I'm sorry that I haven't been uploading for a while. I'm not dead. However, like I might've previously mentioned, I'm still adapting to college and I only have time for one novel and I decided to concentrate on WS for now due to me feeling more excited writing new chapters for it (This does not mean I don't feel excited about writing this. However, I just feel more willing to write a new chap of WS than this novel). However, I will occasionally post chapters for this novel and I know that many of you are upset by this. I just ask you to wait until I'm able to process college a bit better and adjust to it. I think I've already said what's different, but to recap, I drive myself now and the 405 is a bitch so I have to wait till 8:00 till I can go home. Free time is spent on either HW, studying, playing video games (for relaxation), and writing WS. I also have clubs which make me go home later. Maybe I'll start writing chapters in my car so I might be able to write chapters for this soon. So yeah that's the update that I wanted to write to you guys to say that I'm not dead as of yet.