Many Spirits

"I want to awaken…" Without even slightly paying attention to the dragon, Hei calmly says these words with determination. "I want to get rid of that contract while at it." Everyone stays quite upon hearing those straightforward words from Hei. Even though he is merely 6 years old, for some reason, an ancient and incredibly calm but determined feeling can be clearly felt from him.

"Master, if that is the case, there is nothing to worry about. Meditate inside the garden and absorb the various energies from it. After which, you can say the words and begin the process. The words are, "I am visiting home. Darkness is present. I take what I desire then I will be on my way. Awaken, for I am Black."

Hei nods as he sits in the garden and begins meditating. The dragon says with suspicion, "Those words are even more tyrannical than before…furthermore, where will the energy come from to get a good astral spirit?" Ren wickedly laughs and says, "Naïve dragon of so called antiquity, Master does not need a lot of energy, only enough to enter the Astral Heavens. While he did not fully awaken the power of his bloodlines, it will not pose a significant problem."

The dragon nods in understanding then pauses. "What the fuck did you just say? You said bloodlines? You kidding this dragon of antiquity?" Mao disdainfully says, "Master is a heavenly being the likes of you are unable to understand! Naturally master has 2 bloodlines different from his physique! Furthermore, Master can get…"

"That's enough Mao, no need to get riled up." Hei's voice calmly echoes through the dimension. "I will begin absorbing energy and as soon as I amass enough astral essence then I will start the ritual." Mao quietly sits and observes Hei who is also sitting and meditating peacefully.

The various kinds of medicinal energies, astral essence and law energies seem to be drawn towards Hei as if a magnet is close to a piece of iron. These energies slowly enter his body without the slightest bit wasting. On the outside in the pocket realm that is the sword, Hei's body also slowly gathers energy from outside of the realm. The surrounding astral essence outside slowly moves towards the 'Dark Lands' at a steady pace.

This causes many to frown and look on the dark lands with suspicion. "I am visiting home. Darkness is present. I take what I desire then I will be on my way. Awaken, for I am Black." A gentle but seemingly irresistible voice echoes out both in and outside Hei's dark dimension. Even many persons outside of the dark lands hear this voice as if a gentle whisper was said at their ear.

On the outside of the Constellation Beast Clan's dimension, a terribly rough and vigorous shaking can be seen with the naked eye. The sky itself is shaking. The dimension itself begins to shake continuously as if it is the apocalypse approaching. This causes many to scream in panic and fear.

Above the area which the dimension resides, dark clouds quickly form. From these dark clouds, pitch black orbs of astral light fall straight into the dimension and furthermore goes straight through the Dark Lands and surrounds Hei's body. Inside his dark world, his body slowly fades in and out of existence.

The more the dark clouds gather, the more the shaking continues. Very soon, as if a pitch black hand is covering the sky, the entire clan's dimension darkens. The many constellations present with inheritances seem to not dare radiate light in this utter darkness. For the first time in their lives, the beasts present actually shiver in fear of the night they are used to.

After a few more breaths of time, Hei's mind finally vanishes. It seems to appear in a world of darkness. In this world, many dark stars can be seen floating in the sky. Each of them seems similar to the ones the dragon saw before but different at the same time. Hei lifts his hand and beckons.

Upon doing this, the many stars seem to come alive with excitement as they all begin circling Hei similarly to how the planets circle the sun. An air of reverence can be felt from these stars. Hei raises both hands and utters emotionlessly, "Rise, your Master has decided to awaken."

From his hands, many black webs of darkness spread out and connect with the over 100 stars present. The stars actually begin moving closer and closer to Hei as the webs of darkness pull them without any hindrance. Suddenly, all the stars are actually pulled inside his body quickly without a single trace that they were there before.

The sound of glass shattering can be heard coming from Hei's body. Hei casually looks on himself and nods, "That contract seems to have shattered somewhat. Now I must deal with it now that I have the momentum and energy."

Hei lifts up his hand once again and stabs himself in the chest surprisingly. No blood comes from this 'stab' which seems to go straight to his soul. After moving his hands around for a bit, he drags an ancient piece of paper out from within his chest. On this paper, astral inscriptions can be seen moving around along with the blood of the demon and his own blood.

"You think you are slick demon cat? I will eventually pay you a visit. When I do, I hope your daughter isn't around…" A cold ruthlessness is seen in Hei's eyes as darkness slowly covers the ancient piece of paper. Astral Inscriptions suddenly appear from the skies themselves as they float to Hei's soul. Each of these inscriptions seems to be character for 'destruction' as the inscriptions themselves are used to actually write.

Each character bombards the contract repeatedly. After the first 3, the contract quivers as if about to tear. The next 3 rips it in half finally. Slowly, it is grinded down into nothingness. "Step 2, complete…Now to deal with these 2 bloodlines and get astral spirits suitable for them."

Hei's soul vanishes once again and appears somewhere more familiar. This place seems to be where the shameless dragon gained its astral spirit. Hei disappears among the millions of stars and goes to the extreme back. For some reason, it seems as if he knows exactly where to go and an unusual feeling of understanding what each star represents is felt in the deepest parts of his soul like an instinct.

He stops in front of 2 stars which are purple and red-orange respectively. These stars seem to pulsate repeatedly with excitement upon seeing Hei standing in front of them. A strange resonation seems to take place between the 2 stars as if they somehow attract but at the same time repel each other. Both bloodline power and astral spirits can be felt from these stars.

"I could simply take the astral spirits and leave the bloodline power. But that would leave my bloodline to be exactly what it was before. If I put something additional with it, then that would change the nature of my bloodline to some extent. That would be disrespectful to my parents and clan…I shall do it!"

The 2 stars seem to be filled with excitement upon hearing his words. They fly towards him quickly and actually enter his body completely. Hei nods and simply floats down, appearing in his actual body again. While it may seem simple, on the outside world, the sky actually collapses and hundreds of completely black silhouettes can be seen inside the darkness which seems to spread for an endless distance.

In the middle of these silhouettes, even Ren, Mao and Shu can be seen standing in front as if waiting on someone. Slowly, 2 gigantic and bright stars, one deep purple and other bright red-orange actually appear in the darkness, seemingly lightning up the skies.

Endless orbs of starlight bombard the Constellation Beast Clan, flowing like a beautiful astral river towards a single place. This place is none other than the 'Dark Lands'. Even the dumbest of persons know that something major must be happening in these so called Dark Lands. Just as all the experts are about to move into the Dark Lands, from the skies, a baleful and terrible aura of darkness erupts.

All the silhouettes above seem to suddenly fill with unquenchable bloodlust and rage. They stop in their tracks quickly and take a few steps back. Being locked on to by these silhouettes creates an insurmountable pressure as if Mt. Tai was on the back of a baby.

Without even having the slightest of intention to continue, these experts launch their movement techniques quickly to retreat in fear and shock. The 2 massive stars in the sky continue to release the many orbs of starlight. If one were to sense these orbs carefully, then you would notice that it is not only related to bloodline power but fire and lightning.

As these orbs of starlight, some purple while others red-orange enter Hei's body, he clearly feels a calming but powerful sensation of astral essence. This astral essence seems to go deep within his body, directly into his bloodline and fills it with pure strength.

Hei's bloodlines greedily absorb this new energy as subtle changes naturally occur. His bloodline seems to increase not only in raw strength but the overall aura it radiates seems to become much more suppressive and heavenly. Inside the clan's dimension, the bloodlines of everyone begin shaking uncontrollably as if afraid. Some weaker persons actually have their blood attempt to reverse circulate as if trying to escape.

A powerful yet calm voice echoes through the entire clan which barely mitigates this suppressive feeling. "Everyone stay calm, return to your usual activities or simply observe the proceedings. It seems…Someone has undergone Astral Awakening." Many persons gasp in shock and amazement. "Someone could undergo the ritual in such a domineering fashion?"

"Not even Princess Bing and Juji Lang were this domineering and they are talents among talents!" Many similar whispers of amazement and suspicion can be heard among the persons of the clan. Hei's bloodlines both seem to boil with power as a mixture of bright but deep purple and radiant red-orange intertwines around his body. After a few minutes, an eruption of bloodline power which seems to cover the heavens occurs then vanishes in an instant.

At this moment, the 2 massive round stars seem to dissipate. Shockingly, they are replaced by 2 entities. It seems the 2 massive stars were just covering them. 2 giants stand in the skies, only below the darkness itself which holds Hei's dark spirits.

The spirit on the left seems to be a purple god. It is cladded in purple flowing robes that has deep purple lightning with a black outline crackling on its body. A serious but dignified expression can be seen on its face. A gigantic dharmachakra made of pure lightning slowly rotates behind this purple god. In the middle of the wheel, the symbol of a crescent moon is clearly seen.

A purple three pronged spear is held in its left hand. This spear radiates a power of lightning that seems to represent the epitome of thunder and lightning. This spear radiates the true meaning of heavenly lightning as it pulsates with a baleful but holy might.

On the right, a red-orange Asura is seen standing with utter arrogance, rage and disdain. This Asura is clad in flaming flowing robes. The face on the left seems to portray an arrogant one. The face in the middle appears to be quite angry at everything and the one on the right looks with utter disdain.

One pair of arms is clasped together at the front. Another pair stays below with 2 swords made from pure fire. These swords radiate a burning desire to ruin everything in its wake. They seem to generate an endless evil and sinister will to collapse and completely burn the heavens to the earth. A white glow is seen around the fire itself.

The third pair of arms is actually pointing to the heavens as if mocking the heavens for its weakness before it. Another dharmachakra is seen behind this Asura but its color is deep red-orange and is made from pure fire. This slowly rotates behind the Asura. In the middle of the wheel, the symbol of a sun can be seen clearly.

These spirits seem to be staring directly at the Dark Lands. Without warning, they actually begin flying towards the Dark Lands with their terrifyingly large bodies. Space is ripped open completely and slowly mends itself wherever they go. The closer they get to Hei, they smaller they become however. This continues until they become tiny Astral Spirits that enter Hei's body. The skies begin clearing up as everything goes silent…for now.