Torture For Power

Hei continues to meditate as he clearly senses and makes a distinction between the 3 source powers within his body. He thinks to himself, "If I can actually completely differentiate the 3 source powers. It will be beneficial for my usage of my physique."

As Hei meditates and observes his 3 source powers, he slowly verifies the information given to him by his spirits. Thankfully, his perception and comprehension skills are already at an incredible level. Thus, in a matter of 3 hours, he grasps the differences between the 3 different source powers.

He gently calls upon the energy of the 3 sources energies one at a time. If one were to observe and sense Hei's energy at this point, they would notice that his aura and overall feeling changed from a Demon to a Beast then to a Colossan!

He allows the 3 source powers to settle once more and thinks to himself, "What would happen if I were to let's say place some of my blood within my weapon? Lu…Your input is required."

Lu who was sitting in Hei's dimension answers respectfully, "What Master is asking is if he were donate some of his blood to his weapon, what would happen?"

Hei answers with, "Hmmm". Lu thinks for a moment then replies with uncertainty, "Master's weapon would more than likely become coveted by many…With the inscriptions and Master's bloodline and physique power being infused into his blood, the weapon will gain characteristics of them both."

Without hesitation, Hei appears within his dimension and hands the brick to Lu. A terrifying determination flashes through Hei's eyes as he seriously asks, "How much is required?" Lu observes his master as a similar determination can be seen on its normally expressionless and cold weapon face.

"Quantity of the blood is not only important Master. Master…would have to donate a wisp of his cultivation itself…" Hei stares at Lu and doesn't reply. His voice then echoes within the dimension, "If I were to sacrifice some of my cultivation for now…How long do you think it would take to regain it if I began instantly after doing it Shu?"

Shu remains silent for a bit then replies without any worry, "With Master's foundation and the various resources and his powerful energy reserves, it is possible within 10 hours."

Hei nods as he looks back on Shu. "How long will it take to refine the brick?" Lu calculates the time and replies, "At full speed, 12 hours Master." Hei's eyes flash with ruthlessness as He tosses the brick within Lu's chest.

His hand forms a sword from his energy as he ruthlessly stabs himself in the chest. His abnormally solid physical body is actually pierced by the sword and goes right through his back. The energy from the sword disappears as he falls to his knee.

While his face is contorted from the pain, his eyes reveal a chilling and evil light as the desire to annihilate can be seen blazing deep within. Lu begins gathering the blood coming from Hei's body as Hei simultaneously channels some of the energy from his blood itself within his body to the one being expelled from his wounds.

The many astral spirits watching seem to feel the pain Hei has gotten as they all look in shock but respect. For some reason, even pride can be seen on many of their faces. Hei's cultivation slowly drops from the peak of late stage of Blood Refinement to the peak of the middle stages!

At this time, all the blood expelled seems extremely thick, like actual tar! The color of this blood is an extremely dark red, almost black and doesn't give off the usual glimmer of potency. However, a shocking energy can be felt in it as some of the power of his bloodline and physique can be felt in it.

Lu absorbs all the blood into his furnace and closes it quickly. He begins refining the weapon instantly as Hei sits cross-legged. His chest heals at a visible pace but the pain doesn't subside.

His face is actually pale white from the loss of blood and energy. He calls upon the energy of his Earth Dantian as he slowly channels Earth Essence back into his blood.

Mao appears in front of Hei with a small red mushroom floating above his head. "Master, Shu said this would be beneficial…it will help to regain the physical blood lost, speeding up the process."

Hei takes the mushroom without looking and eats it directly. "Erupting Blood Lingzhi is beneficial for generating a massive amount of blood…Channel the Earth Essence as your body generates blood Master…"

Within Hei's body, the Erupting Blood Lingzhi quickly dissolves and begins releasing powerful blood energies. Hei's body glows with a red hue as his blood seems to surge. The wound on his chest closes up quickly and his Earth Essence goes flooding into his bloodstream.

Simultaneously, the blood being generated from the eruption of the Lingzhi is constantly mixed and refined with the Earth Essence. Hei's eyes open and a bit of insanity can be seen in them as a thought comes to mind.

"Shu…I need resources related to the body, blood and soul right now! I want to refine my soul now! I want to be at the peak of the Foundation Step in less than 15 hours!"

Hei's eyes reveal a savage and cruel light as his thirst for power seems to have taken over his mind. Shu replies with uncertainty, "Master…what you are saying is…" Hei shakes his head and cuts him off, "Do it…I have a plan!"

Very quickly, Mao leaves and arrives at the garden. He stares at the various resources as he waits on Shu to make a decision. Shu's ancient voice replies with uncertainty and worry, "Give Master that Thunder Chrysanthemum and Blazing Peony along with that Crystal Camellia."

"They will be suitable for Master's soul. To help with his body…give Master that Savage Wolfberry and for his blood, give him another Erupting Blood Lingzhi. Finally, give Master the Mountain Tiger Ginger…That will help to help with stabilizing his blood and strengthen his body so it doesn't break…"

Shu's worried voice can be heard in Hei's mind, "Master, one of us can go and…" He directly cuts him off, "No…I will do it myself." Many of the astral spirits talk among themselves, "Master wants to save the girl himself…we should accept his wishes. This is good too..."

"What is Master planning to do with all those resources?" "No clue, this is new to me…" Mao quickly returns to Hei's side and looks on him with worry filled eyes. "Master…they are all here." He explains what Shu said each herb can help with. Hei nods and continues to quickly channel his Earth Essence in his constantly manufactured blood.

After an hour, he gets up. "Lu, open your chest. I am going in. Refine my body and blood first!" Lu's previously closed eyes open faster than a bolt of lightning as he looks on Hei with shock and fear. "But…Master…" Hei shakes his head.

Determination can be seen in his eyes as he quickly takes the Savage Wolfberry, Erupting Blood Lingzhi and Mountain Tiger Ginger. All these resources are top notched from the shameless dragon's garden.

If he were to see this, he would probably cry in pain at the loss and be shocked at how reckless Hei is acting. Hei's body begins to quickly breakdown the resources he seems to glow with red. He jumps towards Lu's chest with all his might.

Lu reluctantly opens his chest which as the brick floating in it. The blood already absorbed into the weapon as it is undergoing refinement and adjustment. Hei's crazy and ruthless voice rings out. "No matter what happens, do not let me out. Refine me like a weapon!"

Lu's eyes twitch as all the astral spirits gasp in shock and horror. "Master…He has gone insane!" "Oh no! Master! Don't do it!" Many astral spirits cannot help but voice their fear and worry for Hei. However, Hei turns a blind eye to all this as he lands into the furnace.

Heavy and thick heat energies assail his body which almost makes him collapse instantly. He sits down cross-legged as his eyes bulge in pain. His face twists several times over as he is barely able to hold on. "Do it!" His chilly voice rings out with decisiveness. Lu reluctantly closes the furnace which begins heating up quickly once more.

The pressure doubles almost every second as Hei begins screaming like a little boy being massacred with beating from his father. The furnace shakes as Lu feels one of the worst kinds of guilt anyone can endure. However, as if affected by his Master's decisiveness, he continues the refinement process.

Hei's body already dissolved the various resources which begin taking effect instantly .His blood boils over as the second Lingzhi causes his body to keep producing blood. The Savage Wolfberry constantly provides energy for his physically body which almost collapses multiple times due to the pressure.

Every single cell in Hei's body seems to be experiencing a constant baptism of pressure and heat as the energy from the herbs permeates his blood and body. Whenever his body is about to break, the wolfberry strengthens it along with his body's natural bodily regeneration helping to repair all damage.

His organs, muscles, flesh, blood and every other physical aspect endures this burden as Hei knows what it is truly like to feel Mt. Tai upon one's self. His cultivation which dropped quickly increases, allowing him to reach the peak of Late Stages of Blood Refinement.

Due to the pressure being exerted, his previously refined body constantly breaks and heals, causing him to faint many times. His blood erupts with energy and constantly manufactures more blood. The furnace and the Mountain Tiger Ginger constantly thicken the blood, sending him far above what should be possible.

Under normal conditions, someone experiencing such torture should at least sweat but even that is so pressured that it is completely destroyed. Hei's Earth Dantian which normally would take a long time to run dry constantly drops in energy as it is all used up in one fell swoop.

After fainting and regaining consciousness many times over, Hei's physical body seem to reach a peak as the different energies of the herbs slowly are used up. By the time they are finished, a little over 2 hours are actually gone since Hei has entered the furnace.

"Give…Give…Give me the rest…of herbs…" Hei's weak voice echoes outside as Mao's hair stand on end. "Master sounds…." Without hesitation, Mao tosses the resources to Lu who directly eats them and sends them straight to Hei.

Hei devours them and barely manages to say, "Refine…my soul." The 3 herbs seem to fall within Hei's Heaven Dantian. A violent eruption of Heavenly Essence assails Hei's soul which makes him quake in terror.

The Thunder Chrysanthemum and Blazing Peony seem to directly oppose each other in his soul and begin a brutal battle between each other. They seem to be fighting against each other as both their energies clash repeatedly within Hei's head!

The clashes and bursts of energy constantly wash over Hei's soul while the Crystal Camellia contains the energy within it and heals his soul. Soul Refinement Realm…The realm of suffering is not an understatement. This realm requires one to actually temper the soul with the energy from the Astral Spirits to gain a better connection to them.

However, with the many astral spirits Hei possess, how does he plan on actually passing through and reaching the peak of this realm in less than a day? Hei on the other hand seems to have already planned for this as he constantly guides the clashing energy to wash his soul repeatedly.

The pressure and heat from the furnace actually falls on his soul which causes his eyes to bulge. A splitting headache along with the sound of his soul almost tearing can be heard as clear as day!