The First Doctor Adventurer

It didn't take long for Dorgon to create a special adventurer identity pass for Zero. Truen already had his tag for identification purposes and stored his card with the guild he registered it in Smargdas. For Zero, he was thrilled to receive both his card and tag.

The tag was a necklace with a coloured stone. Truen didn't know what kind of gem that was but he knew each nation had a different way of making their adventurer tags. For Smargdas, they used metal plates like dog tags. Truen was B-ranked so his tag colour was silver. For anything below a C-rank, tags in Smargdas were bronze. For C to A ranks, the tags were silver and for S-ranked adventurers, they had golden tags.

"What gem is this?" Zero couldn't help but be curious. The stone was bluish-purple in colour.