World fame

Alex used his greater healing semblance on all of the injured in vale for the next three days with the severely injured treated first and the lightly injured last. the only casualties from that day were those caught in the explosions that set off the attack , though most of the injuries were from alex's attack. the people responsible for the attack all wore a featureless white mask that had a single red eye emblazoned on the middle of it. alex almost defiled their corpses when he learned that one of them had blinded ruby before slicing off yang's arm.

Alex had never been more thankful to have gotten the greater healing semblance that let him regrow yang's arm and repair rubies eyes. once the cleanup from the attack was started the rulers of the five kingdoms all confronted ozpin wanting to know what weapon he had that caused such destruction. as much as ozpin wanted to protect alex from the scrutiny of the rest of the world alex had forced his hand with his show of power. ozpin definitely didn't blame alex though since ancient wyverns were considered nightmarishly hard to kill even before the gods left.

Ozpin told all of the rulers the truth about ex and at first most of them thought he was lying with the exception of the newest ruler ghira belladonna. "so he has grown that strong already huh?" ghira asked with a knowing grin. ozpin wasn't surprised at ghira's knowledge of alex at all. "that attack came as a surprise to me as well , i knew roughly where his power ended but he proved me pleasantly wrong." ozpin admitted honestly. "just like alex to go and pull something crazy out of nowhere , do you know what he gave me as a gift when i visited his town seven years ago?" ghira asked.

"No but you certainly have my interest." ozpin said and the other rulers all nodded in agreement. "so i went to that small town and not only had he killed off the beowolves attacking my rover but he even gave me the very plan that brought the faunus where we are now." ghira paused so the others could understand the sudden info bombs he was dropping. "so after he shared that plan with me his town held a feast in my families honor which was delicious on its own but than this incredible eight year old boy puts a medium sized burlap sack on the table."

"when he opened the sack everyone at the feast stopped breathing for a moment as there sitting on the table was a rainbow salt crystal the size of my head." ghira chuckled recalling that time. the ruler of atlas speaks up at this time "wait you can't possibly mean THAT crystal can you?" he asked in surprise. "the very same." ghira said with a grin as he sees the ugly expression on the rulers face. just as alex had suggested ghira had used that crystal to play on the greed of the higher ups of atlas to pass laws protecting the faunus.

"At the time the boy had no idea how valuable the thing was and only thought it was a neat rock so he stole it from a flock of nevermore. it was funny when his mother asked him where he got it from and he actually tried to defend himself saying that he thought since no one like the nevermore they wouldn't mind if you stole from them. to top it off he even said he didn't mind putting it back if it bothered us so much." ghira chuckled.

"Knowing alex as i have over this past year i don't find your story odd at all as it sounds exactly like something he would do." ozpin said with his own chuckle. "as amusing as that story is do you mean to tell me that an eight year old is almost solely responsible for the sudden rise of the faunus?" the ruler of vacuo asked seriously. "not at all , while alex is the source of the plan that brought us to this point none of the leg work required to actually get here was done by him , in essence he has both the biggest and smallest contribution." ghira corrected.

"To think that the entirety of the human race was changed by a single eight year old , it's actually kinda funny." the king of mistral leonardo lionheart said with a chuckle. ozpin nodded "alex is the single most exceptional person i have ever come across and i have high hopes that he may finally free us all from the grim menace once and for all." he said seriously and ghira nodded in agreement.