The Alex problem

Meanwhile in ozpins office qrow and winter each gave their version of the events that occurred in front of the school with only their capture by alex being agreed upon. ozpin could help but tease them at getting captured by a student knowing full well that at this point he himself would be nearly powerless against alex. "where did you even find that monster oz?" qrow asked seriously. winter looked confused "alex didn't seem that dangerous despite catching us off guard. why do you call him a monster?" she asked not understanding.

Qrow took a drink "you can't be blamed for not noticing since you are a military stuck up , so reading people isn't something you are trained for. but for what i do reading people is my bread and butter , when i sized up that kid i only got a single feeling , helplessness like he could crush me without a thought." qrow said both angering and worrying winter. "you aren't wrong in your assessment however your scale of his power is wrong , if mr.drake so wished he could rip beacon into pieces and no one here minus those girls could stop him , not even myself." ozpin says seriously.

"Tell me you're joking." qrow says in disbelief. ozpin shakes his head "not this time i'm afraid , alex is the most remarkable person i have ever come across , at eight he brought the faunus to being an equal kingdom without any more than giving ghira a plan to follow. at his current age of fourteen his physical body alone has several tons of strength and due to his unique semblance he has the powers of several different semblances none of which can be considered weak. right now he has to my knowledge the powers of thirteen complete semblances and most startling of all is that he seems to be constantly growing more formidable." ozpin said seriously.

"Thirteen semblances , that preposterous!" winter exclaimed in outrage. "if not for the overwhelming evidence in support for such a claim i might have been in agreement miss schnee." ozpin says calmly. "evidence? you mean there's proof? how? it shouldn't be possible?" winter said doubtfully. ozpin showed them the footage of alex training at mount glen along with footage from the schools own security system showing him training with his friends. "if all of what you said is true this person needs over sight , he is far too dangerous to be allowed freedom to do as he pleases." winter said seriously.

"Were it not for his personality i might have agreed with you , however alex is kind and considerate , the only way the world would need to fear him is if someone touched something he cherishes. in that case your best option would be to hand over the person responsible regardless of who it was because if you try to protect them only those girls and his friends may be able to stop him." ozpin warns winter seriously.

"Then again you would need to subdue him to even consider putting a leash on him , so he would remain free either way." ozpin said casually pointing out the biggest flaw in winters idea. winter looked like she wanted to argue but stopped when she realized ozpin was correct in that they had nothing strong enough to subdue alex. "what of the girls are they safe with someone like that?" qrow asked concerned for his nieces. "to be honest they are the safest with him then at any other point in their lives. according to them he is basically a fairytale knight that has only a single major flaw." ozpin says honestly.

"What flaw?" winter asked curious. "pride , and i don't mean in a normal way either , due to his heritage as half eagle half lion alex has the innate pride of two of the rulers of beast making him closer to apathetic to those weaker them him than anything. at one point he caused another student to suffocate when that student bullied a rabbit faunus for her ears." ozpin explained honestly. "if that's it than it doesn't seem like the kid is going to be an issue." qrow said honestly before taking a swig of his flask.