First dive

The crowd of people shivered at the mangled remains of the screaming mans hand and then back to alex who kept walking like his property didn't just injure someone badly. since the guild was across the street the thief's friends couldn't blame the incident on alex as there were far too many witnesses to what actually happened. the most alex had to worry about was that the guild asked him to clarify what had occurred and he explained how his magic created the weapons and that he made them thief proof by booby trapping them.

The guild staff and adventurers who heard this realized that the only one to blame for this situation was the thief for choosing the wrong target. as a result alex wasn't punished in any way and even praised for his clever way of discouraging thieves since most adventurers couldn't stand getting robbed. after that one of the guild employees had alex and the girls fill out some paper work before giving them some papers for their sponsor miach to sign verifying that their info was correct. alex and the group thanked the employee before leaving the guild and heading back to miach's since it took an hour to get the paperwork done for the five of them.

The group made it back without any real trouble save some children who tried to play with the folded wings on alex's back. the little ones kept thinking that they were fake and tried to get some of his feathers but he avoided their hands fairly easily. it took them until they got distracted by a dog running by for them to stop trying. miach was interested in how the visit to the guild went and alex explained the whole thing including the thief incident in detail for him.

"They had no one but themselves to blame for what happened , that said you did well in handling the situation." miach praised with a smile. "thanks , to be honest i had thought no one would actually stoop to such a foolish action of trying to steal from me in broad daylight , but i was very wrong apparently." alex said with a shrug. "anyway we got the documents for you to sign and once those are turned in we'll get our official licenses." weiss said formally while handing over the papers.

Miach read through the papers carefully before signing them "after you turn those in whats your plan for the rest of the day?" he asked handing them over. it was fairly early in the day still since it was only noon leaving plenty of time to do stuff. "we will probably hit the dungeon , not far in mind you maybe only the first two floors to get a feel for what we are up against." alex said honestly. "you all seem quite capable so i won't try to stop you but be careful , the dungeon has swallowed many young adventurers from careless mistakes." miach said seriously.

"Understood" the group said together surprising miach who laughed "go on then start your legend." he said and the group headed back to the guild to get their adventurers license not having trouble with the children this time. it didn't take long for the group to be registered as adventurers officially. but they needed to come back the next day to actually receive their cards but they got temporary cards till then. the dungeon was a very active spot near the guild that had close to a dozen adventurers on guard in case of a break out.

The group entered the dungeon which had rough stone walls and steps leading down into a cave like area illuminated by glowing white crystals. there were a few other adventurers near the bottom of the stairs double checking their supplies for much deeper dives than alex's group. "so this is the dungeon huh , doesn't seem like much." blake said after looking around. alex chuckled "of course it doesn't the really dangerous stuff is deeper , all we'll find up here is goblins and maybe a few kobolds according to the information in this dungeon guide book." he said patting the book they got from the guild for free for becoming adventurers.

Leaving the entrance the group separated from the other few adventurers and finally started to come across small green humanoids with glowing red eyes and sharp stone knives. the group split the excelia evenly by killing the same amount of goblins each. the goblins weren't that hard to deal with since they were much slower than the group and very uncoordinated much less skilled. their falnas didn't make any vast improvements after killing four goblins each which got them twenty four crystal cores and even three goblin teeth from drops. it was a good first run so they headed back to the guild to sell the cores for a small amount of two hundred ten valis plus tax. this was about enough for two decent meals for two people or one poor meal for seven.