
Rob and his father were both surprised when they saw they whole leading further down into an underground cavern? How was this even possible wouldn't their house collapse into it if there was such a thing? That wasn't the worst of it if this was an entrance that means other people could exit here too. Just what the hell was going on here?

"This is just too strange this wasn't even here before, when we built the house the foundation was solid there was nothing like this under the house." His father stood there in bewilderment. Rob just nodded watching his sisters come down the stairs as they also saw the huge whole in the foundation. It must have something to do with the game, something had to be done about this lest they have cultivators popping out of it.

"This has something to do with the game for sure. Just as I was about to meet with Dabria I got attacked by some witches." Rob knew it was too much for it to be a coincidence there had to be something to it. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs to see his sisters join them.

The youngest was Lily with long black hair and deep brown eyes that glazed with curiosity when she saw the big hole in the ground. The older of the two was Jenny with her brown curly hair and light brown eyes who signaled a worried look. "What did you do dad? Mom is going to kill you....."

Their father was about to explain the situation when suddenly a giant beetle appeared from the hole.


A scout beetle the size of a large mastiff appeared in the middle of their living room. It was looking around until it spotted them then began to step move back towards the whole in the ground.

"Hurry take it out," Their father said "It's a scout there probably a large group of those things close by, which it will warn." Rob readied his weapons and was about to lunge into an attack when suddenly a spray of gas shot out of the beetle. It had reacted to the large amount of spirit energy directed at it and went on the defensive.

Rob jumped out of the way while his sisters were a bit too slow almost engulfed by the gas cloud. Instead their father had jumped in front of it and was actually eating the gas that the beetle shot out. It had surprised everyone there even their father. NOM NOM NOM sounds came from their father as he ate the cloud then they turned to look for the bug which was already gone. I was actually quiet the sight to see their father stuff his face with what seemed to be a poison gas.

It seems their father could digest acids and learn them this must be part of his class abilities. "We are going to have to go down there and finish off those beetles before they cause more problems. Not to mention that was a scout most likely bringing ore of them up here soon." He saw his father readying his kit of poisons. His sister the youngest readied some canvases while the oldest got a tablet. Then turned to look at them ready to go on this cool adventure.

"Well we can't all go someone has to stay here and make sure the house doesn't get overrun by monsters." Then he heard the door opening to see his mother opening the door who had just come back from a run.

"You won't believe what just happened to me out there." She said as if she didn't believe it herself

"You got attacked by monsters outside." Rob answered knowing what she was going to say.

"H-how did you know?" His mother looking surprised by his answer.

Rob sat her down to explain what had just happened. She was intrigued by the story but also mad that there was now a whole in the middle of her living room. "I guess we need to split up and search the underground passage way. I'll stay here with Lily you can go together and search underground. I'm going to need her just in case anything come out of there she can use her painting to protect me while I take care of the enemies. "

Lily looked up at her mother not looking very satisfied with her she obviously wanted to head down and check out the underground field. Just as she was about to protest their mother gave them the look, that one look that says I dare you to say anything. Then she sighed and said "I just got in contact with Roxie and she should be arriving here later today so you can help them tomorrow Lily." Lily knew better than to protest and kept quiet.

"Good luck and be careful" Their mother said

Everyone nodded then Rob, Jenny and their father moved to the Underground Field.....