Mao's Reverse Scale

Upon meditating for a while, Hei's strength finally calms down. With the constant usage of his bloodline though, hunger actually kicks in. many rumbling sounds which actually shake his robes from the echoes are heard. This causes him to frown.

"Damn it…I need food. I wonder where the disciples here get food from. It seems I will still have to use that Xiniu Shan." Hei ends his meditation and stands up. The surrounding energy slowly weaves around him, slightly resonating with him. Every breath of air he takes in is actually pure energy which slightly alleviates his hunger.

A thought comes to his mind, "Wait, do I have to eat? I could simply feed off the energy here…But that wouldn't be tasty…I will get food today and maybe tomorrow I will absorb energy only…"

Hei slowly walks outside of his house, peacefully standing inside the gently swirling energy. The astral inscriptions slightly pulsate and rotate, seemingly 'happy' as if they saw their ancestors. While it is difficult for others to see inside the domain of laws, Hei is able to easily see through it.

While looking ahead, he is able to see a grey haired woman standing over 100 meters from his home. Interest can be seen on Hei's face as he speculates on the identity of this fragile looking woman.

He rubs his chin and thinks to himself, "I am sure I didn't order room service. Even though her clothing isn't too bad, it's still cheaper than mines."

The woman continues to look in the direction of Hei which makes him contemplate. He mutters to himself, "Is she able to see me?"

"Indeed Liu Hei, I am able to see and hear you." The woman answers Hei with confidence but in truth, she is just barely able to see and hear him as she focuses and circulates her massive astral essence.

"Oh? You can easily see and hear me?" An amused expression is plastered on Hei's face. This causes High Elder Xiang to go slightly pale and makes her heart shiver a bit.

In her mind, she can't help but think, "This boy…He knows I am barely able to see and hear him. I sense a sinister and arrogant mind from him…Sect Master, this is a monster…"

While Hei has his face of victory, this High Elder Xiang simply sighs and shakes her head. "You win Liu Hei. This domain is extremely difficult to see through, even by the likes of me. Maybe only a select few would be able to see through this domain fully…"

Hearing those words makes Hei have a smile that doesn't quite seem like a kind one. A bit of mocking can even be seen in his eyes as he looks straight at this High Elder Xiang. "Then I assume you want to talk about this home. That is correct?"

High Elder Xiang nods as she replies, "Indeed…that is one of the 2 reasons I am here." She replies with a slightly irritated tone. Hei slightly frowns upon hearing the barely discernible irritation in her voice. Hei looks on her as the woman continues to look on him silently.

For some reason, she doesn't say anything as she looks at him. This makes Hei frown even more but then he reverts to a nonchalant look.

In his mind he sneers, "This woman is quite 'lofty'. Does she think I am some low leveled being who is unable to get her to speak first? Keep waiting for me to ask what the other reason is and wait for my explanation. I don't owe you a think you little frog in a well. Since you want to play like that, then I will only return the favor oh so graciously."

Without suspense, this High Elder Xiang actually does not say a word. Hei looks towards her and then actually does something she would never expect. He simply and walks back into his house, shutting the door.

High Elder Xiang's face contorts and interchanges between many colors. Finally, it stops on one of pure anger. She spits out, "This brat! I am a high elder in the clan and this is how you show respect?"

While being inside, Hei is still able to perfectly see and hear her. Hei's voice echoes through the walls and the domain, fusing with the law energy and echoing outside.

With a domineering voice he says, "I don't like your attitude. Scram and get someone who knows how to talk to come here. By the way, your fragility is not one of beauty in my eyes, just a weak and useless woman."

Due to the different law energies fusing along with his domineering voice, the words spoken by Hei actually echoes far and wide with pure power.

This startles many disciples who are currently in their homes. With how strong this voice is, they believe it must be an expert; therefore, a fear is born in their hearts instantly. Many of them shiver as they decide its best to not go look else they lose their eyes or possibly life.

Only Xiniu Shan knows this familiar voice. "Hei…who did you just disrespect now?" She slowly walks outside and looks towards his home.

A woman who seems slightly familiar but her memories tell her this isn't so can be seen angrily looking on Hei's home. Astral essence is seen circulating around her body as she prepares to attack the house. The more she looks on this woman, the more a sense of familiarity can be felt.

The woman's energy disperses suddenly as slight shock and pain can be seen on her face. For some reason, Xiniu Shan gets the feeling that the woman is aware of her appearance but is actually avoiding her direction. Confusion can be seen on her chubby face.

"Excuse me miss…Was it you that Hei was talking about?"

Xiniu Shan says with uncertainty in her voice. Upon hearing those words, the woman shivers but not in rage. If one were to look on her facial expression that seems quite painful and ashamed along with how she shivered, one would think she is seeing her single most dreadful stain in her entire life.

None of this escapes Hei's eyes as he looks in suspicion. Hei's voice echoes again with power form his house, "Yeah, I was talking about her. Do you know her? She seems to know you. I find it hard that you could be connected someone looking so useless."

Upon hearing those words, for some reason Xiniu Shan feels quite troubled. While she doesn't know the woman, it actually slightly angers her to know she is being disrespected.

"Hei…is there really a need to be rude?" Those words actually have no effect on Hei but the same cannot be said for the woman. Instead, her eyes actually widen as she shivers even more. She then remembers what she actually came here for and tries to calm down.

High Elder Xiang slowly says through gritted teeth, "Liu Hei, it seems we started off on the wrong foot…Let me introduce myself…I am High Elder…Xiang…"

Shock can be seen on Xiniu Shan's face in an instant. She exclaims, "High Elder!? Oh My God! Quickly Hei, show your respects!" Xiniu Shan actually bows in respect, "Please forgive this lowly one senior…disciple greet High Elder Xiang."

Seeing her daughter kneel and beg for forgiveness makes the intestines of High Elder Xiang twist repeatedly. She grits her teeth and forcefully says, "It…is…fine…just go back…to your house…"

Xiniu Shan slowly rises with respect filled in her eyes. She walks to her door and takes one last glance in Hei's direction. "Please Hei…don't be difficult. I know you're a genius and you can be arrogant but not because someone can do something they should do it…Dad said my mom used to always say that…"

She takes a meaningful glance at Hei's house and enters her own, closing the door.

Hearing her daughter speak about her without her even knowing who she really is and what she did makes High Elder Xiang almost cough up blood in frustration and shame.

None of these reactions actually miss Hei. He actually walks outside and stands outside of the sword domain. A playful smile can be seen on his face.

"Oh great and mighty High Elder Xiang, you don't look so good. For some reason, you seem quite troubled whenever you look on Xiniu Shan and hear her talk about her 'mother'."

Hearing those words actually make her face pale instantly. Anger and panic flashes through her eyes instantly

Hei slowly and clearly enunciates, "Based on analysis, it seems you know who her mother is." Hei's confidence in her words makes it seem as if he fully figured out the entire situation.

Realizing that Hei doesn't actually know the truth, High Elder Xiang calms down a bit and she nods.

Hei laughs and says, "As I said before, completely useless. You're actually her mother. That's quite obvious to me know since either you are her mother or you know who she was. You easily agreed with the latter and even showed signs of lessened panic. You're an amateur. Just scram hehehe"

Blood almost sprays out of her mouth as she hears those words.

She forcefully swallows the blood with effort. "You!" Unable to say any other words, she glares swords at Hei. Normally a person would 'glare daggers' but this gaze is different. He is able to completely hear, smell, feel and even see a supreme sword energy that pressures his entire body, almost forcing him to kneel.

Seeing his master being pressured to almost kneel, a terrifying roar is emitted from Mao's throat.

"I beg Master to let me out." Mao barely utters those words with difficult, expressing his pure rage. Ren and Shu watch with interest on their faces, especially Ren. It's interesting how a tree watches 'in interest' but the aura of an interest filled gaze comes from Shu.

"Soon, I will release you very soon. Stay put for now…" Hei calmly replies even though his entire being is pressured. Mao roars in acceptance though rage and killing intent can be seen radiating from him.

Ren playfully says, "If this continues, Master could actually die." All the hairs on Mao's body actually stand up and his eyes actually turn into spiraling vortices.

Hei forcefully says out loud, "You sure like to court death. I will give you until the count of 3 or else I cannot guarantee your survival."

Pure anger can be felt from High Elder Xiang as her explosive temper kicks in. "I will possibly die!? Such arrogant words; aren't you afraid you might bite your tongue!? You think I am afraid of whichever clan you possibly came from?"

Without replying, Hei actually begins counting, "1…2…3"

"He utters the simple words, "Wreak Havoc Mao…Spare only Xiniu Shan." A chill suddenly runs down High Elder Xiang's spine as she thinks of what she might have done.

Fortunately, nothing seems to have happened. For some reason, nothing appeared. She scans the entire area with her divine sense but nothing shows up.

Mockery can be seen on her face as she increases her power which almost breaks Hei's legs. He forcefully resists and she makes it so that his resisting is barely enough to slowly make his strength wane.

"It seems Mao is not here Little Bastard. Your clan cannot even send out an expert to deal with me? I bet…" She quickly swallows her words as a stifling pressure can be felt from the sky.

Very quickly, massive black stars actually begin forming. Black starlight can be seen falling on everything. A part of space seems to be completely ripped open completely by the paws of some monstrous beasts.

The massive and terrifying black tiger can be seen. Within his eye holes, a pair of terrifying voids can be seen swirling. A roar can be heard.

This roar makes the very existence of everyone except Hei and Xiniu Shan shake. Such a deep and horrible roar outclasses the roar of any True Dragon of antiquity.

This roar actually shatters space and releases a thunderclap so powerful that all the buildings in the Primary Disciples Division to completely vanish.

Only Hei and Xiniu Shan's houses remain intact. The entire division now looks like a smooth and flat piece of land. Everything seems to have vanished completely.

All the protectors of the sect and even the sect master himself vomits blood due to their cultivation being interrupted.

Many other disciples who were cultivating vomits blood from this horrible roar of utter annihilation. The barriers surrounding the entire sect trembles, almost about to break.

Like this was some sort of roar used to warm up, Mao actually roars once more. This roar seems even deeper and vicious. Such a roar can easily express how angry he has become.

The barrier shatters immediately, giving off the sound of glass breaking after being hit by a stone. Hei widens his eyes as he cannot help but mutter, "Seems she touched Mao's Reverse Scale."