
After the troops got ready both Wayslick and Blkoldsun set up the defenses placing most of the soldiers on the walls. Machobro took out a grim looking war hammer he smiled at the group of men beside him. "You guys got lucky I'm right here I can fight better than any of these other crappy experts."

This was one the reasons they hadn't called him back to fight he had a big mouth. Rekiller gave him a death stare but Machobro just blew her a kiss. He really wasn't afraid of death, "Maybe we let that side get trampled." Blckoldsun said hoping that somehow the monster wave targeted him first. Wayslick was pretty close to agreeing with him but they needed everyone for this defense to work.

"Maybe next time." Wayslick said. Then he turned to Yellowpuppy, Nohair, Roxie and Raph whom stayed in the middle of the keep. "We will need you guys the most, you will support key areas make sure you provide as much as you can." He then turned to Shiny which was close the gate with about fifty men and then lowered it.

Blckoldsun stood atop the wall pulling out a vial holding it in his hands overlooking the now approaching monster horde. He removed the cork and drank its contents, feeling sharp pains all over his body he began to focus upon it enveloping his spirit around it. His skin turned green then began then began spitting a green cloud of smoke which covering the area around the keep. Arrows began to rain down from the keep striking at the center mass of the horde.

The monster on the ground reached the green mist but they began to feel its effects drawing some began to attack their fellow monsters while others screamed in pain. Unlike the ground units the flying units had made their way to walls quickly although they were being shot down most were able to make it focusing on killing archers. This was when Yellowpuppy, Raph, Roxie, and no hair would show up to help with the defenses. The began by targeting the worst spots protecting the archers and pushing back the incoming assault.

Blkoldsun continued drinking another potion then turned yellow, as he opened his mouth a swarm of locusts came out of his mouth surrounding the monsters that attacked from the air. This attack was centered on an incoming wave of eagle monster beasts breaking them apart. The group of archers focused the incoming onslaught knocking it out of the sky easily.

Blkoldsun moved to another part of the wall then once again drank another potion, this time his skin turned a slightly stronger pink. Then let out a purple cloud into the air onto another wave that had formed. This time the group of monsters that had run in came out with tears in their eyes coughing intensely. They could barely keep themselves afloat when a wave of arrows struck out at them breaking their formation once again.

Newbones looked at Blkoldsun knowing exactly what his class was it had to be poison master. There was no way it wasn't, this type of style was considered one of the least liked in the cultivation world. There were many reasons why it wasn't liked mostly because one could beat someone higher than their cultivation stage or realm with a strong poison. This seemed to many martial artists as a way to cheat by not using you own strength to win. Newbones knew that most of the martial artists who said this were actually jealous because they had lost to someone with a lower level of cultivation.

Knowing which poison were used and at the right time required someone with a very powerful sense of strategy. Blkoldsun pretty much had landed on a form of Martial Arts made just for him. With his expertise on strategy he focused key areas of the keep to keep the monsters back while the other parts of the group continued to hold on carefully.

Macho bro on the south side of the keep swung his hammer smashing through the head of a flying demon. "This is much too easy at this rate we will finish them in about an hour with no problems." He smiled crushing three eagles with one heavy blow . Rekiller stood close to him shooting of her bow knocking multiple birds right out of the air.

"Maybe we will let you solo the boss to see how good you really are." She replied keeping her focus on the wave of monsters not missing second to strike one down.


Shiny and the rest of the men continued wait for the gate to be broken it wouldn't be too much longer now. Shiny readied his shield watching the cracks grow larger and larger then BOOM the font gate opened up to the incoming rush of monsters. Shiny piercing the first three then lifted his shield to block the incoming rush. The rest of the men held the line slicing through monster flesh tearing down one monster after another.

Wayslick cast some protective spells increasing the defensive values of the line. Then dropped increasing the damage values by 5% and dropping the enemies by 5%. The small entrance helped funnel in the monsters eating away at their numbers.

After a few exchanges a new group of monsters appeared they were demons carrying pikes. They let monsters get in front of them then began to assault Shiny and his men. From a safe distance. This made their defense much harder to continue even Shiny was suffering. He only had time to defend now not getting a chance to push forward. The monster beasts were slowly gaining ground into the courtyard. They needed to get rid of the pikemen, then a figure descended into the back line were the pikemen were. He jumped from the wall onto a sea of pikes that was suicidal there was a good chance he would get stabbed to death.

The figure fell in between the piked by luck, landing on a demon slicing its head in half then tumbling in between the group of pikemen. He didn't give them a chance to react cutting down one after another moving in between them. This had disrupted their formation instantly leaving the knights in the front to fight back. Soon Raph and the rest from the wall helped out with the push against the monster wave in the courtyard.

"Shock tactics!" Blckoldsun yelled at Wayslick. Wayslick knew what he meant it was a dangerous move on the defensive for sure but they needed to relieve the pressure a little bit and recover full control of the courtyard. Now that the soldier had given then an opportunity Wayslick pushed for a strong charge.

The monsters not expecting this were destroyed viciously the group of soldiers felt a surge of energy seeing the enemy crushed so easily and continued the assault.

While in the distance the lone soldier continued his attack targeting the pikemen specifically. He was hammered with attacks bloodied but he did not stop. It seemed every time he got hit he also got stronger killing more and more monsters. The wave of soldiers worked hard to reach their comrade but then three pikes pierced him finally stopping him.

The soldier fell to his knees as the pikes were pulled out of his body, blood came out of his helmet. Then out of some kind of miracle he stood back up, startling his attackers how was he still moving. The soldier jumped cutting a demon in half picking up the pike and launching it right through the other two demons. Letting out a terrible yell. "Arrgh!!!!"

The monster wave stayed away from this immortal soldier fearing to come near him the soldier stood there staring the monster wave down the rest of his allies were soon by his side cheering loudly. What a powerful expert they had at their side who knew who he was but they had been lucky to have him.

Raph approached him recognizing him it was Lu Fang the soldier he had talked to not just five minutes ago. Lu Fang turned to see Raph handing him a bloodied letter, "For my family make sure they get it." Then his eyes darkened, still standing up looking towards his village towards his home.