Adrian vs Gildarts

'Hehe imagine me creating my own Yukihira's.... I mean I have the cooking skill of Saiba Joichiro so I could.... naaaahhh'

Adrian and Mira left their home and made their ways to the guild in a rush, and when they arrived... there was no one in the guild

Adrian: Where is everyone?

Mira: .... I have a feeling I know where they are, come with me

Mira took Adrian's hand and took him outside to the back of the guild where everyone was waiting for him

'Damn I forgot this would happen'

Gildarts: So you finally made it

Adrian: Huh, what do you mean I finally made it, I'm 3 minutes early

Gildarts: .....It's an expression kid, but never mind, let's give these wonderful people a show!

Everyone: Yeah!!!

Currently Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy, Levy, Cana, Wendy and Mira were all standing next to each other, anxious for Adrian, but excited at the same time, as they had no doubt that this would be a fight that they would remember for a long time

Adrian: Yeah, let's do this

Adrian and Gildarts stared at each other before they both sprinted forward towards each other, ready to attack. Gildarts was the first to throw a punch, however instead of hitting back, Adrian kept on dodging

'I need to be careful with his crush magic, can't let him touch me'

While Adrian was dodging swiflty, making sure that Gildarts palms would touch him, Gildarts was impressed as he realised that Adrian knew about his abilities

'Looks like he did his homework, but that doesn't matter'

Gildarts then threw his fist foward, which Adrian dodged once again, however this time his fist went downwards towards the ground, completely shattering it

'Shit' Adrian thought as he knew messed, since he was forgot that Gildarts wouldn't fight him in only hand to hand combat

The ground being destoyed causing Adrian to lose his footing and stumble, giving Gildarts the opportunity to move in knee him in the chin, sending him upwards with blood seeping out of his mouth

Mira: Adrian!

Gildarts then jumped sent punch after punch into Adrian's stomach as he was slightly out of it, due to suffering the full powered knee to the chin

With one final punch Adrian was sent flying into the ground. Meanwhile in the stands Mira's magic power was slowly starting to rise

Adrian: Argh, I'll be feeling that for a week

Adrian slowly stood up and faced Gildarts with a grin which slightly stunned him

'He looks fine, how?..... Hahaha, master you've brought as good one to the guild' Gildarts thought with a mental smile, and was eager to see what Adrian would do next

Adrian, deciding that being on the defensive was no longer an option, used shunpo to disappear from everyones sight, and appeared behind Gildarts, and lightly kicked him in the back of the knee, causing him to kneel

Appearing infront of him Adrian cocked his right fist backward and punched him straight in the face, causing his head to turn left with blood and a tooth coming out, before he did it again with his other arm causing even more blood to come

What the hell!' Gildarts thought to himself, 'How's he suddenly so fast Aaaarrrghhhh'

Adrian pulled his arms back and with a thrust he sent his palms into Gilldarts chest, which sent him flying backwards, and rolling on the ground

The crowd was currently deadly silent as they were carefully watching the entire fight. The master was stunned at this scene, he's never seen Gildarts in this sort of situation before. Yes he knew about Gildarts body, but they had been replaced with mechanical limbs, and Gildarts assured him that his strength was still the same as it had been with his actual limbs

The rest of Adrian's friends were watching with eyes wide open as they saw their guilds top members fight, and the one considered 'The ace of the Guild' was stuggling to stand up

'It feels like a damn train hit me... what is up with his strength... i guess i can go all out without worrying'

Adrian was tensing his leg muscles, ready to move at a moments notice, and was clenching and unclenching his fists

'This is probably my Saiyan bloodline acting up, desperate for a good battle... i can't help it, lets see how you deal with this'

Running forward Adrian began to fight Gildarts in hand to hand combat, but was more on the offensive this time and would get him by Gildarts, but would send shockwaves of punches into his body

There was blood all over the floor, belonging to the two titans that were decimating the training field

Gildarts strength was not anything to joke about, as he had been hit in the face, shoulder, chest, legs, and the back with lots of different styles of attacks... as expected of a master hand to hand combatant

Although his wounds would heal, this does not mean he didn't feel any fatigue, since the wounds that would heal, would replace the blood that was lost... and he lost a lot

Gildarts on the other hand was currently panting and had blood running down his face and arm, he looked at Adrian as an equal, something he hasn't found in a long time, and was really happy that he got to fight someone so strong, but annoyed that he was losing, but only slightly

'Let's see you handle this' Adrian thought as he jumped backwards and started channelling his magic in the palms


A blue burst of energy destroyed the gound in its path as it made its way to Gildarts at full force who only smiled, forcing himself to stand straight he placed a palm at the attack


Adrians attack was negated by Gildarts technique greatly surprising him, before Gikdarts ran up and sent a very powerful blow launching him a great distance away from the training field, and destroying a lot of trees in the process

Natsu: One hand!

Gray: That's crazy!

Master: Sigh... I think you may have gone over board...

Gildarts: Shit, I think so too

'Adrian...' Mira thought in worry as she looked at where Adrian was sent flying

All of Adrian's friends looked towards the direction at which their friend went crashing through and felt a lot of worry for him, however everyone that was there accepted him as No. 2 of the guild, and were all proud that he had proven his worth, especially the master, Gildarts and Mira

Master: Well, it looks like the winner is


Everyone looked towards the direction at which Adrian was sent crshing through the trees, and held the hands over their ears, as Adrian's voice almost busted their ear drums at how loud it was, all of Fiore probably heard him, needless to say that he was so far they could barely see him... however that all changed the moment Adrian said a single, but deadly word


Suddenly out of know where a 100 feet humanoid warrior appeared, it was pitch black with a greatsword in its arms, and a pair of wings which spouted from it back, as it jumped in the air started to fly towards them at top speed

Gray: This level of magic power is nothing like before!

Erza: T-this.... this must be his true strength


Everyone started to cheer for Adrian and he came flying downwards, with his sword pointed straight at Gildarts who actually sdtarted to shake slightly in... Fear?!

Gildarts: This is.... Amazing!! master you've really found one hell of a member

Master: Shut up and pay attention to the fight you idiot!

Gildarts, although slightly worried for his survival Gildarts braced himself to use his most powerful technique that he knows


Gildarts, sending his most powerful crush magic strike at Adrian, collided with his Sussano, creating a devastating explosion, destroying the entire training field, and sending everyone backwards, even the master, who went flying into the guild, breakin through the walls


Happy: Natsuuuuu, are you still alive?

Natsu: No....

Everyone began to help each other up before they quickly ran towards the field, or crater which was covered in dust with their aching bodies

When the dust settled, they saw Adrian standing above the unconscious body of Gildarts

Master: H-how?

Natsu: Yeah!

Everyone started to cheer for Adrian who just smiled at them with his right fist in the air

Master: It seems we have a new ace of fairy tail, hahahaha nice one my boy