Man of Sea (4)

Nearly a month into the training, Ottley discovered that Zero and Truen were picking up their learning speed after the initial struggle, making up for the lost time.

"Man overboard!" an otter shouted from the small ship that Zero and Truen were acting captains of.

Ottley said nothing and watched from the sidelines. It was time for their test. After a month, Zero and Truen worked hard to learn everything about a ship. Now, they could easily tell their port from their starboard.

"Close the sails! Turn the rudder!" Zero instructed, and the little otters got to work.

Truen prepared to swim and tied a rope to his waist as taught. Ottley scrutinised the type of knot Truen used and noted with pride that it was correct. Zero didn't remain idle either and prepared the floatation device to throw it down to the 'drowning' otter overboard.