Selecting A Crew

Truen and Zero learned a lot from Ottley about managing a crew even if they didn't think the information was particularly useful. They were more interested in knowing how to sail a ship to get to where they wanted to go. The only crew they needed was already assembled.

For a whole week, Ottley made them participate in menial tasks on the pretext of preparing for an actual voyage. Zero and Truen were no longer allowed into the shipyard now that the actual construction of the Marrissa was in progress. However, they were still allowed to help secure food and building supplies during their break.

The gnomes from Half Moon Village were also finally here, and Zero introduced them to the Sea Hand brothers. As expected, the gnomes hit it off right away with the sea otter shipwrights. Truen and Zero didn't have to do much. They spent most of their time with Ottley, who brought them out to sea with a small crew to observe sea patterns and the sky.