Return to beacon

Ozpin had received the report from oobleck that detail the change in mount glen and couldn't help but laugh. 'mr.drake seems to have a habit of leaving the places he leaves better than he found them it seems.' he thought with a smile. ozpin decided that rather than waste the change alex had made to mount glen when alex finished his training , he would have retired hunters maintain it until the trees there were ready for harvest. this eventually led to mount glen becoming known as hunters rest as a small settlement made of retired hunters set up in the walls.

Alex returned to beacon not exactly more powerful but certainly more skilled having mastered both large application and small of his non physical semblances. this had proven useful as a couple of hunters had gotten into a fight in front of the school. one of the hunters looked like weiss but with slight differences as well as obviously much older , while the other was a lean man in gray with short black hair and a haunted look in his eyes. alex ended the fight by encasing both of the hunters in narrow steel iron maidens without any internal spikes.

Summoning those constructs around moving targets in an instant was tricky but possible with alex's earth creation. when glenda showed up and fixed the damaged grounds with her hex semblance alex unchained the two iron maidens releasing the two hunters inside them. "i hope you two thought about what you did wrong while you were in time out." alex said with a mimicked stern tone but his smirk gave him away. the two hunters looked at alex with two different expressions , the woman looked irritated while the man seemed to have gotten the humor and chuckled.

"That your doing then ?" the man asked curious. alex nodded "you two were causing a good chunk of chaos so i figured it would be best if you were stopped. you are quite lucky actually since my usual methods tend to leave people traumatized." alex said casually. "what is your usual method if you consider that gentle?" the woman asked in disbelief. "normally I'd just suck the oxygen from your surrounding until you passed out from suffocation. doesn't actually harm the person but does tend to leave a bit of trauma , like drowning." alex explained honestly getting fearful expressions from the two.

"yeah i would prefer the box thanks." the man half joked before getting tackled by ruby. "uncle qrow!" she exclaimed when she hug tackled the distracted man. "oof , good to see you too kiddo." the man said catching her and stopping himself from falling. the rest of the girls were also nearby with weiss walking towards the woman who seems to be her sister and yang coming over to ruby and the man apparently called qrow. this left blake who suddenly looked lonely until alex swept her off her feet. "melancholy doesn't suit you kitten." he teased her brightening up her face immediately.

The look of shock on both qrow and Weiss's sister winter when the girls all introduced alex as their boyfriend was hilarious. qrow almost choked on his drink while winter looked like alex had sinned against the gods. it only got worse however when he ratted out the girls as the ones who had picked him up rather than the other way around. qrow practically suffocated from how hard he laughed while winter looked like her entire world view had just collapsed. as it turned out both yang and ruby had totally different mothers who had fallen in love with the same man who was their father.

Qrow thought it was hilarious how both of the girls had taken after their mothers in regards to romance. ruby seemed to be happy to have something in common with her mother who was apparently dead but yang seemed more conflicted than anything. that was until alex said that she was herself and that's all he cared about which cheered her up. "well at least you seem to know how to keep your women happy , tye always had trouble with that." qrow said jokingly.

Qrow and winter promise to catch up with their relative girl after settling some business with the headmaster. alex is swarmed by the girls once qrow and winter vanish since he had been absent for a couple of months while they still had the combat classes that prepared them for the vytal festival at the end of the year. alex narrated what he had been doing as well as how he had created a huge fruit grove on top of the ground down remains of mount glen. the girls ate up his story with fanatic fascination and interest in such an incredible sounding tale.