maid

'shit normally I wouldn't give a fuck about my presents but this year is different this old geezer got me.'

"Alright fine give it to me."

After ten minutes Wushu was done he had washed himself up and put on the clothes anyone that looked at him could see how handsome he would be in the future.

The little boy was 4 feet tall with white hair till his shoulders, and with his red and blue eyes he truly attracted a lot of attention he always wondered why he had 2 different eye colours since everyone in the Feng clan had Red eyes, but he just concluded that he inherited more of his mother than his brothers did since she was a beauty with blue eyes and white hair.

'im honestly annoyed at these clothes' Wushu was someone that enjoyed a simple life and only cared about Martial Arts but now he had to wear this robe with golden dragon pattern in it it was all black and then the dragons he truly didn't understand this bullshit clothing style.

If he would see people walking around in this he would only think 'another rich young master' if other major clans heard about his thoughts they would be astonished since every one of the major clans whore clothes like this but if they would have seen Wushu's normal clothing style they would be astonished since he dressed like the commoners.

"young master lets go to the dining hall" the maid saw the young master and was astonished with how cute he looked after all his father was a brute of a man and his other sons looked a lot like him, but Wushu was nothing like that.

"Well, let's go then" Wushu hated this the only reason he was attending his birthday party was for the gifts.

After walking for a while, he stood before the door that blocked the Dining room he knew that the 3 other strongest clans were already here

The Ling clan that exceeded at business

The Wang clan that exceeded at Managment

And lastly, the Tang clan that is known for their crafting of weapons.

He also realized that they probably brought all their young misses to try to get on the good side of Wushu and then propose a marriage agreement since all the other major 3 clans wanted to ally with the Feng clan.

After all the Feng clan was a Martial clan, of course, the other 3 were all way ahead in their own fields but in pure strength? The Feng clan could crush them like ants so marrying one of their Young misses to the young master of the Feng clan was the best idea.

When Wushu entered the dining hall he heard a hard voice "A so you are here my little warrior come here" Feng Chen saw Feng Wushu enter and immediately called him to his side since he didn't want Wushu to accidentally offend someone from a major clan even if he didn't fear anyone he still didn't want to have to deal with that shit.

"So what is your name little boy," an Elder asked Wushu.

"I'm Feng Wushu" Wushu answered short but polite, but didn't ask for the elder's name.

"Hey, you boy show some respect this is the Master of the Ling clan Ling Yun," told his father usually a kid would be excited to see such a big shot but Wushu didn't care he just started looking around the dining room.

It was an luxurious room with one big table spreading across the whole room the room was decorated with luxurious lamps and all types of art it indeed looked like a Nobles home there could be seen different groups of people with different types of clothes most of the time you could see who were influential and who were not.

After a while looking around he heard his father.

"Alright thanks to everyone who has decided to come here for my sons 3rth birthday Feng Wushu would you please introduce yourself" at that moment all the eyes went towards the little boy next to Feng Chen, and when the little misses eyes landed on him they were inwardly thinking 'he's so handsome' and all the parents of the girls that were trying to get their daughters to marry the Feng clans young master were relieved 'thank god he isn't ugly'.

Feng Wushu was direct "Hello thank you for coming im Feng Wushu" as he finished with this he just stood in his place and wasn't planning on saying anything else, so Feng Chen just told everyone

"Let the party begin."

Wushu started walking towards his other family members and just sat down the only thing he was looking forward to were his presents "so do you like your birthday party" asked his oldest brother with a teasing smile everyone in the family knew how much Wushu liked to be alone so they knew he wouldn't like this.

"No id rather go read" he answered honestly

After one hour of people trying to get the courage to talk tot he young master after all Wushu gave off an aura of not wanting to be approached finally one of the little girls who seemed to be around 5 years old introduced herself.

"Hello im Wang Qing" she had this type of arrogance about her since everyone always fawned over her and Wushu didn't like it at all, so he just answered coldly with "Okay."

And he just ignored her he was just waiting for his precious presents and he would get the hell out of here.

Wang Qing just walked away when she noticed that the boy didn't want to talk to her she was a 'princess' so she thought she was better than everybody else.

"Why didn't you talk to her," asked his mother she was actually always very worried since her son never talked to people his age and seemed indifferent it wasn't that he didn't want to, but he just could not stand all those arrogant people.

"She was too arrogant" Wushu answered and then it finally clicked his mother knew the reason he hated talking to others all the kids he met were from big clans, so they were all the arrogant type so she was forming a plan in her head to let him meet kids that weren't arrogant and see what would happen.

"Big sis" Wushu called towards the maid that was with him since he was born, she was named Feng Yu, and she was one of the few people Wushu actually liked.

"Yes young master what is it" she answered and what she heard next astonished her and everyone that heard it

"Can you please get my books I'm bored" Wushu was already wasting 2 hours of his day right now, and everyone was so arrogant, so he didn't care and wanted to read.

Feng Chen wanted to hit this kid so hard and just as he was about to scream he heard the door open when he heard a laughter "hahahaahah so this is my fourth grandson hahahaha truly a funny kid."

There he stood the current Master of the Feng clan, Feng Xan who had just broken through and heard about his grandson's birthday party, to be honest, he didn't even know he had a fourth grandson, so he felt guilty and wanted to make a grand entrance, but when he was about to enter in a cool fashion the kid said those words and he just couldn't stop laughing.

When Wushu looked towards his grandfather he could see that he was strong there he stood a man that was at least 6'5 in height black hair tied up red eyes a scar across his chest he wore a simple robe with a wine gourd at his left side and on the right side his sword Wushu's evaluation of this man was one simple word "Warrior" uttered Wushu under his breath.

Of course, Feng Xan heard this and asked: "what did you call me kid."

"your my grandpa but looking at you your a strong warrior" answered Wushu innocently

Everyone started laughing this man was the strongest of the current 4 clans Masters, of course, he was still weaker than their ancestors but still, he was one of the strongest, so of course, he was a warrior.

But Feng Xan was shocked a kid of 3 made an evaluation that he was strong he was pleased with this boy he had made a good impression on him, but he was embarrassed about one thing.

"So my little warrior what is your name" since Wushu called him warrior he just called him little warrior but before he got his answer his son started laughing "HAHAHAHAHAHA," Feng Xan asked annoyed "why are you laughing brat."

"hahaha its too funny this brat is Feng Wushu his name means warrior, and you called him that in your first attempt." (Feng Chen)

"Oh" Feng Xan answered but got back to the topic

"So little warrior what do you want for your birthday" he felt bad for never seeing this grandson of him, so he wanted to make up for it.

"Well I don't need anything I will get my presents from dad" answered Wushu after thinking for a while

"you don't want anything what type of toy did you ask for," Feng Xan asked with some interest


"What do you mean none?" Feng Xan was confused usually kids this age would want toys

"I asked for a spear that I can use with my height I asked for a cultivation technique and asked for a book on the cultivation stages and general knowledge" answered Wushu calmly.

When everyone in the room heard this, they were shocked a little kid wanted to have this? They knew he was hailed as a prodigy, but this was next level.

"Why" Feng Xan had lived a long time and knew that it wasn't uncommon for some monster talents to train from a young age, but they all had their reasons the people that would answer with for fun would usually not make it.

"To become the strongest" Wushu answered with a determined tone.

"why would you want to be the strongest being the young master you could live a simple life without any danger" Feng Xan asked because this was what all those other young masters did only cultivate when they were forced to.

"Strength determines everything with strength I can choose to protect create or destroy without that I'm just some cannon fodder that the true experts could kill with a gaze" Wushu had read a lot and knew that there were people in this world that reached the realm of gods so being a young master could be nice and start acting all arrogant, but what if he offend some big shot he would die without even knowing what happened.

"hahaha what a kid I like you" and when everyone heard this voice everyone got on one knee even Feng Xan and bowed

"Esteemed Ancestor Feng"

'Why are all the big shots coming to my big party again?'

Wushu was astonished to even see his grandfather but to see the ancestor that is on a whole new level.