Training in One Piece

After watching Shisui move at an incomprehensible speed, Mihawk was astounded, and was instantly drawn to this power

Although he had faith that he'd one day get very strong and fast, he didn't think he'd ever be able to move at the speed Shisui did

He didn't believe that ordinary training would be able to help him reach the stage that he wants to, and become the best swordsman in the world... no, in all the worlds

Adrian: So What do you think Mihawk, you wanna join us?

Mihawk: .... Yes... yes I would like to join you

Adrian: Well then it's settled

Adrian gave Mihawk the Knight piece and welcomed him into his peerage. That night they all got to know each other better, by sharing stories over a barbecue, and slept under the night sky.... even though The was a castle right next to them

It was moments like these that Adrian realised how far he had come. Going from being an orphan in his world, the reincarnating as a saiyan in Fairy Tail, and travelling through different worlds

Adrian and Mira had gotten pretty far in their relationship and could be considered s married couple, If a group of strangers were to see the way they would interact

Adrian had been thinking about what he would do when he got back, after the 7 year timeskip, his strength would be crazy compared to the others

Ohh just thinking about how he'd destroy the Grand Magic Games would be something that will go down in history

The next morning

Adrian decided hat instead of leaving straight away they would spend some time in this world and learn about Haki

They asked Mihawk what he knew, and found out that although he wasn't a master at it, he had the basics down, and was currently training to improve his haki, and take it to the next level

Thanks to the Knight piece, Mihawk was making a lot of progress in a short amount of time. He also spent some time instructing Adrian and everyone else on how to use haki

How it works, how to materialise it and how to release it. They spent a month on Mihawks island training with the apes and getting the basics of Haki down

Adrian was able to use all 3 very quickly, thanks to the help of the system, and had stunned Mihawk with his aptitude for learning

Everyone would be improving their skills, and would regularly battle with one another, pushing themselves again and again and again

Masrur has gotten 3 times as strong than when he first left with Adrian. Also being able to slightly use Haki, and encasing his fist in it caused some serious damage to the landscape

Dumbledore would go out on his own and challenge the apes. He decided hat he would spend the month blind folded so that he can master observation Haki better

Since Ophis wasn't very interested in learning Haki, she would go with him to make sure that he doesn't get his wrinkly ass killed

Mirajane had trained herself in using her her Satan Soul: Alegria and would fight against Shisui who would be using his Sussano

At first they were both exhausted after using it. But thanks to them being part devil, they manage to progress quickly, and got stronger in it

Adrian found it very hard not to watch Mira in that new form of hers.... damn. Unconsciously he activated his sharingan and saved it to memory causing her to smirk at him.... before sending a few other poses his way

Adrian trained himself up by massively increasing the gravity causing his battle power the skyrocket to 900,000

Adrian could tell that he was close to reaching super saiyan, and couldn't wait to be able to reach it

(A/N: I know that the power levels for him to reach super saiyan isn't what it is in the show, but he is going to reach it when he hits 1 million as this is my fanfic)

During the last few days, they all stopped training and began to just enjoy their stay in the island. They would explore, hunt, and just talk to each other

Mihawk had decided that it would be best to get along with his team mates, and put himself out there

Although he seemed to be quite he badass in the show, Mihawk was actually very shy, and it took a while before he began to feel comfortable in everyone else's presence

Adrian was glad that they all got closer as a group and were able to become good friends. Currently they were all sitting by a campfire and were enjoying the cold breeze in the air, as they ate a few shish kebabs that Adrian made

Mira was currently leaning her head on Adrian's shoulder as she stared into the fire, before she realised something

Mira: Adrian don't you still have a Rook piece left?

Everyone stopped eating and looked at him curiously, as they wondered who their next team mate will be

Adrian: Oh right, I do.... well the next world we go to will be the last, where we will spend the next 6 years there to train, before we had back for the grand magic games. I guess I'll pick someone up there

Everyone began to get excited as they were told before that the last world they go to, will be the strongest and most deadliest place for them to be. It is a place only for the strong, and that there is no room for he weak