
Adrian decided that it was time to get moving, so he let everyone know the night before that they'd be leaving the next morning

When morning came, they all joined him in a large room, in Mihawk's home where they would travel to their next destination

Adrian: Is everyone ready?

Holding onto their backpacks and weapons they all nodded to him

'System, take us to Dragon Ball, when Goku is 5 11 years old and send us the the foot of Korin's tower

Adrian and his peerage disappeared in a flash of light, completely erasing their presence from the world of One Piece

Within a few seconds the light died down, and they all found themselves standing at the base of the tower..... which was very large

The tower itself couldn't be put into words as it went above the clouds and didn't seem as if it would stop anytime soon

Adrian: Ok everyone. We are about to put in some serious training for the next 6 years, so brace yourselves

Everyone nodded seriously to him, before Masrur asked him what the tower was, as it seemed to have amazed them all

Adrian: This is called Korins tower. What we are going to do is climb this tower to the top without using any of our abilities, as this is the first trial

Everyone nodded to him once again before they started to climb. Being the nice person he is, Adrian placed all of their things in his inventory for them so they could focus on the climbing

At first when they began the climb they were all thinking.... hoping it wasn't as tall as it seemed..... boy were they wrong

It took them a few hours but they managed to get to the top, where they found Korin standing there with his stick next to him

Korin had been alerted to them the moment they began their climb and was anxiously waiting, since he could feel that they were very strong

Korin was there looking at them with an impresses look on his face, as they managed to climb the tower fairly quickly, whereas others would take days, or would give up halfway

Korin: Welcome to my tower, I am Korin

Adrian: It's a pleasure to meet you Korin, I am Adrian, and this is Mira, Ophis, Masrur, Dumbledore, Shisui, Mihawk and Elaine

Everyone stared at Korin in amazement, as they'd never seen a talking cat before. Shisui has heard about summoning techniques but he never actually saw a summons

Dumbledore was less impressed as he had seen talking animals before, but it was a first to see a cat walking and talking like a human..... an overweight human

Korin: So, What is your purpose for coming here?

Adrian: We have come here to drink the water that resides here

Korin: Hmmm, ok then, go ahead

Everyone looked at Adrian as if he were crazy.... they did all that for water.... well technically they could do with some water as they were very thirsty, but they thought they came here to train

As Adrian made his way to the water, it disappeared, shocking them all. Adrian turned and found Korin holding it on his stick

Korin: Go ahead I said you can drink from it, never said I'd give it to you

Adrian's smirked before he charged at Korin, who would dodge, roll, jump, kick and hit Adrian while he was trying to get the water

Everyone was surprised at the level of speed this cat gave off, they were able to watch his movements, but just when they thought they caught up with him, he'd just increase his speed again

Adrian had informed hem on the way up that this was only the beginning, and compared to what they'd be going grouch in the future, this trial would be a cake walk

Slowly they all started to get excited at the prospect of reaching levels of strength that they never knew they could reach

After about 2 hours of chasing Korin he finally managed to catch him. Korin was impressed he did it so quickly, so he gave Adrian the water before warning him of the risks

(A/N: If your wondering why it took so long since his power level is at 900,000, it's because he called himself by increasing he gravity around his body, so that he's basically always training, and limits the strength and speed his body really has)

Adrian took a deep breath and drank some water. At first everything was fine, however as a few moments passed he dropped to the floor and held his chest in agony

Everyone ran up to him worried, before they glared at Korin for thinking that he poisoned it. However Adrian managed to clam them down saying this is supposed to happen, as this isn't normal water

After a few more seconds the pain subsided, and Adrian stood up with a grin on his face. He could feel that his power had increased by a lot

[Ding! Host have reached a battle power of 1.1 million. Host has achieved the form of Super Saiyan 1]

Adrian was very excited now. So excited that his grin didn't leave his face even when everyone was calling out his name... freaking them out a bit


Adrian: Cough Cough... anyway guys, this isn't normal water, by consuming it we get stronger, so I want all of you to drink it too. However there is a chance you can die or get poisoned from it, but don't worry, that won't happen as I have a plan for that

Everyone nodded to him before they began to chase Korin around for the water. One by one of course

Adrian had told them that he'd be at Kami's lookout while they chased him Korin around. At first Korin had offered him a Nimbus but Adrian refused seeing as there was no point since he could fly.... greatly shocking Korin as to thinking why he'd even climb in the first place if he could fly this whole time

'Is he an Idiot?' Korin thought