
The next few days alex and the girls relaxed while enjoying the festivals various booths including one ramen booth with huge portions. it was at this point that weiss found out that her father had frozen her account cutting her off from his money. the reason for this was because she had been avoiding talking to him for most of the year and he was leaving her little choice if she wanted money from him. alex fixed this problem by selling off a huge chunk of rainbow salt and putting the funds into a shared account with all of his girls.

All of this changed on the last day of the festival as explosion rang out from vale and an army of grim was seen rushing towards the city. all of the students and teachers mobilized to fight the grim and protect vale. alex armored up before telling all of his friends and girlfriends to be careful and flying out to attack the army preemptively. when alex was above the army he summoned several huge iron meteors that fell towards the crowded grim immediately killing a huge amount of them but the army kept coming seemingly endlessly.

Alex's attacks could be both seen and felt from vale as the ground shook with each impact but it was clear what the source was so no one panicked. alex quickly grew tired as he summoned meteor after meteor onto the seemingly endless army. it was as if someone had been waiting for him to tire as an ancient wyvern flapped its massive webbed wings as it approached vale. alex grit his teeth and bought an expensive restorative from the shop for ten thousand points and downed it immediately fully restoring his energy. roaring out a battle cry alex accelerates at the wyvern at top speed with his sword at the ready.

The wyvern opens it's mouth that seemed to extend well into its neck and roared back at alex as a huge plume of flame spews forth from its maw. alex knifed around to the side of the wide cone of flame before crashing into the massive grim sending out a shockwave from the impact. alex notices that while his blade had carved a gouge in the grims tough white armor it failed to penetrate it. this means he needed to switch out of brute force tactics and into more precise strikes at the softer black areas.

This wyvern was obviously very old however as it defended those points ferociously by spewing fire over them when alex tried to strike them. the flame didn't harm the grim but alex had to evade it unless he wanted to be cooked. a positive note however was that the wyvern had been forced to stop with alex's assault. alex's body started to glow and his eyes shined golden as he focused his all on this fight and pushed his strength to its limits. alex finally drew blood from the wyvern after feigning an attack on it's under belly only to switch to its wing joint.

The wing folded as the muscles holding it straight were cut through and the wyvern fell to the army of grim still surging underneath it. the ground shook as the grim struck it killing a huge number of its kind in the process. alex didn't give it time to recover however as how bombarded it with meteors while he flew higher and higher until he could fly upwards no longer. the huge dust cloud being the only thing visibly noticeable from so high up alex begin to create a massive tungsten rod that he sent hurtling straight into the center of the cloud.

The tungsten rod burned as it tore through the atmosphere and struck the wyvern dead center as it struggled to get up. the earth heaved and shifted for miles around from the impact of the thick tungsten rod falling from near orbit in the second most devastating attack ever released on this planet. vale quaked intensely for almost an entire hour as the aftershocks rocked it while the entire world saw the massive mushroom cloud not that far from vale.

Alex dived down from high up using his semblance to remove the friction from the air letting his speed reach a new height without igniting his body. he reached to crater where the rod struck and saw the slowly dissolving corpse of the wyvern letting him sigh in relief. alex wasn't worried about the army of grim since he knew his attack had killed all of the grim for miles. grim taken care of alex flew quickly towards vale to clean up the mess his attack undoubtedly left.