The will to make the hardest choices

Alex actually didn't need to prepare since he didn't truthfully believe anyone competing could truly defeat him at the level of power he had shown. this lead to him simply relaxing for the month while the girls trained which they showed their irritation over quite vocally. he got away with it though since he argued that he needed years to reach this point and they only used two so they still needed to catchup. the finals for the chunin exams were set in a large seated arena where the various business men scouted the villages talent for the most secure investments.

Alex was lucky in that he was the first match up against the hokages son who had gotten to this point somehow. the poor guy didn't know what happened as one second he was about to summon clones and the next thin transparent water needles were held against his whole body. he went white when he realized how close to death he was and could only choke out a forfeit. the hokage didn't blame his son for the loss considering the opponent but naruto still felt let down. the rest of the girls and shikamaru nara had their matches and showed off a little before all hell broke lose.

Explosions sounded off throughout the village as unmarked ninjas began to attack having apparently snuck in at some point. the fourth hokage rushed out to help using his famous flying thunder god technique. alex noticed that the third hokage was attacked and went to help but ended up outside of some sort of barrier guarded by four unfamiliar ninja. the ninja were safe since the barrier also covered them in a sort of bubble so alex did the second best thing and began striking the barrier.

The four ninja could be seen gritting their teeth from the strain alex's attacks put on the barrier so he used a little bit more of his full strength. the looks of terror on the fours faces at the sheer physical force behind alex's strikes as they felt their minds being hammered on with each strike. alex double his efforts however when he felt something similar the twin gods influence come from the inside of the barrier followed by trees sprouting up from the building. the sound four endured to hellish pain alex's attacks transmitted to them through the barrier since this barrier worked on lower chakra cost in exchange for the users feeling the attacks on it.

The four ninjas seemed to get some sort of order and detonated the barrier and fled the area with a pale man with limp arms. alex struck them with water needles boosted by wind release that definitely hit them as two of them coughed up blood but kept running. the limp armed man seemed to burn alex's image into his mind as he was carried away hurriedly so alex trapped him in a genjutsu that also took away the feeling in his legs.

The man seemed to notice this immediately however as he resolutely disturbed his chakra ending the genjutsu at the cost of worsening his injuries. the group escaped since alex was more worried about the third hokage who hadn't come out of where the barrier was set up yet. alex navigated through the trees but found the third hokage dead in a pool of his own blood. alex sent up the flare meaning man down as he guarded the old mans body. the fourth hokage arrived shortly after with a frown on his face that only deepened when he saw alex guarding the body of the third hokage.

"What happened , spare no detail." the man commanded and alex complied explaining about the third facing off in the barrier. alex then explained how he tried brute forcing the barrier but that it only seemed to make the four maintaining it uncomfortable. he also explained that it lasted until they suddenly fled with a limp pale man with reptile eyes after detonating the barrier despite alex nailing them with water needles. the fourth hokage thanked alex for his effort and for guarding the thirds body before dismissing him. alex saluted respectfully and left the man there with his predecessor and joined the girls helping around the village.

There was an open wake mourning all those lost in the attack two days later and a monument with all of their names including the third hokages was raised. alex and the girls stood vigil respectfully but alex knew that if he hadn't held back the third hokage would still be alive. alex didn't regret his decision since it meant that none of those he cared for would be hunted just to get at him. this was proven true as the rogue ninja who started coming for his head only came for him and him alone.