"Naruto! Breakfast is ready. Wake up already!" Toru shouted as he served breakfast on the table.
"Morning Toru, whats for breakfast?" asked a young blond boy with whisker marks on his cheeks as he was yawning.
"Morning Naruto were having scrambled eggs and bacon today, can't have you eating ramen every day. Toru said smiling lovingly while setting a plate for the boy. "Come on and eat, you know how hard it is for us to even get decent food".
"Yes, cousin. Although I don't get why we can't just eat ramen every day. You know it's the best!" Naruto said as he was sitting.
"We need these nutrients to grow big and strong. You wouldn't want to be a weak Hokage wouldn't you?" Said Toru between bites. "Besides today is a big day for me, I'm entering the academy. I'm going to need all the energy I can get. I'm even considering asking Gramps to have someone deliver food to us using my funds. Sorry, buddy but well only be able to go to Ichiraku's once a week now."
"Aww man, once a week that sucks!" Naruto pouted. "Well, at least when I'm Hokage I'll make a ramen day where everybody eats 10 bowls of ramen, believe it!"
"I'm sure you will," Toru said chuckling. "Well, I'm off. Make sure to wash the dishes while I'm away and try not to get us in trouble, wait a few days until after I formally enter the academy. I don't want those old hags from the council causing problems. We'll get them after, ok?" Toru said as he walked to the door of the broken down apartment.
"Ok Toru, I'll just practice those kicks you taught me last time. Bye" Naruto shouted.
As Toru walked through the village he received glares and murmurs from the villagers. Most gave way to the demon's brother and others braver tried to bump into him with the intent of tripping him. Trekking along he finally reached his destination. A large building with a tree with a swing in the front right next to the giant sing for "fire" on it.
Well, time to enter Toru thought as he glanced at all the people gathered. There were a lot of people being guided by their parents, others by guards. 'Wow, there's a lot more people gathered here then I thought. I guess its normal, we are one of the greatest and largest militant countries, after all, it would be stupid to assume few went through one of these academies. I wonder how I'll fare against all these clan kids I see'.
Once inside the designated classroom, Toru decided best to take a seat quietly in the front row next to a sleeping boy. Wonder how early this kid got here. He thought as the classroom slowly filled up.
A few minutes later after everyone was seated the door slammed open and in entered four people wearing standard Konoha ninja gear. "All right kids settle down and listen. My name is Yuto Karagi. I will be your primary instructor these next years as well as your survival and first aid teacher." Said the middle-aged looking man. "These here are your other instructors from left to right, Iruka specialist in ninjutsu and general knowledge. Yosa specialist in genjustus and information gathering and finally Mizuki specialist in taijutsu."
"All right children make sure to pay attention and work hard, these lessons can mean life or death in the battlefield," Said the man with dark hair tied in a ponytail and a scar across the bridge of his nose. "We will get to know each other in due time but for now we must be off to our own classes." He said as they all departed after a bow.
"Now we'll start with introductions starting with you and go along the files, state your name and goal." Yuto said as he pointed to a girl with clear eyes, long straight brown hair and pale eyes typical of the Hyuuga clan.
"My name is Misaki Hyuga, my goal is to uphold the Hyuga honor and become one of Konoha's finest." The girl stated in a calm manner.
"My name is Neji, my goal is to demonstrate the strength I am destined for." Said the boy that was strikingly similar to the girl next to him except he had a smirk plastered on his face.
"You. Next." Yuto pointed.
"My name is Chika Aburame, I will find a new combat beetle" Stated the stoic girl wearing sunglasses indoors and sporting a grey trench coat.
"My name is Tenten, I will be a great Kunoichi like lady Tsunade!" Said the girl with her hair tied in twin buns.
"My name is Rock Lee and I will become one of the greatest ninjas there is!" Shouted the young boy with some bushy eyebrows.
"My name is Toru Uzumaki, I wish to unravel the secrets of ninjutsu." Toru stated
'Red hair and green eyes, he takes after his father I see. Poor bastard. Never got to see his child grow. Damned fox'. Yuto thought as he nodded.
"My name is Kyosuke Sarutobi, I wish to be a great ninja like my uncle Asuma" Said the previously snoozing boy.
The introductions continued until finally, the last student got his turn. "All right listen up, today well just go over your curriculum and any questions you may have, after this you will be dismissed for the day." Yuto stated as all the students nodded. Now all of you have been allowed to enter due to your love of the village and its people. A strong mind and hard working mentality and a sound mind and body. But this is not all you possess. Each and every one of you has the will of fire within. Each of you will hone that drive to treat this village as a large family, cherishing and fighting to protect it as the previous generations have done. And once I'm through with you all I will ensure you will make them proud. Am I understood?!"
"Yes, sir" Said all the children.
"I can't hear you louder!" Shouted Yuto and was responded with a loud affirmation. "Good. Now This will be your general activities. You will arrive at 0600 sharp to train your body with me or instructor Mizuki. After this, you will report to Iruka at 0830 for a lecture in general knowledge or ninjutsu. You will be given time either freshen up, rest or eat breakfast at the mess hall. You may also bring your own food. At 1000 you will receive Yosa for guidance in genjutsu or information gathering. At 1130 You will be receiving me for military guidance. At 1300 you will be given an hour of rest, where you are able to visit the mess hall for food or the lounge for some rest. You are encouraged to attend lunch at the mess hall but bringing your own provision is also acceptable. At 1400 You will be expected at the training ground for physical combat and weapon training with Mizuki after this you shall be discharged for the day at 1600. However, should you need further assistance you will be able to consult with me until 1800 hours. I shall be at my office or in this very classroom. Any questions?"
Seeing that there was none Yuto dismissed the children for the day after stating that tomorrow there would be general evaluations.
"I'm home!" Shouted Toru as he walked into the house.
"Toru! How was your day, whats the academy like, did you learn a super mega awesome jutsu, what are your classmates like, can we go for some ramen?" Naruto energetically pestered
"All right all right settle down a bit, you are gonna enter in a year too you know" Toru chuckled. "Good news kid, we are going to be able to eat ramen. The bad news is you will have to make breakfast and lunch by yourself from now on. And if I catch you eating only ramen I will ban all Ichiraku visits you hear!"
"All right, all right sheesh. I promise I'll eat well. So come on tell me, whats the academy like" the boy responded.
"Well see it's like this…."