Caution for the win

Miach nodded after listening to alex's story which wasn't that common but certainly wasn't unheard of in orario. there wasn't many cases of it happening but some gods did do similar things in the past if they had enemies in high places like the top three familia's for example. "well since your god didn't tell you his name and erased it from your falna i wouldn't mind taking you in as your sponsor." he said with a kind smile. "sponsor?" alex asked confused. miach nodded "it were a god takes over for another gods children in supporting them , it came about thanks to the last group of people like you all in fact." he explained.

Alex looked at the girls who just nodded "well you seem nice enough so we will impose on your aid till we can pay you back." alex promised honestly. miach just waved it off "bah , don't bother it's fine if you just do your best. be sure to bring the guild paperwork back to me soon though so i can sign it as your sponsor." he said before showing them to one of the unused rooms in the small building for the night.

The next morning alex woke up at dawn and was surprised to see that miach himself was up grinding herbs for potions. "good morning" he said startling the god. "goodness scared the life out of my alex , what bring you up so early?" miach asked curiously. "oh get up at dawn every day , usually i'll train till the others get up , what about you?" alex asked making casual conversation. "i find early in the day to be best to make potions , speaking of you will need some of those here soon." miach said while getting to work grinding the odd green and purple plants.

"Let us get a dive or two in to test the waters first before going out of your way to give us potions." alex said before heading outside to get some training in. after a single rep of his regime alex had the same issue as he did in the naruto world as his chakra points burst open again since apparently the seals included that as well. alex's photosynthesis strengthening thing kicked in quickly though letting him recover and check his falna which automatically updated his physical stats straight to the letter c.

This burst of extreme improvement would have been odd if he was at his full strength but after being reduced to his current state it was pretty normal. a few more reps after that and alex saw that his physical stats had all reached b but had started to slow since his falna lacked the excelia to keep up with such a drastic increase in stats. alex needed to start working his chakra in order to increase his magic stat but that only rose to h from the tiny amount of excelia exercising gave. still it did give alex a small increase in available chakra so he didn't mind the effort.

Most of alex's chakra training was creating himself black carbon crystal weapons to use since he lacked the strength needed to use his beast of a weapon. to help repay miach for his generosity alex had also made a full set of diamond flask perfect for potions. miach eyed the flask in surprise when alex handed them to him since as a skilled potioneer he would need to be blind to not notice the quality of them. "you don't need to worry about where they came from since i made them with my magic , see" alex showed him a little diamond release which thrilled miach to tears since it made alex the perfect supplier for top quality flask.

Alex was more than happy to help keep miach in stock with the flask since it worked to improve his magic stat while also greatly helping the god since he could earn more from the potions he makes. the girls woke up at around nine and got a hour of training in but that only raised their physical stats to the peak of c just shy of b which tsunade had increased her magic stat to g thanks to healing the after effects of the regime on the rest of the girls.

Once their training was done the group headed to the huge stone tower in the middle of the city that had the guild office next to its base. they got a few looks for their outfits and alex in particular got some stares thanks to his gleaming black crystalline weapons. most of the stares were harmless but a few were greedy and thankfully alex rigged his weapons to grow spiked should they be grabbed without his permission. this was because one of those greedy eyes tried to filch one of the weapons only for the man to scream in agony as black crystal spikes tore his hand apart.