Finding a Way Out [2 in 1]

Rob found himself shielding his eye from the blinding light as he and Alazin came out of the cave. Good luck guys he thought to himself as they made their way into an abandoned construction area. There was something about that underground area that always mystified him. How exactly had it worked, how come it connected to so many parts of the city and why wasn't the foundation of building affected? Well he guessed not everything had to make sense, he continued thinking as he made out of the construction site to a commercial building run by Expo Corp. This was apparently one of the main companies of the Blue Sky Sect where they did some business with the human world.

As they made their way in Rob and Alazin received a few stares due to their current state of clothing. They had just come in covered from head to toe with dirt and were wearing what seemed to be old style clothing like martial artist would wear. The receptionist herself was on the phone as soon as she had spotted them. They didn't even reach the front desk when one security guard with a heavy build, long black hair and dark green eyes stepped in front of them. "I would suggest you make your way out friends, I wouldn't want to force you out." He said sternly hoping no incidents would occur.

"We were sent here by young master Papier to give message to his grandfather it is very urgent." Rob responded, "We...." as soon as he had finished his sentence he was grabbed by the big man, he hadn't even seen him move. Alazin had managed a half step but was also grabbed, just how strong was this guy.

Alazin and Rob tried to struggle but something was stealing their energy as if being sucked away. They couldn't even talk.

"I will be taking these two to examination room one." He told a couple of guards who they hadn't even noticed their presence had been erased completely. They were taken into the examination room grabbed by the scruff of their necks then were set down on two chairs. The strong looking man sat across from them. "Alright, we have just received news that the young master is dead how could he have sent you?" He looked at rob sending a small amount of energy into him.

Rob felt a little bit stronger and now found out that he could talk. "Last time I saw him about an hour ago he had been asleep. I left them with of my sects' people and sent him back to get some rest. He should be quite tired but he is still alive." After rob said that there was a small spark of hope in the guard's eyes.

"Is there any way to prove what you are saying is true?" the guard said sending intense spiritual pressure towards them.

"Well we could facetime them." Rob said taking out his phone looking for Roxie's number then he dialed it. Roxie's face popped up her long red hair with a pair of sharp horns sticking out of it. It took a few seconds to explain what was going on than the guard finally got to see Papier passed out breathing lightly. The guard showed a hint of a smile for a second but soon returned to a stern face. The guard soon sent two waves of energy into both Rob and Alazin. Soon they both felt their energy returning to them, then the guard turned to them. "My name is Merrick so what are you guys really doing here then."

Just as Merrick ask the question a loud explosion was heard on the upper floors, Rob could feel a heavy amount of spiritual energy above him. Even from this distance it was almost enough to suffocate him. He was having hard time staying on his feet and he was not the only one Alazin seemed to be having the same problem. Suddenly a spirit shield enveloped them. It was Merrick he had focused his energy blocking the heavy spiritual wave of power." If he had been a second later, they would have suffocated from the pure spiritual energy poring forth.

Soon the building was being ripped apart with large shock waves causing the earth to tremble. Loud explosive boom like sounds were heard overhead, and every time one happened a large chunk of building fell around them. Once a large piece of the building flew towards them but Merrick focused his energy splitting the large block of steel in half. Soon Raph could see what was happening up above he could see several lights floating about overhead. Thunder water fire and snow dropped around them and torrential wind storm began to form. The wall of wind surrounded the building, while the building itself became the eye of the storm.

Soon monster beasts began to join in the fight, Rob turned to see Merrick grow more and more worried. The clash became even stronger in the air wind buffeted raining blood around them soon the monster beasts fell to the ground lifeless. It had become a terrible bloodbath a loud crash sounded next to them. An old man had fallen next to them covered in blood showing a small amount of gold on his robes he didn't seem to be moving. Soon Merrick dropped the defensive barrier surrounding him while several experts landed close to him. That's when Rob noticed that some of the experts wore the deep emerald green color while the others wore a jet black robes.

It's a trap for us Rob thought.

Merrick approached one of the elderly men in green smiling, "I have caught a few rats grandmaster, It seems like the young master of the Blue Sky Sect is still alive. I have also caught the head of the Demon sect we have been looking for. It should be easy to blame what happened here on him exterminating our competition." Merrick had been on the other side and they had just given him all the information about Papier. It was a good thing he had told his sect to stay underground until they heard from him once again.

The grandmaster smiled, "So young man, you are the one causing us so much heartache well now that I know you it should be easy to take care of your friends and end your sect once and for all. Merrick get one of our men in the tunnel and use the changeling technique to grab his guild and bring them to us." Merrick nodded running towards the entrance, they would be surprised what happened to them. All that Rob was thinking about right now was how should he get out of this, and was the old man still alive he only had one chance and he would have to move towards the old man elder.

He signaled to Alazin telling her to move towards the elder slowly so they could use the scroll to get out of here. They were slowly turning to the spot where the elder was located, but they had the eyes of everyone but the grandmaster of the emerald sword sect on them. It seemed like they were insignificant not worth paying attention to like anything they did didn't matter for their end game. Just as they were about to reach the body of the elder two figures appeared in front of them. Raph recognized one of them Zach was there with his meteor hammer, while the other one was a slender man with dark black hair concealed in a dark black cloak.

"Ah Zach and Rivot should be enough to deal with both of you we have given them special direction to overpower you easily know. I don't know how you managed to defeat Zach the first time but this time it will be much too easy to defeat you." A middle aged man wearing emerald green robes stated. "I'll let him have his revenge on you then."

This time though Zach was already in Ape-man mode and his friend Rivot had changed into a Jackal like creature. They had both jumped into the second realm, coordinating their attack they jumping at Rob. Both of them were very fast but Alazin smashed her buckler into the Jackal's face it all happened in just a few seconds. both Zach and Rob wen't wide eyed. Alazin managed to land next to the elder, then in a quick motion she moved her scimitar. As Rivot tried to block the attacks with hidden blades in his coat the scimitar seemed to pass right through them stabbing the man right in the heart. With a quick motion she pushed onto her weapon slicing through Rivot's arm then made a diagonal slice. Rivot moved to block with his good arm but was too slow and had his head severed from his body. The movements had been extremely smooth without a waste of motion.

Alazin's incredible attack had even shocked the cultivators that had been watching how could she be so fast for someone in the first stage and so fast too. Alazin used this to grab onto the elder pulling out a scroll and began to activate it but nothing happened. It hadn't even begun it's casting time something was blocking this item from working. Smash!! One of the jet black men hit her on the back of her neck knocking her out looking angry.

"Now now Braz don't kill her yet we need her to make a body clone of her." Said the Grandmaster. He hadn't really cared that the young man had died especially because he wasn't from his own sect and that young girl had great power, he could use her to kill her friends certainly easy. Zach on the other hand looked pale was Rob as strong as her it could spell his death if he was. He was given this chance to show his enemy that he had gotten stronger and defeat him.

He didn't give rob a chance to attack him swinging his weapon making a perimeter around him. This caused Rob to jump back he had to find a way to make it to the elder he had one more idea to get out of here but he wouldn't have much time after he used it. This time he could see Zach's attacks due to him being on the fifth stage but he still had a problem following the attacks. He used then landing next to Zach but he suddenly got hit by one of the balls. Smashing into a piece of rubble close to him. Zach had gotten stronger even at the second stage if he had been at this strength when he first fought him, he wouldn't have been able to beat him.

He got up but another strike came at him. He didn't have time to dodge so he parried with his tonfas knocking the meteor hammer into the air. He kept his distance barely being able to dodge then he stopped once again blocking the attack but jumping backwards with the attack. Landing next to the elder and Alazin. He managed to look at the man called Braz, he had cold dark murderous eyes. Braz backed off quickly when another attack came at Rob.

Rob dodged then took out a small finger from his bag then he thought to himself well I hope you exceed my expectations then activated the item. The eyes of the Emerald Sword sect Grandmaster went wide a he disappeared.

A huge amount of spiritual pressure exploded from the item this had to be at least a thousand times stronger then the aura all the cultivators in the soon Rob saw the elder appear in front of him his hand almost reaching his neck. Then the elder was crushed by the spiritual energy Rob only had twenty seconds to act so he grabbed onto Alazin and the old elder and activated the scroll.

He got pulled into a wormhole bringing the elder and Alazin with him.

"Good Job kid," He heard a voice in his head. "I don't know how you did it, but good job."

"God is that you?" Rob thought
