
"So we are all in agreement that alex could prove useful against the normally unkillable grim as well as large groups of grim as well?" the king of atlas asked and everyone nodded in agreement. "with that settled we must speak on controlling alex so that he doesn't use his power improperly." the man says seriously. "it's simply not feasible to try to control him." ozpin says seriously. "what do you mean?" the atlas king asked with a frown. ozpin gave everyone the same explanation he gave qrow and winter which only deepened the frown on the atlas kings face.

"You mean to tell us that you allowed an incontrollable person to reach such a height in power that he could effectively defend himself against the entirety of humanity?" the atlas kings accusation was heavy. ozpin shook his head " by the time i became aware of alex's existence he had already reached a point were anyone below maiden level was helpless against him. at that point there was no reason to pointlessly stand in his way." ozpin explained honestly. "when i first met alex his strength was around the average first year student from the hunter academies , when he applied to go to beacon i never guessed he had grown to such as level." ghira explained voluntarily.

"So what are we to do with him because after his defeat of the ancient wyvern and army of grim i doubt we can kill him easily." the atlas kind asked while rubbing his temple from the headache he developed. "why not just give him a special scroll that tells him where he is needed since at his current speed he can reach anywhere in the world in a matter of about six hours and that's only if he can't go any faster in the future." ozpin suggested the best option in his opinion.

"That would certainly put him to the best use though i imagine there would be restrictions on when he could be summoned?" ghira asked really thinking it over. "i imagine a use in case of emergency type restriction would be the most appropriate." leonardo suggested calmly like salem wasn't standing just out of view listening intently. the world leader continued to hash out the details of how this alex summoning system would work in specific circumstances such as multiple attacks as well as others. it was agreed upon that alex needed to make a public introduction to each of the kingdom for his role so that no one tried to stop him when he showed up after being summoned.

Alex himself had a whole different problem while this discussion was going on as he had been awarded twelve different feats from the battle. *kill streak , *slaughter , *massacre , *bane , *grim reaper , *lord death , *usurper , *conqueror , *coup de grace , *dragon slayer , *walking disaster , *aspirant. Eight of these feats were given to alex for the sheer amount of enemies he killed at once and gave him a huge amount of points by themselves , but the remaining feats gave him a far higher amount as three of them were for over killing the ancient wyvern as well as a feat for simply just killing the wyvern by itself.

The last feat got alex excited as its description was that he had finally stepped onto the path to divinity. according to the description the first step towards apotheosis was to accomplish a feat that would live on in stories forever. alex's use of the tungsten rod for kinetic bombardment had counted for this with the attack killing the wyvern being mere garnish on the side.

The point rewards for all of alex's new feats reached seven hundred thousand and some change leaving him set on points for a good while. the non point rewards were the best part in alex's opinion as the eight mass killing feats gave alex solely roulette tickets totaling to twelve. this gave alex a pleasant headache since he would need to train his new powers but would make him even powerful. the coup de grace feat gave alex a semblance upgrade ticket and a item upgrade ticket. dragon slayer gave alex the dragon hide semblance making his skin nearly impenetrable. the walking disaster feat gave alex solar resurrection semblance letting him rise from the dead every two days at dawn.

Aspirant awarded alex the best thing for him in his opinion , exactly four companion tickets that when used on a person gave them the potential to stand besides him on his journey to godhood. alex isolated himself on top of the clocktower of beacon before using his semblance tickets in hopes of finding a good semblance for the upgrade ticket. the wheel span rapidly but seemed to take its time stopping as if to mess with alex before finally stopping.