Prince Shao's Birthday Part 2

Yu Mei didn't need to turn to know who it was. That low sarcastic yet confident tone, who else could it be but Prince Nan. She propped her elbow on the table and leaned her chin on her hand as she casually picked up a peanut from the plate and popped it into her mouth.

If the most annoyed person was Yu Mei, then the happiest person was Fei Ning. She quickly stood up to greet Pei Nan. "Nan, you are here. Quick, come over and join us." Gu Shao waved his hand over to Pei Nan in a merry voice.

Pei Nan was dressed in a commoner's tan robe. No matter what he wore he still exuded the aura of a prince. His hands were clasped behind his back as he elegantly made his way over slowly. Every step he took was like walking on glass. His heart was pounding like crazy with one thought in mind…turn over and look at me. Pei Nan did not think that Yu Mei could go without turning to look at him once. Was she not curious about him at all? No way that was possible. After all they had not seen each other for a few days. How could she bear to not peep at him. He did not believe she didn't think of him this whole time. The distance was closing in and his hopes of her turning around became slimmer and slimmer.

On the other hand, Yu Mei was still popping peanuts into her mouth as she rolled her eyes. [Hmph! Why must you always ruin my mood.] Yu Mei thought it was truly the heavens playing with her. Whenever she was having a good time, Pei Nan would show up.

Even when Pei Nan made his way over and took a seat next to Fei Ning, Yu Mei didn't bother to say much other than greet him. Gu Shao was quick to pick up on the tension between the two. He couldn't help but chuckle in his heart. How foolish his brother was.

"Greetings to Prince Nan," both Shang Guang and Ti Ling stood up to greet him.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Hopefully you two are not disappointed in me."

"Of course we are. How can you be late. But…" Ti Ling looked at the wine in front of her. "Take two shots of wine to make up for being late," she set a wine cup in front of Pei Nan.

"Ti Ling, you are still the same wild child." Everyone chuckled as they agreed. After Pei Nan took both shots, the group all sat down and began to make small talk once again.

"Your highness must be tired. Have some snacks." Fei Ning sweetly said as she reached over for a small pastry and placed it in front of Pei Nan.

"It has only been a few days and yet you have gotten thinner. Are you sick?" Pei Nan asked Fei Ning in a worried tone.

"I have been too worried about your highness these last few days. But now that you are back I am feeling much better."

While the two of them were having their little moment, Yu Mei wasted no time to make conversation with Nuan Ti Ling who was next to her. It took no more than five minutes for Yu Mei to find out her answer. Nuan Ti Ling had never met a woman by the name of Ju Ming who helped her get together with General Shang Guang. Which means that she is still in love with that man. This made Yu Mei even more confused. What was going on with the original Ju Ming? Yu Mei was beginning to get worried. She started to think that maybe her switching soul's with the original Yu Mei had somehow alternated the past. But how…

Gu Shao who was having a chat with Shang Guang noticed the frazzled and confused Yu Mei. He grabbed his chopsticks and picked up a piece of walnut cake and placed it in front of Yu Mei. "Consort Pan, you haven't touched much of the snacks. Have some more,"

Yu Mei looked up surprised at the gentle and caring Gu Shao. He was smiling brightly at her. If she didn't know Gu Shao better, she would have thought he was flirting with her based on the smile on his face. This sudden move was caught by Pei Nan. His body stiffened as he stopped conversing with Fei Ning and glared at the other side of the table.

Ti Ling who had taken a liking to Yu Mei was the first to comment. "Eh? It's been such a long time since I've seen this gentle side of Brother Shao." She teased before turning her head over to Yu Mei. "Sister Yu Mei must be very important to get such treatment. You must tell me your secret. He never acts this way towards me." This caused Gu Shao to chuckle. Yu Mei on the other hand smiled shyly. Ti Ling's sudden comment made caused her to avoid Gu Shao's eyes for a moment.

"Silly girl. If you acted more feminine, I would treat you like a lady. But all you do is go around and beat up people." This time it was Shang Guang who chuckled. It was true, Ti Ling was not gentle at all. She was a rough and blunt woman who loved to bicker.

"Eh Brother Shang. How can you laugh at me. You are supposed to be on my side." Ti Ling lightheartedly scolded the laughing Shang Guang.

Pei Nan grit his teeth as he scrunched his fist together tightly. Was Gu Shao and Yu Mei flirting right in front of him? Just the thought of it made Pei Nan's blood boil with anger. No matter how much he wanted to enjoy the party, seeing Gu Shao and Yu Mei talking and laughing on the other side really got to him.

Hours had passed and the torture that Pei Nan felt finally came to an end. He wanted to use this chance to make Yu Mei jealous but it turns out, she was the one making him feel jealous. Not that Pei Nan knew nor would he admit it even if he knew.

"Sister Yu Mei, it was so nice to meet you today. I hope we can keep in contact in the future." The slightly drunk Ti Ling grabbed Yu Mei's hands. She wouldn't let go until Yu Mei nodded her head.

"Yes, it was a pleasure to meet you. I now understand why Gu Shao…" Shang Guang wanted to speak but was cut off by Gu Shao. *Cough* "Ahem, Brother Shang, I think you are too drunk. Why don't I send you to your carriage," Gu Shao lightly suggested as he quickly put his hand around Shang Guang's shoulder. Shang Guang wanted to protest and keep talking but Gu Shao's overbearing strength dragged him away before he could finish. This left both Yu Mei and Ti Ling to watch and laugh at how silly the two were.

Ti Ling then turned towards Pei Nan and Fei Ning. "Prince Nan, Consort Ning, it was really good to see you two again. In the future, come visit and I will give you two the best tour in the world," Ti Ling emphasized as she smiled widely at the two like a drunk fool.

"I will remember that proposal. Until next time," Pei Nan bid her farewell. Pei Nan turned his head towards Yu Mei who was feeling rather awkward. As soon as her eyes met his, the unjust she felt before suddenly came rushing back. She didn't want to talk to him unless he apologized to her. Before he could even open his mouth to say a word to her, she had already turned to face Ti Ling. "My carriage is parked next to yours. Let me escort you back. Your highness, I will bid you goodbye then." Yu Mei didn't give Pei Nan a chance to object as she quickly dragged the half-drunk Ti Ling out.

The whole walk to the carriage, Yu Mei was debating whether she should tell Ti Ling about Shang Guang or not. Would the drunk Ti Ling even remember her words tonight?

Just as Ti Ling was about to step onto her carriage, Yu Mei pulled her down. The flushed face Ti Ling wobbled a little as she smiled foolishly at Yu Mei. "What? Sister Yu Mei can't bear to separate from me?" she teased.

"You little girl. If I tell you this, will you even remember in the morning." Yu Mei sighed as she pointed her finger at Ti Ling.

"What is it? Tell me, tell me, tell me," Ti Ling pouted as she shook her shoulders like a child. Yu Mei walked closer to her and whispered in her ears. Ti Ling's eyes widened in shock. She covered her mouth with both her hands and stared at Yu Mei with suspicion. "Really? You're lying," she lightly pushed Yu Mei's shoulder and giggled. "You're teasing me aren't you? I caught you!" *hehehe*

"I'm not lying. Ask him yourself."

The conversation between the two ended just like that.

When the carriage stopped at Yu Mei's courtyard, she was ready to collapse and fall asleep. Before she entered through the gates, she had sensed something was off. Even as she was making her way to her room, she frowned at the strange feeling she was getting. If that wasn't enough of a sign, the door handle to her room was icy cold. Yu Mei pulled her outer coat towards her even closer as she felt a chill go through her body. Yu Mei opened her door and cursed in her head. [Son of a banana! Why am I so stupid. All the signs were there. Why didn't I listen to them.] Yu Mei couldn't help but scold herself more and more. She should have taken all those signs as a warning. The strange aura in the air, the cold handle and the chill. It was like the heavens gave her all these signs to not enter her room yet she foolishly paid them no attention.

He was here. Sitting in the middle of the room…staring straight at her. There was no turning back…