Regaining lost things

"But how am i supposed to do that with out glory?" finn asked not arguing with alex since he had a point. "you are hearing me but not listening , you need power on the highest tier like me or ottar, glory will come naturally at that point. besides that though you need world wide fame something like the duel between me and ottar. before you get any funny ideas about challenging me at your current level , think twice about how you compare with ottar." alex said calmly. finn and the rest of the loki familia fell deep into thought after that so alex went back to reading his book.

The loki familia stuck around for two days after that to rest and recover which was fortunate for them as balor respawned in this time. alex allowed them to watch his fight with the monster rex since it may help them later. the fight didn't take as long as last time since alex had his stats reach high b rank after fighting it last time. this didn't mean the fight was easy by any means as even a slight slip up on alex's part gave him suffering.

Getting hit by massive gong like shield at near subsonic speeds hurt like nothing else and alex had been hit more than once. it was enlightening for the loki familia to see how far from the peak they were. none of the other level six members of the various familias could solo balor for even close to the length of time alex did and he even won , another thing they couldn't do. before they headed down deeper for their expedition they thanked alex for his teachings but he just waved it off as he headed back to orario.

The respawn time for balor was extremely long at two months after its death and alex didn't want to waste that time sitting on floor fifty. the girls still had a bit more work to put in before they hit balor solo since they were just a hair off from beating it on their own with their d rank stats. they were mad about his head start advantage after his duel with ottar but there was nothing they could do about it but work harder. from what alex could tell they would be set to solo balor when they reached c rank in their stats , mostly because balor was a truly formidable monster.

Alex had impressed the girls about how stubborn he was about not accepting freya despite the fact she had literally moved into his house at this point. it was funny really as freya by passed alex entirely and simply had the girls veto his rejection. he got back at them though by putting them on a three month dry spell by vanishing in the giant tree labyrinth during that time. they all practically begged for his forgiveness when he finally surfaced again. women used to regular mind blowing sex suddenly getting cut off was like keeping drugs from an addict , they had serious withdrawal symptoms.

Freya learned after that how to limit the amount she used the girls against alex because they had gotten scarily close to taking their frustration out on her since it was her fault alex vanished for three months. it was hard for freya to get denied so long as heavens favorite daughter who had always gotten what she wanted quickly. it was a sheer testament to her tenacity that she had stubbornly kept after alex all this time. her alcohol consumption had increased quite a bit though showing the toll it was taking.

It took another year to finally get alex's last stat to s letting him finally break the last seal and regain access to his original power in addition to his falnas skills and magic. the stupid amount of feats he had gotten during this time flooded him with notifications that he just cleared out entirely ignoring them. he gotten twenty roulette tickets that he could use for either the semblance wheel that had come back or the affinity/dojutsu from the naruto world. he also got three revival tickets , seven transfer tickets , a weird assortment of random stuff and four upgrade tickets.