
Alex spun to build up speed and transfer his momentum into his sword and with an intense burst of sound cleaved through the goliaths tendon ruining the balance of the monster. goliath fell backwards while roaring in agony but alex used the residual momentum of the sword to keep moving. this sounded easy but in fact required pin point control over your body as well as impeccable timing. weiss started chanting her spell while alex , ruby and yang charged towards goliaths neck as it fell. with a dust cloud and a brief shaking of the ground goliath landed on it's back.

Alex and ruby had already arrived at either sides of the goliaths neck weapons in a downward swing. yang jumped above the neck and all three struck at the same time , ruby and alex cleave massive wounds of the neck striking the spine before yang blew out the front of the throat cutting off the roar of agony. in normal cases these would be lethal wounds but as a monster rex goliath was different than all other monsters. it didn't matter though as while those three fled the injured monster weiss released her spell covering the entire goliath's head and neck with an intense blizzard freezing them solid and killing the monster.

Goliath burst apart leaving a completely intact monster rex core as well as one of its leg bones as a drop. "nice , we even got a rare drop from it." yang says while tapping the eight foot long bone. "the real prize here is the intact core since most adventurers don't put in the effort needed to kill goliath without attacking the core , this makes intact core go for a huge sum." weiss said rubbing the child sized crystal with a greedy expression.

"You would think someone raised in money wouldn't be greedy but it looks like that's wrong." blake teased weiss who huffed but didn't respond back. "oh whats wrong cat got your tongue?" blake continued teasing weiss " not yet she doesn't " weiss flirted back earning a blush from blake. "if you both are quite done i would like to get rid of these items before someone gets greedy." alex said seriously. "yes ,dear~" the two replied in a sing songy tone. alex just smiled and shook his head while lugging the bone onto his shoulder and grabbing the core with his free hand while the girls guarded him so no one could get the drop on him.

The eighteenth floor was a huge area with a waterfall lake and huge forest that had a small town built in the middle of it. as a safe zone none of the monsters on the floor were hostile which is why a town for adventurers had been built there called rivira. as the main location for adventurers since those above level four were rare the town worked as a sort of pit stop before the lower floors and the floor twenty eight safe floor.

This meant that there was a branch of the guild there which bought the spoils of the hunt for a rich price. they got a few jealous looks from the people in town but since they were a full party of level fours no one got any funny ideas. The group relaxed for the rest of the day before heading to the nineteenth floor. the next six floors were known as the large tree labyrinth as the walls were made of wood like it was inside a giant tree. the area was filled with monsters of a higher potential than minotaurs as well as flying poisonous insect monsters.

There were apparently many unexplored areas in these floors as well as being the first floors to spawn dungeon crops such as healing plants and even edible fruit. this resulted in the floors being usually filled with people on gathering quest to get the products that grew there. one of the most unexplored areas of these floors was the very high ceilings that may contain unheard of resources. alex wanted to explore those areas himself since his wings made it all too easy for him to get up there quickly.

The ceiling of the nineteenth floor was also made of wood which was interesting to note for alex but near the eighteenth floor entrance he didn't find any new plants. the plan was for alex to explore the ceiling area for two hours before coming back down to report back his findings to the girls. his flight advantage came through as deeper in the floor he found that the wooden tree pillars very rarely had a red fruit growing in a sort of hollow at the top of them , he didn't eat any of the fruit but he took a couple to have miach figure out what they did.