Prince Shao's Birthday Part 1

The walk back was deadly silent for Yu Mei and Chu'mei. Yu Mei had been in the room with Pei Nan for no more than five minutes. Even someone as clumsy as Chu'mei could tell something was wrong. Not to mention the blank look on her lady's face.

Chu'mei softly tugged at the corner of Yu Mei's sleeve. "Xiaojie, are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

"I am okay. Do I not look okay?" Yu Mei smiled brightly at Chu'mei. Of course she was disappointed at the way Pei Nan acted towards her but why should it affect her. She was going to leave in a few months' time. Why should she care what he does?

Seeing that her lady was okay, Chu'mei finally let out a sigh of relief. "Xiaojie, what happened? Why did you leave so soon?"

"Fei Ning was there." Yu Mei casually said.

"Consort Ning was there? Hmph!" Chu'mei was not happy to hear that. Her lady was so excited to see him yet that two faced consort had to ruin it.

"That means he won't be bothering me anymore. I can finally breathe without worrying." Yu Mei put her hands behind her back and let out a deep sigh. Chu'mei would never have realized how much effort Yu Mei used to hide the disappoint she felt just now. She was the most carefree person she knew, why should she let Pei Nan take that from her. Feeling that she just had a moment of weakness, Yu Mei went back to her room.

She scrunched her brow when she opened the door. On the table was a tray covered with a silver top. Yu Mei slowly walked over and grabbed the note by the dish. After a little while, she let out a silly smile. She put the letter down and proceeded to open the lid. A tasty fried chicken was in front of her.

Chu'mei also caught sight of it and almost drooled. "Xiaojie, who brought that?"

"A friend." Yu Mei said slyly as she sat down and began to eat. Chu'mei wanted to read the letter too but it was quickly snatched away by Yu Mei. The mood on this side of the palace had started to lighten up unlike someone else...

In Pei Nan's court, everything that seemed joyous was not as it seemed. Right after Yu Mei left, he sent Fei Ning away, saying that he had work to do. He didn't believe Yu Mei wouldn't come back. And so he waited and waited and waited yet she didn't come back.

He only wanted to make her jealous at first but after seeing her silent earlier, he didn't know what to think or do. Wasn't she supposed to throw a fit or yell at him? So why did she stay silent all of a sudden. Just the thought of it made him stress out.

He wanted to go over to see her but he couldn't. It would have to wait until he came back to the city. Early in the morning, he had to go back and investigate Lian.

Three days had gone by and Yu Mei did not ask once about Pei Nan. She figured he wasn't going to come over anymore and so she had no reason to ask about his whereabouts. If she had just asked Chu'mei, she would have known that he wasn't in the city anymore.

So where was Yu Mei going dressed in a beautiful green gown. Simple. To Gu Shao's birthday party of course. Chu'mei was following behind with a small gift box in hand. Something that Yu Mei had prepared these last few days.

When Yu Mei arrived at Gu Shao's Hua Hu Palace, she was surprised to see that there were only four people there; Gu Shao, Fei Ning, a man she didn't recognize and a familiar face, Nuan Ti Ling. For a flirty and happy guy, it was strange that he only had a few guests. She would never had guessed that he only liked to spend time with people he was either close to or comfortable around.

The closer Yu Mei walked over, the more confused she got. What was Nuan Ti Ling doing here? Ju Ming's second customer. Ju Ming met her six months after she gave her first pill to Lady Gao Ting. Since Ju Ming traveled back two years back, this meant that she should have met Lady Nuan Ti Ling about six months ago.

Nuan Ti Ling was born in the state of Chun, youngest daughter of the Prime Minister. A natural beauty with fair skin, big round eyes paired with long lashes and plump pink lips. One of the most sought out ladies in all of Chun.

Nuan Ti Ling was in love with General Shang Guang. That was a secret no one knew yet Ju Ming stumbled upon that secret from one of Ti Ling's gossipy maids. For Nuan Ti Ling's lotus healing powder, Ju Ming bribed her with a fragrance pouch. It took a while to convince Nuan Ti Ling but eventually she got it. That lotus healing powder was for her master that had gotten bit by a poisonous snake. Otherwise she would never have gone to Nuan Ti Ling for help.

Gu Shao was busy telling a story that he didn't realize Yu Mei had arrived. He stopped in the middle of his story to greet her. "Yu Mei, you are here." He said surprised. He originally stopped by her courtyard that day to invite her to his birthday but she wasn't there. He wasn't sure if she was going to come or not. Now that he saw her, his mood had gone up by ten folds.

In the letter it wrote; [Brother Xu, I see that you aren't here. I came to visit at the wrong time. I brought you food like I promised. I wanted to personally ask you to my birthday at my Hua Hu Palace in three days. I hope this message reaches you and I am waiting for you. You must come. Signed, Brother Shao.]

Yu Mei greeted him politely. In front of people, she knew she had to keep up an image so she couldn't act reckless like how she did when it was just the two of them. "Greetings to brother-in-law."

"Is your injury better?" he asked. Even though she had told him she was fine, he wanted to make sure. Yu Mei assured him with a nod. She was happy to see him but then she was also very curious as to why Nuan Ti Ling was here. Gu Shao could see she was curious. "Yu Mei, meet two of my close friends." He gestured her to go forward. Nuan Ti Ling and Shang Guang immediately got up to greet her. "Yu Mei, this is Nuan Ti Ling, daughter of Prime Minister Nuan."

Gu Shao met Nuan Ti Ling a few years ago during his journey to Chun to sign a peace treaty. There he accidentally met the mischievous Nuan Ti Ling and they immediately bonded due to having similar personalities.

"Greetings." Both Yu Mei and Ti Ling greeted each other in a friendly tone.

"And this is General Shang Guang."

"It's an honor to meet Consort Pan." Shang Guang greeted with his rough and husky voice. Because he was a military man, he looked much more rough compared to Prince Shao. Shang Guang had broad shoulders, tall and tan. He had a small scruffy beard that outlined his chiseled jaw. He was the perfect image of a handsome warrior. It was no wonder Nuan Ti Ling liked him. At age 19, he was already a well-known General in Luoyang.

[General Shang Guang? This is the same General Shang Guang that Nuan Ti Ling liked?] Yu Mei thought as she looked at him.

In the past, Yu Mei had never seen him before. She had only heard of his name a few times. To see him in real life, she finally believed in the rumors. Not only did his enemy fear his sword but his looks were godly.

Judging by how timid and awkward Ti Ling was acting right now, Yu Mei could assume the two of them hadn't gotten together yet. Which was of course strange.

"General Shang Guang. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've only heard about your contributions to the state but to be standing in front of such a hero, it is my honor. Surely your wife must be proud of you." Yu Mei praised him.

Shang Guang chuckled politely before clasping both his hands and smiling at her. "I do not have a wife yet." He corrected her.

"Oh?" Yu Mei wanted to ask more but was stopped by Gu Shao.

"Okay, okay. Let's all have a seat and talk over some fine wine. I'm afraid if we talk here, the wine will get lonely." Shao quickly rushed them to a seat.

Gu Shao's birthday wasn't fancy like how most would picture of a prince.

A large round table was placed in the center of his backyard where a large blue parasol hid them from the sun. It seemed more like this was just a time to have a chat with long friends rather than to boast about power and money. Which was Shao's intention. He only wanted to use this chance to bring the people he liked together and talk from morning to night.

Yu Mei sat across from Fei Ning. Because Ti Ling already knew Fei Ning, she sat next to her. Shang Guang and Gu Shao sat on each side of Yu Mei. The last seat next to Fei Ning was reserved for Pei Nan. If he showed up.

"Come, come. Let's drink." Gu Shao stood up, grabbed the wine jar and poured each person a cup.

Yu Mei picked up her cup and drank it in one shot. She forgot to act graceful like Fei Ning and Ti Ling who raised their arm to cover their mouth as they sipped the wine. Gu Shao took this time to make conversation with Yu Mei. "I'm glad you are here. I really am." Gu Shao leaned over and whispered.

"I wouldn't have missed it for anything." She replied back.

"I was going to be really hurt if you really didn't show up. I would not have let you slide. You know that right?" He teased her.

Fei Ning who had noticed the whole time was beginning to feel annoyed. She grasped the cup in her hand tightly. "Brother-in-law, this is your birthday and we are all here for you yet you are ignoring all of us. Just for that, shouldn't you be punished. How about you take a penalty shot." Fei Ning sweetly yet teasingly spoke to get his attention.

"Consort Ning is right, you are clearly ignoring all of us. You must take another cup to make up." Ti Liang pointed at him. She loved to pick on Gu Shao any chance she could get.

"I third that. Have three cups." Shang Guang leaned over to pour Gu Shao a drink.

Gu Shao couldn't believe his friends were all ganging up on him like this. He had only talked to Yu Mei for a few minutes yet they were all finding fault in him already. He knew they were teasing but weren't they just finding silly faults with him.

"Fine. I'll drink but if any of you ignore me today, I'll make you drink a whole jar of wine." Gu Shao jokingly pointed at them as he chugged down three cups of wine. Gu Shao set the cup down and grabbed the wine once more. "Come, let's all drink until the sun goes down." He was getting riled up. It had been such a long time since he had last drank with Shang Guang and Ti Ling.

"Good! Let's drink until dawn." Shang Guang shouted along to bring the mood up. Not that it needed it.

"How can you all start drinking without me already?" a calm yet sarcastic voice came from the gate. Everyone looked over to see Prince Nan walking forward.