Monster rex

The level up only took the group two months which was close to half the record of how fast someone had jumped level. this sent an uproar throughout orario as the various familias swarmed the group in order to try and figure out the secret to their rapid level ups. nothing came of this however as despite people watching the group for an entire month they didn't see anything out of the ordinary for adventurers. no one got any more skills when they leveled up this time but alex , ruby and blake got a magic spell.

Rubies spell was called repel omen and had the activation phrase "seek light in the darkest of times , dispel despair and embrace hope , grant grace to those souls deserving and shine away the omens" it was an enchant type spell that gave the person cast upon a single chance to avoid a life threatening blow. blakes spell was called avatar projection and was one of the few know spells that could be used without an activation phrase , this spell summoned a huge glowing humanoid that could only act for thirty seconds before dissipating. during this time though it was almost the same as a monster rex.

Tsunade thought the summoned avatar was suspiciously similar to what the records of susanoo were said to look like. it was only after checking blakes eyes for any sign of sharingan that she admitted that blake's magic was awesome. alex's spell though had all of the girls wondering if he was real or not. the spell was called endless day and had the activation phrase "banish the night and bask in the sun , stare down upon the world and let your enemies tremble at you approach." the spell was an enchant type as well that made alex unkillable and incrementally stronger the longer it was activated with no limit.

The downsides were just as glaring however as his sensitivity to all pain multiplied by ten times after its effects ended and the pain of all of the injuries he got during that time hit him all at once . it was a game changing spell but it was also the definition of self torment which bothered all of them greatly. it wasn't all bad news and level ups though as hestia finally got a familia member , a scrawny white haired guy named bell cranel who was honestly painfully innocent.

The guy came to train with alex's group everyday before heading to the dungeon a week after starting. the poor dude didn't even know how to hold a weapon correctly which alex and the girls made sure to fix. he tended to train with weiss though since his preferred weapon was a short sword and none of the others used similar weapons. one positive thing about reaching level four was that alex could finally barely use his sword that had been too heavy until now for him to use so it sat in its storage scroll all this time.

The disappearance of alex's crystalline weapons was noticed by those observing him who reported it to their familia's. no one knew what the new weapon alex had gotten was but that was the only reasonable explanation to him abandoning his old weapons. "today is the day we go and kill goliath and head for the lower floors." alex said seriously. "about time , caution is good and all but we only need to break three more seals to be nearly unstoppable." yang said excitedly. the other girls nodded in agreement "it would be nice to actually have some challenges again" weiss said honestly.

"I looked over the guilds knowledge of goliath and i have to admit that we have nothing to worry about if we are careful not to stand still." tsunade said calmly. "the plan's simple really hit it hard and fast till it stops living." alex says with a grin and the girls cheered. the trip to floor seventeen which was dedicated entirely to goliath was easy now that none of the level two monsters could keep up. it only took an hour to reach the boss floor since the group took the shortcuts to save time and energy.

The seventeenth floor was a huge room with an almost crystal like material covering the left wall that started to crack when they stepped onto it. it was interesting watching goliath the massive grey skinned humanoid monster come stumbling out of the wall with an air shaking roar. alex dashed towards the monsters exposed foot to bring it down while the girls scattered around the room to distract it with ranged attacks. alex had to roll out of the way of a stomp before the ranged attacks started peppering the monsters face making it scream in pain and moving it's attention away from alex.