Plant maker

"How can you say that! he sounds like a menace!" winter yells at qrow angrily. the man simply shakes his "there are two types of apathy , the first is like you probably are thinking of were the person thinks of everyone below them. the second type is usually gained from power of some type. the difference is that the second type tend to only care about the people or things that affect them in some way. this means so long as they are left alone they are almost completely harmless despite how powerful they are , from oz's description alex is the second type." qrow explained calmly and ozpin nodded to verify this.

"So you expect me to just leave someone like that alone?" winter asked in disbelief. "it is the most reasonable option , ironwood himself would likely agree once he figured out he couldn't conscript alex into atlas forcibly." ozpin said honestly. "what of my sister weiss , what makes you so sure he would never hurt her?" winter asked worriedly. ozpin smiled and told them how alex reacted when all of the girls expressed their interest in him blatantly. ozpin told them how alex flew to just outside his office to clear his mind and sought advice from him before wowing him as thanks before leaving.

Winter admitted that it does sound hard for someone like that to be abusive at all. with the alex problem addressed winter got back to the reason she was here , the upcoming vytal festival. once she settled her priorities she left ozpins office to go catch up with her little sister like she promised. ozpin looked at qrow who started reporting in " somethings got her either angry or curious oz , i've seen agents asking about flying people leaving beacon and that they wish to meet this person." qrow said seriously and ozpin paled.

"It seems she's caught wind of alex earlier than i would have liked." he said gravely. "wait you mean the kid can fly too?" qrow asked like that was just too much. ozpin nodded "not only can he fly but from the last radar scan of him doing so he can go at least twice the speed of sound." he said honestly. "really capitalizing on the whole king of land and sky thing huh?" qrow wondered out loud. "so it seems." ozpin agreed.

Qrow left after finishing his report since he also needed to catch up with his nieces and maybe even checkout alex in depth. that last idea didn't get done on this day though since rather than intrude on the others family reunions alex took blake flying and spoiled her a bit in vale. after having their relative girls explain about alex both winter and qrow had to agree he was definitely fairytale like just as ozpin said. winter asked why weiss was ok with sharing alex with others and weiss explained that since they were all on the same team and living in the same room it would simply be easier if they just shared.

Blake had a fantastic time with alex as he flew her around for half an hour before taking her to a full service spa that did her hair nails and massaged her. after that alex took blake to a bookstore and got her the latest edition of her favorite series. once that was done alex bought blake a sushi diner without limit despite how expensive it was. blake was still thrilled to pieces when alex flew her back to their dorm in a princess carry and set her down gently on the shared bed.

The next few months bored alex as besides the nightly gymnastics alex had been excused from all classes leaving him with only his daily training and nothing else to do. it got so bad that alex had even started experimenting with various types of teas to find the best possible one. it was thanks to a nifty little thing alex purchased from the shop called a plant growth fabricator. the coffee pot sized machine took samples of the plants alex gave it and grew adult versions in minutes and even had a cross breeding function letting alex selectively create the perfect tea plants.

Alex had used the machine to make a type of coffee bean with nearly five times the caffeine with more pronounced flavors for oobleck who fell in love with it immediately. ozpin had made a large stash of dried tea leaves that he had alex make after trying it once. the girls went a bit crazy with the machine however by mixing plants that had no business being mixed. one such example was cacao and tomato plants creating a chocolate flavored tomato. despite the protest alex refused to let the girls use the machine after that though he did make more of their abomination plant since it was delicious.

Someone pointed out that willow schnee was Weiss's mother and that winter schnee was her sisters actual name so i edited the previous chapters to fix this mistake. if you notice any other identity mistakes please let me know so i can fix them.