Unknown Clan

Hei calmly sits and looks around his room. A slight look of pride can be seen for a brief moment then it vanishes. The entire room diffuses a very subtle darkness that perfectly blends in with the black furniture.

Even the bed in which he plans to sleep on is actually black. He closes his eyes and meditates without worry.

A calm energy washes over Hei's mind, body and soul as he meditates. Very soon, multiple types of energy slowly begin infusing themselves into Hei.

These energies directly come from the atmosphere which is being drawn in by the many astral inscriptions perfectly fused with the house.

His mind completely relaxes as he enters a trance like state. Within his mind, only darkness can be seen. The more he relaxes in this mysterious state, the seemingly darker his mind gets.

If one were to observe Hei's body right now, they would notice that 2 powers, one of lightning and the other of fire seems to slightly rotate around him and above his head, a small, black orb of light constantly sprinkles energy on him.

On the inside of the dimension, many different persons stand and observe their master's mind which seems to slowly darken as time passes. Slight anticipation can be seen on their faces as a hopefulness can be felt emanating from their gazes.


Elsewhere, a worried and anxious Xiniu Yu finally arrives at a pavilion. This pavilion has a very grand and majestic aura. Everything is actually made of rose gold colored jade.

This diffuses a slightly pink color over the entire pavilion. Many maids can be seen shuffling around, cleaning and tidying the yard. As Elder Yu arrives at the entrance, a simple dressed maid with a pair of cute horns on her head stands there, smiling happily.

"Greetings Master Yu, are you here to perhaps visit the Mistress?" The maid respectfully bows and says in an awe filled and happy voice.

This voice sounds more like what a person would have that is happy to see an old friend or acquaintance. With a solemn tone, he replies, "Yes, it is very urgent."

The maid slowly raises her head with a clear happiness in her eyes. "Please excuse me Master!"

With an excited face, the maid runs off towards her mistress. In a very luxurious and extremely feminine room, a gentle female that looks barely over 18 is seen seated on a bed. Her green attire hides most of her body except her gentle face which looks slightly pale.

With such a soft looking appearance, light grey hair and her delicate skin; her entire being resembles the model wives many men try to find, someone that looks beautiful and fragile, a pure flower that should be loved, cherished and protected.

"Mistress…Master Yu is here for a visit. He said it is very urgent." The maid greets and explains to her master instantly with utmost respect.

The fragile looking woman slowly rises from the bed. With her graceful and lithe figure, she slowly walks towards her door. Slight hesitation can be seen on her face. For some reason, it seems she is unable to fully bring herself to leave her room.

"Mistress…Master Yu is very distressed…Master Yu said it was…very urgent, I implore Miss…"

"I know…I am going…" The woman walks through the door and down the great and majestic halls of her pavilion. She slowly arrives in the yard and stops.

A chubby faced man can be seen standing in the yard. Strangely, a seemingly vague pressure can be felt from him and even the space around him gently quivers.

Currently, he is actually staring into the sky. The more he looks, the more space seems to shake. His face is actually quite serious but he doesn't acknowledge the mistress.

A seemingly displeased expression is seen on her face as she says, "Xiniu Yu, why did you come here saying it is urgent and you're just staring into the sky?"

Upon hearing his name, Elder Yu shivers as if a bolt of lightning passed through his body.

With apparent distress in his eyes, he looks away and replies solemnly, "A monster has appeared…a very powerful beast has appeared in the sect…"

Apparent interest can be seen on her face as she gently but mockingly replies, "Isn't that the usual?" Elder Yu shakes his head, "You're mistaken…I mean…A spatial distortion was felt today in the southern part of the Forest of Mistakes. A young boy was found and taken in due to the investigators taking a liking to him…"

She sharply interjects, "Get to the point already…I am busy!"

Elder Yu softly stutters in dismay, "Gao...Mei…" She retorts coldly, "That is High Elder Xiang to you. I will pardon you this once for old time's sake. Get on with your story."

Apparent dejection can be seen on Elder Yu's face as many emotions flash through his pain filled eyes. "This boy they picked up is likely from a clan on par with, if not stronger than our Beast Sword Sect."

"What did you just say!? Don't randomly make up crap!"

This High Elder Xiang seems quite upset with the words she heard or maybe her anger actually stems from something else but she is being quite snappy.

"I wouldn't randomly say this…you should know better than that. He said he doesn't remember where he is from apparently but I don't believe it. Only such a clan would have experts at astral inscriptions…You know us Beasts are not good at astral inscriptions but this kid has some guardian or something which is a beast that actually created something unfathomable…What is worse is that…"

High Elder Xiang once again interrupts him, "Stop right there. Cut the crap, beasts suck at astral inscriptions. Don't bullshit me with this crap. What do you mean by a beast created something unfathomable using astral inscriptions?"

Elder Yu doesn't seem too bothered by her constant interruptions and appears to have gotten quite used to it.

"This person's bloodline is of a much higher purity and rank than yours. Even Sect Master's bloodline at most is on the same level as what I felt earlier… The bloodline strength I felt was like a limitless abyss of fire and lightning…the epitome of thunder-fire."

"Furthermore, it was black, pure and true black. The starlight that fell from the sky from the bloodline's power was genuinely black…a black star releasing starlight. What kind of concept is that?"

Utter shock and slight fear can be seen on her face finally as she looks on Elder Yu. "What do you call...unfathomable divine inscriptions?"

With graveness in his voice, he replies, "Without exaggerating, I would say that it is on the level of the Colossans…Only a Colossan I have seen draw up such astral inscriptions. What is worse is that Little Shan thinks he did it and is convinced that he recreated both their houses…look on it…"

Elder Yu closes his eyes. As if a third eye is being opened, light shines between his brows and goes straight to the middle of High Elder Xiang's brows.

She closes her eyes and accepts the memories. A few moments later, she opens her eyes in shock and dismay. "What kind of monster could have created this? What kind of beast is capable of this!? This has to be reported to Sect Master immediately. I will take it from here…keep your child quiet…"

With those words, High Elder Xiang disappears quickly. A gust of wind and even space slightly shatters as she launces her movement technique.

"She's your daughter too…"

Elder Yu sighs sadly and walks off. He mutters to himself softly as pain and discomfort can be seen covering his face.

"Just…when will you forgive me Gao Mei? You make it seems like I ruined your life totally…" If High Elder Xiang was here and heard those words, maybe, just maybe she would blow a fuse.


Elsewhere, in a simple but expansive mountain range, High Elder Xiang respectfully bows in front of an old man.

This old man seemingly blends in with nature itself. The old man doesn't appear to be a cultivator at all; instead, he would seem to be any averaged old man.

The only thing which seems strange is that his green attire actually seems a bit too clean for the averaged man. "Gao Mei, what has gotten you so flustered that you ran all the way here?" The dignified voice of this old man gently enters High Elder Xiang's mind.

Those words seemingly melts away some of the anxiety in her heart as she calms down a bit. "Reporting to Sect Master, Elder Yu of the Primary Disciples Division has met upon a very serious matter."

With those words, she proceeds to share her memories of what just transpired along with what she was shown to the sect master.

Surprisingly, not the slightest bit of change appears on his face. "A beast sect capable of using astral inscriptions on the same level as the Colossans; indeed, it is a very tricky situation. However, what I am curious about is, why would they leave a child of their clan with us? Such a clan seems to be well hidden as this is the first I am hearing about them."

"Furthermore, they do not seem too arrogant since they graced your daughter with a small blessing. That house she received will be quite beneficial to her cultivation. However, as I said before, this is the first I am hearing of such a beast clan."

"The child said he does not remember anything but this should be a lie. Searching his soul would definitely clear up everything but this will be problematic. Such a well hidden and talented beast clan probably has someone in the God Step…or is infinitely close to it."

Hearing those words, a completely terrified expression can be clearly seen on High Elder Xiang's face. She shivers slightly as she looks and listens without the least bit of division to her attention. "What shall we do Sect Master?"

The sect master rubs his chin even though he surprisingly does not possess a beard. "Tricky indeed…With the pressure from the Constellation Beast Clan, we are unable to possibly offend someone on the same level of strength as us or possibly stronger. Considering the fact that not only did this child actually not try anything harmful towards your daughter and even graced her with a better house, it can be seen that fundamentally, he is not a bad person."

High Elder Xiang gasps, "You mean…?" The sect master calmly replies, "I mean we simply treat him like any other talent. If he is fundamentally a bad person, then he would have been quite harsh to your daughter and husband."

High Elder Xiang grimaces when she hears 'daughter' and 'husband'.

"What is also notable is that if he is someone who was finally sent from their hidden clan, it could mean that they are either in trouble and wish to create new relations, cultivate their younglings with diversity and suffering or they have finally decided to let the world know about their existence."

Finally, a look of understanding can be seen on her face. "If that's the case, doesn't that mea that if we treat him well, we can possibly have another genius to take on those little monsters from the Xing family?"

The sect master nods faintly, "That is a possible outcome. Someone who has an inheritance for astral inscriptions that can match the ones from Colossans would definitely have the potential to deal with those brats."

"Heed my orders; treat this Liu Hei normally. If my guess is correct, his name really is Liu Hei. The expert that remodeled his house more than likely 'suggested' the last name to the investigators out of pride for their last name."

"I will dispatch persons to search for all traces of beasts who are extremely powerful that share that last name. Furthermore, I would like to meet this Liu Hei to further try to ascertain his personality. Take him here and let me speak with him."

High Elder Xiang nods repeatedly and respectfully bows once more, "This subordinate will heed Sect Master's order. I will bring him right away!" The sect master shakes his head, "Bring him here when he is ready to come. There is no need to seem overbearing. A good sect master treats everyone fairly and equally. Go now; get him to come here without force."

High Elder Xiang nods and disappears once again in haste, heading towards Hei's home.