
Natsu: Dude that was amazing... fight me next!

Adrian didn't say anything and just punched Natsu in the face sending him flying into the air, with Happy flying after him

Makarov: Well that settles that then

Adrian turned around to see Gildarts laying on the floor, so he went and picked him up gently and took him to the guilds infirmary. After leaving the infirmary he was greeted by his friends

Gray: Dude that was awesome, but don't think you'll be the guilds number 1 forever, I'll surpass you one day

Natsu/Erza/Gajeel: Me too/Same here/Damn straight

Adrian: Well I can't wait for that day, but for now, lets drink!

Everyone: Cheers!

Many people came and congratulated Adrian for his win and would ask for advice on what they should do to better themselves as mages. Meanwhile the master and a recently awoken Gildarts were sitting in the masters office speaking

Gildarts: Damn my whole body is really sore

Makarov: Hahaha, you really got your ass handed to you didn't you, hahahaha

Gildarts: No need to rub it in old man, besides now that I'm no longer the strongest, Adrian should be the next master

Makarov instantly became serious as he looked at Gildarts straight in the eye

Makarov: Don't think you can get out of the position just like that.... sigh but your right, although Adrian is young, he has shown tremendous leadership skills, and is much wiser for someone his age. Normally I would say no, but Adrian here is a different case, I believe he would suit the role of this guilds 4th Guild Master

Gildarts: That's great an everything but, I don't think he would want the role, he's more like me to be honest, he wants an adventure, and he wants strength

Makarov: Damn it, what is with you children rejecting the mantle of guild master

Gildarts: Hahahahahaha

As they were speaking about this, Adrian was currently heading home with Mira who was tightly hugging his arm. They were completely knackered from the celebration as everyone was drinking... a lot, and Natsu would keep charging at Adrian to prove himself, but would get knocked down easily

When they got home they went straight to bed and slept. The next morning Adrian woke up a few hours before Mira and headed down into his basement, which had been modified into a small training hall

Adrian sat down in the center of the room and called out 'status' in his head

Name: Adrian Knight

Age: 19

Battle Power: 220,000

Bloodline: Saiyan

Abilities: Mangekyo sharingan (Sasuke and Obito) Rapid Regeneration, Rapid Growth

Skills: Kamehameha, shunpo, kaio ken, galick gun, destructo disk, shadow clone jutsu

Energy Fused: 75%



[Quests 1. Place yourself in a demonic incubator, it can be either Tartaros's incubator or your own, rewards: Absolute control over your ape form and can tranform into an ape without the need of a full moon]

[World Travel: Unavailable]

'System did my rewards for the quest change?'

[Yes host, as i thought you wouldn't require rewards like that, and would better suit the full control over your ape form instead, meaning you could regrow your tail which would increase your strength]

'Will there be any negative effects if i do this?'

[No host, however there will be a change in your form as instead of a 100 meter ape, you will become a 200 meter devil ape, and your fur will go pitch black, with ice white markings all around] (Imagine Gray's marks around his body after he becomes an Ice Devil Slayer, but instead is white and is all over his body)

'So I'll only be considered a demon while I'm in the ape form?'

[Yes host]

'Phew that's good news'

Adrian then took out the incubator from in inventory and placed it in a corner of the room. He then took off all his clothes except for his boxers and stepped into the pod and watched as bits of wires stuck themselves to his body

[Host will now be put to sleep for an hour]

As the system had told him, he started to get drousy, and withinn seconds he fell asleep

1 Hour Later

Wooooosh.... ZZZZZZZZ...

The pod slowly opened, revealing Adrian, who's muscles looked more defined, and were slightly bigger than before, also the biggest change was that this time he had a tail that was attatched to his lower back

'Woah, i can feel the change within my body, its like my power will burst out any second now'

Adrian placed the incubator back in his inventory, picked up his clothes and went to take a shower. When he exited he got dressed and proceed downstairs to the living room where he sat down and started speaking to the system

'Hey system what's my battle power at now?'

[Host battle power has now reached 350,000]


Adrian was stunned to find out how much his strength had increased

'If this goes on, there won't be anyone in this world that can challenge me... well i guess its a good thing that i dont plan on staying in this world forever, there's way too much out there for me, maybe I'll head on over to Seven deadly sins or maybe Akame ga kill, that shit went completely off the rails as it deviated from the manga.... maybe I'll change that'

As Adrian was speaking tot he system, Mira came down and wondered if she should prepare breakfast, since she wanted to taste more of Adrian's cooking, but was hesitant on whether or not she should cook

'System how much is the Eternal mangekyo sharingan?'

[It is 500,000 system points]

'... It's convenient that it's exactly the same amount i made from my latest rewards'

[.... Yes host]

'Screw it, I'll take it, the readers will finally get off my case about me not having the EMS'

[What readers are you talking about host]

'Oh I was just imagining that my life was currently being written as a fanfic by someone who has nothing better to do with his life'

[..... Your very strange host. Be warned this'll hurt for a few moments]

10 seconds later...

Adrian was covering his eyes with his palms, and was doing his best not to scream in agony as Mira was around

'Fuck that hurt'

Adrian wiped the blood off from around his eyes with some tissue without Mira noticing and cleaned himself up, before heading off to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, as Mira watched intently, studying him with a notepad in her hand, causing him to sweatdrop