Prom and tournament

Two weeks before the vytal festival was set to start alex had to deal with an entirely different problem. the yearly prom was set to be held right before the festival and alex had been roped into helping plan the event. it was nightmarish for alex since the initial plans needed to be remade over and over again as different problems kept cropping up from the bands canceling to a lack of consumables. the worse part for alex was that he had to help each of the girls with their outfit shopping and fussing over the tiniest details.

By the time the prom had actually come around alex was mentally exhausted from dealing with so many things at once. alex had cleared out the entire cafeteria for the event and decorated every inch of the place including the high ceiling thanks to his wings. when they dj arrived and set up alex finally started to relax and got changed into a tungsten thread tuxedo that weighed about a hundred pounds by itself. the reason for this was because this event would be a great opportunity to attack while everyone was distracted and he wanted at least at little defense.

People started to arrive and soon the prom was in full swing and everyone seemed to be having a good time. when the girls arrived alex kissed each of them and showered them in compliments like any good boyfriend would which made them all happy. alex's parents had instilled the ideal of a happy wife is a happy life and he followed that doctrine religiously. it showed to as none of alex's girls ever fought with him over things unless he simply didn't know any better but he never repeated any mistakes so they stayed mostly happy all the time.

Alex made sure to dance with each of the girls as much as they wanted and switched between them regularly to keep them from getting jealous. qrow had somehow managed to convince winter to dance with him and she even seemed to enjoy herself. when jaune showed up in a dress though as a prank everyone had a good laugh and alex even got the self conscious boy to dance with pyrrha as the two had a mutual attraction going on between them. it ended well too as pyrrha decided to take a page from the girls pages and directly confess to jaune who admitted he felt the same.

Everyone applauded the new couple after that and even alex clapped jaune on the back and gave him a thumbs up which did wonders for the boys confidence. it wasn't strange that most of alex's peers looked up to him with how far above everyone he seemed to be and jaune wasn't the exception to this rule. so getting affirmation from alex was like being told you had chosen correctly from the king or someone else important. alex himself tended to ignore this fact and just told everyone his honest opinion of their actions positive or otherwise.

Alex made the night special however when he took the girls dancing high up in the sky thanks to a generous usage of his air control to create solid air platforms under them. all in all prom was a resounding success and everyone was in a great mood for the vytal festival in two days. the format of the vytal tournament was revealed the day before. alex was disappointed to learn he wouldn't be taking part in the duo rounds since he was the odd numbered person. this meant he would need to wait a week for the chance to participate directly.

Alex ended serving as a huge muscular cheer leader for the girls and his friends which seemed to be hilariously distracting for the women in the crowd. after alex's training most of the matches were childs play for alex's people , something that was noticed immediately by all of the other competitors. this wasn't to say that no one else qualified for the finals as three duo teams managed to narrowly defeat a couple of alex's people with clever use of the terrain. the final winner of the duos came down to weiss and yang versus nora and jaune in a head to head slugfest.

It started out with the two sides of the arena being changed into a desert and a jungle leaving the side with the desert which was yang and weiss vulnerable. jaune used this to his advantage by hiding in the jungle and taking pot shots at them as they struggled to reach the jungle and close the distance. weiss and yang took a few hits before reaching the heavily forested area where yang shone as she engaged in gorilla warfare. in the end yang broke both of jaune and noras shields winning the finals.