Chaotic times

Alex hadn't even noticed that he had gotten another two feats during the vent of the week following the attack until he final had enough time to check the system. *antagonist(2) and *chunin were the two feats with the first needing alex to have defeated two children of destiny , while the second was because of his promotion despite the exams ending early. he got thirty thousand points for the feats and two roulette tickets for the chunin feat. the first feat though gave alex a recall ticket that let him regain something he lost in the past.

Alex pondered over what he could use the ticket on since it specified only non living things meaning his remnant parents were not an option. alex postponed that decision till after he spoke with the girls and spun the wheel. he did that as soon as he found a well isolated place to prevent his glow from being noticed. the results were interesting as he got shock release and radiation release , the later of which made him nervous if it worked the way he thought it did. alex vowed to only ever use this ability to absorb energy once he learned how it actually worked similar to what he thought.

Shock release however was like adding wings to lightning release since it was all about controlling positive and negative charges. this made lightning attacks practically homing in nature which would be frankly terrifying to go against. alex had noticed that he hadn't actually gotten anything from the roulette that existed outside his affinities minus the affinities themselves. this made him think that the affinities were the base and everything else just built on them , this made him curious what was built on all of the affinities.

Alex had put the work into mastering shock release but entirely neglected most of radiation release save for the ability to absorb energy. the village had been in chaos after the attack as everyone deemed strong enough was sent on a man hunt for any and all clues to the traitor orochimaru's whereabouts. alex was even used as bait at one point since he told the fourth that the man probably had quite the grudge. a few rogue nin were captured but the snake remained hidden in his hole. this lasted until three months had passed when the uchiha kid also turned traitor while joining orochimaru in a mad attempt to grab power for himself.

All of the truly powerful ninja minus the noncombatants like the female sannin tsunade who had taken over the hospital had been away searching for clues on orochimaru. this meant that only the genin who failed to become chunin remained to hunt him down. they did manage to kill the four ninja escorting sasuke at extreme cost to themselves , but rock lee needed to be saved by gaara who came to visit the village in a diplomatic mission when a fifth person from the kaguya clan showed up to stall the pursuit.

Alex felt bad for rock lee when he heard about this since thanks to having the same bone ability as the kaguya clan alex was clear that it was the nemesis to taijutsu. naruto somehow managed to fight sasuke to a draw but failed to wake up before sasuke who spared his life for some reason. the genin were downcast for an entire month after their failure to bring sasuke back despite their sacrifices. alex had to make a conscious effort to avoid naruto after that month was over as he insisted that alex train him and refused to take no for an answer.

In the end alex tricked/convinced naruto that jiraiya was far stronger than himself sending the orange haired nuisance after the toad sage. naruto had far better luck convincing the man to teach him for some reason. jiraiya learned that alex was the reason he was stuck with naruto and fleeced him for "research funds" with the information the girls let slip about the remnant company when they arrived at the village initially. it was either pay jiraiya or jiraiya told tsunade who had a drinking and gambling problem , alex chose the lesser of the two evils.

Personally alex didn't mind tsunade as a person and had even restored her vitality without her knowledge. to be fair tsunade was only a problem to be around when it came to money or her temper as she was good company otherwise. it was apparently a huge surprise for the woman when she found out she could have children again after alex's restoration. she had even searched for the culprit tirelessly for two whole months afterwards for two reasons. the first was to thank them for giving her clan a second chance and the second was to try and either marry them if they were male or at least get a "donation" to rebuilding her clan. needless to say alex went mia for those two months in "deep training/hiding" within the forest of death.