
When Docky heard from Ottley that Truen and Zero managed to overcome the practical aspect of their training, he smiled. The Marissa was also coming together very well. Pocky's prototype worked, and they were remodelling the initial design.

"Very good," Docky praised his disciple. "Did they use magic?"

Ottley shook his head. It certainly wasn't magic. However, these people were still very powerful without it. He told his teacher how Zero pulled Truen with superhuman strength and sent them flying when he fished them out of the water.

Docky listened without asking questions. Ottley also told Docky how Zero grew wings when he launched himself into the air to save the member overboard after he was fished out of the water, twenty meters into the air.

"Did he really do that?"

Ottley nodded. "Are we sure that he is the Chosen One and not some demon? Everything he does is out of this world."