Completed Gadget

After returning to the ship I had gone straight to my workshop to repair any and all damaged equipment to make sure they are all in peak condition. After a few hours of going over my equipment and repairs, I move back to what I was about to do before the distraction.

I pick up the surgical knife again and insert my hands into the Eternal prison and watch as my hands are shrunk to the size of everything else inside. I use the microscope to be able to see what I am doing inside of the prison.

I flip the Spce Beast over onto its back so I can see the area that the heart is located, I notice that the Prison is working perfectly fine as the Beast is unconscious and won't wake up no matter how much pain I cause it.

I start by making an incision on what looks like it's chest area at where it's heart is located, the wound starts to bleed but I ignore the blood as I take another metallic tool that will clamp itself to the beast and hold the wound wide open do me to get my hands inside. I look inside and can see the heart beating at three times faster than a normal humans heart which is perfectly normal for such a beast.

I take the surgical knife to cut all the tubs and arteries that connect to the heart, while not damaging it in the slightest. The moment the last connection from the heart to the body is severed, I set the knife aside and grab the heart lightly and pull it out. The moment the heart is removed from the prison I set it inside the clear metallic bowl I had set to the side.

Now here is the critical part as I need to hurry, I only have a few minutes before the heart stops beating and dies out. It will be useless to me if that happens and I would have to find another Space Beast.

I bring the unfinished Ethereal Loop out, I open of the inside mechanics to where the empty power cage is situated. I take the heart and place it inside the cage very carefully, then I start to connect the six cables. Three of the cables are used to keep the hearts functions active and pumping while the other three will use the heart and supply the device with the needed power and energy.

Once I finish all of the connectors, I close it up and put the device back together. I the wrap the large sized bracket around my upper arm near the shoulder, where it fits perfectly.

I press the activation button on the top and hope that it works just as planned!

The device does not make me wait long as I can soon feel a very peculiar feeling running throughout my body, one that I have never felt before. I slightly shiver from the briefly odd feeling coursing through me as I soon don't feel anything at all.

I walk or float as I can't really tell how I am moving forward, well it's towards the mirror in the workshop. I soon stop right in front of the mirror and look to see what it is that I currently look like and I am slightly surprised. I have turned ethereal as you can see almost perfectly through me and only see a light blue wavy figure of myself in front of the mirror.

After seeing that the sight version of it works at least, it is time to see if anything can touch me or if I can touch anything physical. I go over to my gear and try to pick up one of my weapons, yet I am unable to as my hand passes right through it while I feel nothing at all. Next I try walking through walls and doors, it works perfectly as I am completely separate from the physical realm.

I'm getting sick of the feeling of not feeling anything, which in itself sounds weird so I press the deactivation button right next to the activation button to return myself back to normal. The reason for being able to touch it is that the device itself has become ethereal along with the user.

Material in the ethereal realm can interact with other ethereal material while those in the physical realm can only interact with the physical realm and not with the ethereal, and vise-versa.

That peculiar feeling suddenly returns as I start to regain all of my senses and can start feeling things again which is a sudden relief upon myself.

Even though this thing can be of use if your in tight situations, it's not something I'm gonna enjoy using especially the loss of all your senses.

Well I've finished it and now I guess I'll just hand it over to Sarah for now, and I'll probably start on my next project soon, even though whatever it might be will probably take many years to get started.