
Alex decided to split his spins down the middle with ten each mostly so he can try and get some dojutsu without flaws like the rinnegan. the semblances would only be auxiliary boost to his power but he hopped to regain his curse and greater healing semblances. this wasn't totally useless either since alex did get the curse semblance back in his ten spins along with improved body v3 , increased breathing efficiency v2 , minor plant manipulation , pain resistance , ice creation , berserk , boost , blast and poison resistance. alex got rid of minor plant manipulation and berserk since both were useless too him.

He did get a bunch of passive semblances which was fine since he didn't really need more active abilities. improved body v3 made each of alex's stats count for double what they normally were without actually improving them. alex was pretty sure that even after ottar used his skills he could match if not exceed him. the affinity and dojutsu wheel gave alex a massive boost however compared to the semblance wheel. senju body , explosion release , magma release , flight release , liquid release , shadow release and forging affinity were the non dojutsu things he unlocked.

As if that wasn't bad enough alex got the rinnegan , jogan and magan dojutsu from his ten spins of that wheel. the various new releases that alex got were likely just going to be neglected after he figured out how to use them so we'll ignore those entirely for now. the magan gave alex penetrative vision like the byakugan along with the ability to directly see life force and even manipulate it to a degree. the jogan was the counter part to the magan having the same byakugan like penetrative vision along with the ability to see through dimensional barriers along with chakra flow.

The rinnegan was straight up broken with the flat augmentation it gave along with its abilities. for example immediately after gaining the eyes alex realized that he could control all of his various releases effortlessly. the six paths powers also came with the eyes granting alex abilities that only gods were known to possess at heavy cost to himself like truly resurrecting the dead from there bodies. it also granted control over attractive and repulsive forces and the ability to summon tamed animals as well as directly extracting souls. alex was a special case however as all of these dojutsu were fused into eye of knowledge.

This fusion manifested in alex's right eye as a tri colored rinnegan in red , blue and yellow coloration. the new eye gave alex flat out reality warping abilities on a small scale such as willing a red wine into a white. not super noticeable but add that to the creation of all things that the rinnegan innately allowed for and alex could be considered all but divine. this was definitely noticed by freya who all but jumped his bone when she looked at his soul , in the span of little more than two hours alex had gone from having a mostly mortal soul to being only two or three steps away from ascension.

When questioned about it alex blamed it all on his level up to seven and refused to budge no matter how much freya insisted otherwise. the world learned that alex reached level seven and knew that he was definitely stronger then ottar at this point. the revival tickets were used by alex to resurrect his parents who both punched him breaking their hands on his stupidly dense body. he expected this since the girls had done something similar after they were resurrected.

The final revival ticket was used on ruby and yang's father tye who likely didn't get the evacuation notice since he lived on a pretty isolated homestead. the man clarified that alex only destroyed half a continent before tye had died so the other girls families had likely survived the tragedy , this explained why the ticket didn't work on any of those people. alex had a whole list of people to try it on and tye wasn't at the top. apparently the man had given up hope on life after his daughters were killed much like yang's mother raven had gone on a murderous rampage like alex but more controlled.

The transfer tickets let alex give someone else a copy of something he had , this was great for alex as he gave the girls each a copy of his rinnegan. this alone used five of the tickets leaving him with two left which he saved for emergencies. alex used two of the upgrade tickets on his seal and forging affinities evolving them into supreme versions of that affinity. alex knew this was necessary since if he now had to split his time between the two crafting skills he needed either more time or more talent to master both.