History is not set in stone

The rewards for those feats were greater than all of the other feats alex had completed in his opinion as not only did they give him twenty thousand points but the non point rewards were crazy. the first feat gave him a semblance upgrade ticket that evolved a single semblance of his choice into a higher semblance of the same type. alex wasted no time using this on his first semblance , sunlight that didn't manage to keep up with the feats in generating points. the result did not disappoint as the semblance evolved into {sunlight body}.

The new semblance not only had triple the potency of its previous form but even had an additional effect of granting him a boost in physique similar to nora when she was exposed to electricity but when he was under sunlight in his case. this meant that while he was under sunlight all of his physical traits were three times more powerful. to put that into perspective alex could previously lift a ton with one arm whereas now during the day he could lift three tons meaning his single arm had the strength of six thousand pounds. if you factor in alex's full body a walking disaster is the potency of alex's strength during the day.

The second feats reward however confused alex since the first reward was so crazy he thought the second would be the same but it was actually two items. the first was just a special semblance called {eyes of truth} that let him see through illusions as well as intentions. while great it was very situational so alex didn't think he would use it often. the second reward was just a plain semblance roulette ticket which he cashed in for pyrrha's semblance polarity.

No matter what alex came out of his whimsical trip home far more powerful than when he left. though one of the first things he did when he got back to beacon was brag about his leap of strength as well as show off his new polarity semblance. pyrrha was thrilled when she learned that alex had grown it since she found to hard to train her semblance creatively. now that alex also had to train the semblance she could take notes every time he did something with it she hadn't thought of. ozpin had learned of alex's jump in strength and had a cheerful smile for the next three days despite his copious amount of work.

Alex finally quieted the part of his mind worried that the girls just wanted to posses him like a trophy after using the eyes of truth on them and seeing only trust and a good deal of affection as well. all of alex's friends turned out to be genuine as well so he apologized for having had doubts which they all waved off saying in his position they would probably have similar doubts. ozpin had the oddest intentions towards alex as he seemed hopeful and expectant , but alex couldn't for the life of him figure out why.

The next semester started after the week ended and all of the teacher resumed teaching the students what they would need to know to be hunters. the teams that had come from the various countries had separate classes in the evenings with the professors who had come from their own kingdoms. alex got a read on all of the other teams by spying on their classes with a tiny spy bot he made with rubies help and only noticed a single person that seemed far more powerful than the others despite her acting otherwise.

The strange thing was that the eyes of truth not only showed her as being filled with malicious intent but also that she had a fire like power in her that seemed incomplete and unruly like it didn't belong to her. alex brought this up with the headmaster who looked horrified for a moment before thanking alex for bringing it to his attention saying he would take care of it. the morning after alex reported the girl called cinder news showed up of a huge fight having broke out and that cinders team had been apprehended by the headmaster.