New Lease On Life

Sitting calmly and observing the process, Hei slightly rubs his temples. "This is taking a bit of time…I would like to awaken soon. Then cultivation can finally begin. It annoys me how I have to rely on my 'other strength' to survive. Besides, there are a few 'places' I want to completely…erase"

As Hei sits and thinks to himself, what he is actually looking on is the shameless dragon's soul which has fused perfectly with the soul of the Black Poison Crocodile. Furthermore, this fused soul is currently undergoing a baptism from an astral spirit. This Astral Spirit radiates nothing at all, it only continues to devour and constantly taking in everything in its vicinity.

All the energy being absorbed from the dimension by this astral spirit and the physical body which it devoured is actually channeled to the soul of the dragon, constantly feeding the soul of the dragon. For a few hours, the blood essence and energy of the dimension is channeled into the dragon without end, clearly strengthening its soul.

The dragon calmly accepts the soul energy as it thinks to itself, "I wonder why this astral spirit is constantly sending energy to my soul. My previous astral spirit was the Ocean Vortex Spirit which is more related to a water laws. However, with my lucky chances and Dark Dragon bloodline, I managed to create the Void Vortex Force which resembles a black hole almost perfectly."

"But this astral spirit seems odd…All it does is give this dragon of antiquity energy. Even the blood essence was directly sent to my soul…Is this for real?"

"Don't tell me it will waste my precious blood essence on my soul when this dragon of antiquity could have used it to strengthen my physical body and bloodline. Ah fuck, nothing is perfect."

The astral spirit in the form of a black hole constantly absorbs the energy, sending directly to the soul of the dragon without a single pause as if it plans on doing this eternally. In a few more hours, the dragon notices that its soul has been saturated with various kind of energy from the little energy of crocodile to the pure astral essence and law energies in the dimension.

At this point, the black hole actually stops sending it energy. It floats in front of the dragon without releasing anything at all. No sound, energy, light, or even presence is felt from the astral spirit. This small black hole seems to have finished amassing energy into the soul of the dragon.

Not even the normal pulling force of a black hole is released from the astral spirit. "Huh? What is happening with my astral spirit? Something seems strange…It's just floating there. This dragon of antiquity is confused…What is happening? Astral Spirit…do something for me!"

As if listening to its master's request, a dark and evil energy can be felt slowly coming from the small black hole.

From the outside, in the heavens of Hei's dimension, a dark energy actually comes down and heads straight into the small black hole that is seen in the spot where the body of the crocodile was. This dark energy resembles that of an evil beast which slowly crawled from an Asura hell of the deepest abyss.

The same energy slowly comes from the black hole in front of the dragon's soul and enters it. The dragon shivers in excitement and fear at the same time.

"This…This is bloodline strength! Fuck this dragon of antiquity rarely feels bloodlines this powerful…This feeling however…It is so...malicious and terrifying. It seems not like a beast but an evil Asura from an abyss where things should never return!"

The bloodline energy that is constantly channeled into the soul of the dragon increases the saturation of energy in its soul to reach a crescendo. The dragon looks on its soul as it senses the various energies constantly thumping like a heart with seemingly no purpose. "Why did it simply gather all kinds of energy? What the fuck is wrong with this astral spirit?"

The astral spirit continues to float in front of the dragon. It stays like that for a few minutes before it slowly moves around the soul of the dragon. This causes the dragon to have a face of anticipation and worry at the same time.

"It is doing something…but the fuck is it doing? This dragon of antiquity is well informed but this astral spirit is weird as fuck."

The astral spirit constantly circles the dragon as if inspecting its body. At first, the dragon was anticipating something but slowly, frustration began taking over its mind. It hurls many curses at the astral spirit, hoping the spirit would do something different but this proved to be futile. Instead, the spirit seems to take its time when moving around the dragon.

This completely infuriates the dragon as it constantly curses. These curses even include Hei and the heavens for tricking him. Hei sits and looks on the dragon with amusement on his face.

"What a silly dragon. It does not know what is good for it. If the heavens were really as horrible as you think then you would never have gotten this heavenly opportunity you know. Besides, do you think I would want a piece of trash following me around?"

The dragon actually begins trying to grab the astral spirit. Unfortunately, even though the astral spirit moves slowly when circling him, whenever he goes close, it simply disappears and reappears somewhere different as it continues to circle him. On the outside, the little black hole in the dimension appears to be swaying slowly.

Shu utters calmly, "That dragon must be in distress right now. Due to being unaware of its current fortune, it must be there raging like the little frog in a well he is." Ren laughs wickedly as if this is the funniest thing he heard, "Definitely, that shameless dragon must be cursing like an old cripple."

Mao calmly looks on the little black hole swaying and slowly says, "The astral spirit is deliberating on what to do to correct the dragon's problem. The blood essence it wanted to hide from itself is what will help him. He almost destroyed his own heavenly opportunity. What a naïve dragon. Was it really a Celestial Step cultivator or this era is filled with idiots everywhere?"

On the outside, the black hole finally stops swaying. Where the soul of the dragon is located, the black hole also stops. This time, it stopped directly behind it.

"You damn stupid astral spirit, how dare you play around with this dragon of antiquity!? I will rip…" A seemingly irresistible suction force actually begins pulling on the soul of the dragon. This force sends shivers right through the soul of the dragon.

"What…the…what is this spirit trying to do!?" The dragon tries to struggle but is unable to break free from this force. It continues to increase as the body of the dragon is pulled towards the black hole.

It screams in terror as the black hole slowly devours its soul, compressing the pieces devoured slowly but surely. This painful experience forces the dragon to howl a long string of curse words as it cries in pain and despair.

Very slowly, the astral spirit devours every single part of the dragon's soul. Nothing remains of the dragon's soul as silence permeates the soul dimension.

On the outside, the astral spirit slowly expands in size. It goes from a small black hole to one the size of a child. It slowly continues to grow in size until it actually gets as big as an elephant. It slowly doubles in size then stops abruptly.

Powerful and extremely domineering bloodline strength can be felt radiating from the black hole. Very slowly, a deep and subtle roar can be heard. This roar seems to reflect the true meaning of abyss as it seems to echo directly from the deepest and most terrifying of them all.

Dark red eyes shaped like a claymore can be seen slowly emerging from the black hole. These eyes reveal not bloodlust but a desire to devour the heavens. 2 ghastly dragon claws slowly hold onto the edges of black hole. These dragon claws emit a powerful strength and spikes can be seen on its entirety.

The head of the dragon struggles from the black hole and actually comes out. This head is filled with spikes. These spikes actually twinkle with a deadly light. Pitch black scales seem to cover the top of the head while under the neck has a blood red color. This dragon's head looks nothing like a normal flood dragon's head. A ferocious aura is released from the dragon as it crawls out.

Upon fully exiting, the black hole disappears completely. Everyone calmly looks on this dragon that seems much larger than a typical flood dragon and instead of a serpentine appearance; it seems much bulkier and muscular.

3 pairs of massive wings that seem akin to the wings of a bat can be seen protruding from its back. Each wing is actually covered in black spikes too, giving off a piercingly sharp aura.

As if from the deepest abyssal hell, the 18th hell, a low and deep roar of a true dragon can be heard from the dragon's mouth. Its ghastly and malevolent appearances would send chills down the spines of any dragon much less normal beasts. Its evil and hate filled face seems to disdain all creatures under the heavens.

Hei slowly appears once again as he tiredly utters, "The Astral Awakening Ritual is over…" He sits on his chair and expressionlessly looks on the dragon.

Not even the slightest feeling of awe or being impressed can be seen on his face. Mao circles the dragon in curiosity as Ren stares at it. Shu nonchalantly states, "Seems it was a success."

Out of nowhere, a shameless expression somehow appears on the terrifying dragon's face. This causes everyone to sigh in regret. "Hahahaha! This dragon of antiquity is back! Not just that, I was reborn! Fuck yeah! This dragon of antiquity looks awesome!"

The dragon looks on its body constantly as excitement can be seen its previously ferocious eyes. "That astral spirit was frikking badass. It reformed my trashing body using the astral essence and bloodline power I received! Now this body is perfect for me. Even this dragon of antiquity's soul was restructured to be perfect for this body while being compressed!"

"This bloodline strength is awesome! Never in my life have I felt such a powerful blood coursing through this dragon of antiquity's body! Its name is even more badass! 18th Abyssal Dragon Bloodline! Hehehe, impressed aren't you? This astral spirit has a simple name but it isn't simple! Abyssal Spirit sounds normal but it's fucking awesome!"

Mao angrily snaps, "Shameless dragon, are you going to pay respects to your master or not?" The dragon calms down as it looks on Mao then on Hei.

"Damn it…I can't believe this. This dragon of antiquity is shameless, selfish and is an overall prick. I plunder women, steal their most precious things and then disappear into the night."

"I am not the best of persons but this dragon of antiquity is definitely not someone who is unable to see kindness when given! From this day one, this shameless dragon will be at your beck and call!"

"Without your help, I wouldn't even have a chance of reaching the God Step. Now I feel like even that is possible! You being my master in exchange for such a deal isn't even a good one on your part!"

"Opportunities like this can't even be wished for but it happened to this dragon of antiquity! I don't want to know how you could help with Astral Awakening but who gives a fuck?"

"At the end of all it, this dragon of antiquity has benefited greatly. Even the blood essence which at most could be used to strengthen my body was used perfectly! This dragon of antiquity thanks you from the bottom of his shameless heart for this New Lease On Life."