[Bonus] Revenge on Truen

When Zero said that he was going to make Truen payback for the 'favour', he meant every word of it. The archer wasn't against accompanying Zero on a shopping trip but the foreboding feeling since morning became even worse when he saw where Zero was taking them to.

The clothing store was every man's nightmare and Truen was no exception. When he saw the kind of clothes Zero was looking at, he melted a little on the inside. It was true that Zero would look good in almost anything and it was his duty to take pictures when Zero tried on new clothes and send it to the group chat with the onion union. 


It was a different matter when Zero made Truen try on clothes.

Because Zero made them look similar, Truen understood the dangers of having an androgynous face. Zero looked great as a female and by default, so would Truen.

"Truen! Check this out! Isn't it cute?" he asked in a sickly sweet voice that made all of Truen's fingers cringe and die.