Repurpose the lost

Salem destroyed large the glass windows of her castle in her anger after learning that cinder who had stolen half the fall maidens power had been captured. not only that but without cinder acting as her agent in beacon there was no way for salem to directly assault the school. without her ex lover ozma's defenses lowered from within her chances of getting the artifact sealed underneath were slim to none. cinders last report however bothered salem for some reason she couldn't figure out , but when salem described the flying person her intuition warned her of danger but she found none.

Salem pulled a few strings in order to figure out who that flying person was but her contacts failed to discover anything. this lack of information also told her a few things , first was that whoever this was had their traces been all but erased. second ozma likely knew this person and seemed to place great value on them. salem decided that if she couldn't get the artifact she would settle for hurting ozma in any way she could. ozpin knew that the moment alex informed him of cinder falls infiltration that salem would lash out after her plans failure and hid everything related to alex as best as he could.

Alex didn't know how big of a target he had painted on his back as he spent the next few months keeping the girls happy while practically burning through condoms. he was careful not to use any cheap condoms either as he spent points in the shop for guaranteed quality. alex had been excused from combat classes by glenda since he was way beyond her ability to improve making them pointless for him and she hated wasted time. rather than class alex was instructed to improve his mastery of his aura that had come close to the next stage but lacked one final push.

Alex still trained his body but his progress had began to slow down immensely as he no longer showed improvement on a visible scale. seeing this alex turned his attention to training his semblances on a wide scale since most of his training for them was for fine control. this had proven difficult as it was an act of going from surgical precision back to brute force which was unfamiliar to alex. most people tended to train their semblances on huge scales before working on fine control but alex was doing so in reverse.

This had blown up in his face "literally" a few times since he wasn't accustomed to ballooning his powers and caused extreme phenomena as a result. air control created a tornado at one point when he pushed it to it's extreme getting him special permission to train in the nearby empty mount glen. alex didn't need to avoid the huge amount of grim in the abandoned city either since the destructive nature of his training killed any brave enough to approach. the greatest discovery however was the huge stores of stolen dust he found when the ground collapsed during earth creation training.

The lack of dust told alex that these dust containers hadn't been left unattended for long so he called it in with the headmaster. this was how it was discovered to have been the stolen dust from all over vale. the thieves were not caught however as it was clear they had abandoned their gains when something spooked them. from the signs around the area it was figured out to have been around the time cinder had been caught.

Dust prices drastically dropped in vale as the market was flooded with all of the stolen dust returning to roughly what they had been before the thieves appeared. alex went back to his training after that while leveling the entirety of the abandoned city , minus a newly refurbished police building he had claimed as his base. alex replaced the crumbling cement with near indestructible bricks from the shop. the inside of the building was also changed into a more homely place with white carpeted floors and a brand new bathroom with a huge bathtub and slick marble flooring. the cells were remade into individual rooms with their own bathrooms after knocking down a few walls.

Professor oobleck was stunned when he showed up in the tall city walls only to find that the only building still standing was practically vacation worthy. the rest of the city had been crushed into dust by alex's training and then covered in fertile soil and seeded with grass and small fruit trees. alex had even gone out of his way to create an artificial lake that was fed from the aquafer under the ground. the place was no longer a tragic reminder infested with grim but a miniature paradise bringing a tear to the history professors eye.