Hit and Run!!

Papier was sweating hard his hair was now blocking the view in his face it had been about thirty minutes of continuous running since Rob had used his phone, it was finally starting to get to him. He looked up at Rob worried, the rest of the group was also tired but due to them making it to the fourth stage they could go on for at least thirty more minutes. They had made it to a deep part of the cavern filled with twist and turns this was most likely a good place to lose their pursuers. The problem was that they would have to face some along the way and there was a good chance that they would collapse on them and kill them here. "What's next Rob were should we head out to?" Papier said with a low wheezing voice. Maybe he overestimated his endurance he could probably not go much farther than this.

Rob didn't turn his head and kept moving "We are almost there and everyone is almost set up it was hard to not get caught in the ambushes they had set up along the ways but with about three hundred people following us we will need to split their forces up and devastate them in these caverns. We will need to capture some alive too we need to find out who sent them." Three hundred of them!!! How did Rob even get these numbers? Where had he seen the rest of these forces show up? Papier had never been in so much danger in his life the people following them had thought of everything to keep them here and kill them.

The rest of the group just followed him though then suddenly Rob heard a beeping sound like an alarm come off his phone then stopped taking out his weapons. "Alright this is the hard part try and keep up Papier." The hard part what had they just been doing then running for their lives had been easy? Papier didn't complain though taking placing protective barriers on the group.


Laura (Rekiller) watch as her kids were followed by about three hundred cultivators into the caverns. Behind her about forty of the craziest group of people she had ever met in her life looked ready to take out these noob-like players to the cleaners. Laura had to calm herself down or else she would jump into battle and destroy these... these pieces of shit!!!! They dare try and kill her children!!! She almost jumped down to kill all three hundred of them. Roxie grabbed onto her stopping her "Not yet he said once the timer goes off."

The rest of the group were former pro garmers ranging of all ages all of them retired once they had been some of the most impressive/oppressive players to walk on any gaming platform. They had years of experience and once they had learned cultivation techniques recovering their ever failing reflexes they rejoiced with their newly found luck. They could once again play to their full potentials and they couldn't wait to get back into the battlefield. Although they had started a little late, they had easily caught up enjoying the way they could come back to playing. They awaited the timer like a ticking time bomb ready to overrun their new opponents with their power.

"Don't get too cocky when we go inside, we are playing hardcore mode here. One life and it's over." Ben(Machobro) said. "Stay together in the groups of three we assigned even you Rodrick I know how much trouble you specifically like to get into no heroics today." Machobro pointed out a gray haired middle aged man around his fifties. He was wearing a dark cloak with two machetes on each of his sides his eyes hungered for battle. Rodrick just smiled pulling out his blades ready to jump down and eat some small morsels.


Rob jumped in smashing through the small group of ten cultivators. Some stayed to fight while two of the others ran back this was a scouting group to pull the main one back towards them. Rob had scouted the area earlier in the week with the rest of his group knowing that some of these caves turned around on themselves making it very easy to get lost from your main group it would give them time to take care of this scum.

Rob's opponents didn't back down though they themselves seemed to be in either the third or fourth stage. Intense fighting began it like the scouts were made up of durable classes able to take high damage while waiting for reinforcements most of the group had healers and heavily armored units. The two that had left were most likely hunter class with high movement speed to warn the group. Rob maneuvered himself in between two of the tanky units that they had slipping through their front line.

With the help from his both of his sisters one dropping massive debuffs every time she dropped a stone and the summoned paintings blocking the view of the opponents from line he dashed through the front line. He activated landing close to the healers applying the slow on them all then used knocking one into the air. Activating and he obliterated the first healers in less than five seconds.

The opposing group's front line tried to dive after him before he could do more damage but I'mcold threw down some more talismans stopping them in a frozen sheet of ice. By the time they got out Papier threw down a barrier blocking them from coming close to Rob. Within thirty seconds Rob laid waste to the rest of the healers turning his attention towards the tanks. Without their healing they couldn't stand too much more damage and fell fairly quickly then Rob's group left quickly. Rob's group began to do these hits and run tactics forcing the enemy to group up more and more soon the group fell from three hundred to two in a matter of minutes.

This was only the beginning....