Chapter 1 Ramblings

My name is Toru, well that's my current name at least. I had another one, in my past life. I was used as a guinea pig for molecular transportation at my last job at a certain research center. Now I don't really know where we failed, our past subjects all seemed to transport fine, guess I'll never know. I wonder if I reincarnated or just a part of me transferred to another universe. Bah! Thinking for another time. Now where was I?

Oh yes! My name is Toru, five years old and an orphan. My parents died in an attack five years ago by some demon fox or so I've been told. They died protecting this village along with my cousin Naruto's parents. Poor kid, today's his birthday and everyone is out to get him just because he was born on the same day as that attack. Bastards all of them. He's done no wrong but that doesn't matter to any of them. They call him a demon everywhere he goes, he can't even make any friends. All the children are told to stay away from him. They even try to get a beating on him, now I try to ward them off but we are just overwhelmed but I'll be damned if I can't at least try to protect my last family member alive.

While it's true we aren't completely alone thanks to the old man leading this village. Hiruzen Sarutobi is his name. He's the one that gave me this journal on my birthday. He's a kind man but he can't always look out for us due to his job as protector of the village. He tries to help us as best he can and I'm really grateful for it. He can't help that his villagers are idiots.

Protector of the village or kage as they are known, are the most powerful people of their country. Amazing really if you ask me. The people of this world are capable of feats out of movies of my old world. They can breathe fire, make clones and even ordinary citizens are capable of extraordinary feats of strength, although rare. Most capable of these feats are known as ninja, and in three years time, I'll be able to attend an academy to become a ninja with permission from the old man. I can't wait to unravel the mysteries of this world, it sure beats whatever investigation I did in my past life.

Enough rambling, the sun is beginning to shine and I have to take my cousin to a safe place away from all these bastards. Hopefully, I can make his birthday one without accidents.

- Signed Toru Uzumaki October 10