First impressions

None of the girls noticed alex's reaction to that statement or else there was a good chance they would in fact take him right in the field. "so how does this falna thing work anyway?" yang asked changing the subject. "from my understanding its broken down into five parts roughly name , stats , title , magics and skills. the name part is easy to understand so i'll skip that , stats include strength , agility , endurance , dexterity and magic covering all the possible attributes a person could have. these stats go from zero to nine hundred and ninety nine or from the lowest letter i to the highest letter s."

"The letter a stat is at gives the person precise information on how good they are at that particular thing at the moment at least if i am reading this correctly that is. not sure what titles do since none of us have any so we'll skip that as well. magic is any form of energy based ability as far as i can tell since we all have the word chakra there while i also have aura there as well. as for skills none of us have any of those either so i have no clue how that works. all in all this looks like something we merely need to train to improve." alex explained to the best of his ability.

"Like video game characters?" ruby asked suspiciously. alex chuckled "no one said the gods needed to be very creative." he answered with a shrug. the girls laughed at the joke as they walked along the plain while chatting. it took three hours before the dungeon city came into view as the sun began to set over the horizon. "so that's the place we are supposed to go huh? it is fairly large for a city i admit." weiss said when they caught sight of the city.

"If the map is anything to go from it should be the most important place in this world." alex said while watching the surroundings of the city for the entryway. "i don't see any gates or the like on this side of those walls so we may need to walk around the city to find it." alex informed the girls calmly causing they to groan. "can't you just fly us over the walls?" tsunade asked not wanting to go around the huge city.

"I COULD fly over the walls alone but at my current strength level flying with a passenger would be impossible , plus i don't feel like drawing attention to us that soon." alex said honestly. tsunade groaned but didn't bring it up again as they eventually circled around the whole city only finding a single gate barely large enough for a carriage to pass through. "it's like the city was built to keep people away." blake said ominously. alex didn't disagree with her as having only a single gate meant that the city was likely self sufficient since otherwise large amounts of outside traffic would require more gates.

The gates were open when the group finally reached them with one a single guard who didn't really seem like a guard due to how relaxed he looked. this was proven true when alex asked about it curiously and the man explained his job was to close the gates if a monster somehow trys to escape the city from the dungeon. the man was fairly friendly and could tell they were newbie adventurers despite how fit they were from their ignorance. he gave them some advice to register with the guild before heading into the dungeon since the guild is the main buyer for dungeon products like the cores.

The city of orario had a sort of rural style to its architecture with most of the buildings being made of wood and bricks. the center street had various well to do shops which made sense as they were the most easily found in the city. alex and the girls ignored the main street however as they had none of this worlds currency , valis. this meant finding a place to sleep for the night in the cities equivalent of the slums.

It wasn't all that bad really since it was mostly just the bunch of abandoned buildings with a few that the gods who haven't been around long enough to start making decent money were living in. one such god heard them walking by his small shop and offered to let them stay the night if they explained where their god was. alex was more than happy to explain to this god called miach that their god had modified the falna so they could update it on their own before sending them to this city to make a name for themselves.