My Dao Is Supreme

The Soul Refinement Realm is an extremely important part of a cultivator's road to greatness. If one slackens at this step then their future will be filled with blunders. One should remember that the astral spirit is very important to the cultivator. This realm seeks to give the cultivator a better connection with the astral spirit. Their connection to their Heavenly Dantian will be increased.

This is located in the head which means it will affect the brain. The closer one is to their astral spirit or spirits, the more they can comprehend things related to these spirits! Furthermore, their spirits will play a more significant part in how they battle. They can actually directly aid in battle much easier by drawing upon energy for the cultivator.

Some cultivators may even create arts revolved around the spirit. Many options are available when one is closer to their astral spirit. However, this dangerous realm that can affect someone's future is being recklessly stormed through by Hei.

While his physique can help him grow into a god, it doesn't mean that he can easily run through the realms. Time, patience and diligence are still necessary! Hei's soul is constantly washed by the furious clashes of the 2 opposing herbs.

The pressure from the furnace and heat seems to mold his soul, keeping it in a pressurized and compact state as it is being cleansed. Very quickly, he can sense that while the pain is increasing, his cultivation is also following. In less than an hour, he actually steps into and reaches the peak of Beginning stages. This means that he took less than an hour to thoroughly cleanse his soul!

Partially, this is due to the savage battles between the energies of the 2 herbs along with the pressure and head of the furnace. Another reason this is possible is due to Hei's foundation already being so terrifyingly solid from his previous refinement!

Hei grits his teeth as he maintains a bit of sanity and awareness. Instead of rushing into the second stage of Soul Refinement known as the middle stages, he continues to allow the pressure and heat to compress and cleanse his soul along with the battles of both herbs' energies.

His weak voice is heard within his dimension, "All of you…channel energy into Lu so he can fuse it with some of his and infuse it into my soul!" The eyes of all the astral spirits open wide with shock. "Master doesn't want to use the astral spirits he got from Astral Awakening alone!?"

Shu's voice rings out with clarity, "This is reckless…however, it seems logical. While I cannot say that it is safe, it would make sense. We are still his astral spirits." The astral spirits make their way over to Lu as they each channel a bit of energy into him.

Different types of energies from each race enter Lu's body. He gives a wisp of his own energy and sends it directly into the furnace and right into Hei's soul. The second stage of the Soul Refinement requires one to saturate the soul with energy via infusing it with energy from the astral spirits.

As the astral spirits help Hei with this process, within his Heavenly Dantian, the 2 astral spirits known as the Heavenly Indra Spirit and Infernal Asura Spirit both release energy which goes straight to Hei's soul. With the crushing force of these 2 energies and the ones from the astral spirits in his dimension, Hei blacks out instantly.

The furnace continues to force the energy into his soul which reawakens him with pain coursing through his body, especially his head. The Crystal Camellia constantly heals his soul and keeps it intact. The force and heat from the furnace directly infuses the energy within his soul.

Every time his soul cracks, it would heal and become even stronger. The energy from the opposing herbs finally rushes directly into his soul which makes things even more chaotic.

If the furnace wasn't filled with pure heat and pressure, maybe Hei's tears would have filled it long ago. However, he still continues to endure without hesitation. Another 2 hours pass as Hei's soul is filled to the brim with energy.

Whenever his soul is about to release energy due to being too full, the pressure forces this energy back into it and the heat seems to burn and meld the energy within his soul. Finally, after another hour, his soul is fully infused with every drop of energy from his astral spirits and the 3 herbs.

Hei breathes as he sighs in relief. "I am….I am almost there….Just a little more…" Lu's voice rings out which seems to be the thoughts of many of the other astral spirits, "Master…why are you punishing yourself like this?"

Hei smiles a bit but with his exhausted and insane look, this makes him seem completely psychotic. "I need strength and I need it quickly…I have to fight for my own."

Lu keeps quiet as the rest of the astral spirits seem to nod in acceptance and appreciation. As if infected by his master's determination, Lu announces, "If that is your wish Master…then let me show you my determination!"

Suddenly, the brick which was floating close to Hei gives off a whistling sound as a clear connection with it is felt by Hei. This connection seems much deeper than it was before. He can even feel the presence of something alive pulsating within the weapon but it isn't clear.

The pressure in the furnace and the heat seems to increase over and over once more as Hei screams in pain. The weapon whistles as if in pain or is excited. The brick constantly changes forms but a shocking pressure of the 3 different races and Hei's bloodline radiates from it.

After a short while, the brick is ejected from the furnace. Finally, it is finished! This means it is around 10 hours since the brick has been refined once again. Hei stares as the brick leaves the furnace. He feels a bit sad as if the person facing this painful tribulation has left him alone to deal with all the pressure and torture. The doors to the furnace once again close tight.

Hei shakes his head as his will seems to blaze once more. "Lu, I am going to complete the last stage now. Every time I hammer my soul with energy, I want you to hammer my soul with pressure and heat 3 times!"

That is right; the last step in Soul Refinement is the tempering of the soul. Literally hammering the soul repeatedly, until the soul is forged like the best of weapons. Thinking of it, Hei's Madness Dao actually brought him to an unorthodox but extremely intelligent situation. Who is better suited to temper and forge something than a spirit who refines and creates weapons!?

Lu responds clearly, filled with vigor and determination, "As you say Master!" For some reason, even though Hei's will has lead him so far, hearing that determination and will from Lu, he feels a chill run through his very soul. He thinks to himself, "Oh crap…I think he is planning on going beyond 100%...."

Hei composes himself as he channels Heavenly Essence to hammer his soul. As if Lu's aim and reaction are as high as a god's, Hei feels 3 distinct hits from a horribly heavy hammer directly onto his soul, body and blood.

The impact is so dreadful that it makes Hei lie flat on his back in the furnace. The small pain he received from his own energy hammering his soul once is not even a tenth of what he just felt from Lu. Hei once again hammers his soul with a bit more energy.

3 successive hammerings once again hit Hei which makes him scream in pain. He thinks to himself, "What the hell!? He is trying to kill me! Not only is he hammering my soul, but even by body and blood are being hammered!"

Lu's voice rings out with impatience, "Master, you are moving too slow. At this rate, it will take a year for you to finish…You have to continuously hammer or else the effect will be weakened."

Hearing those words causes Hei's mind to be filled with dread as he realizes that his original pain will be nothing like what he thought. Hei grits his teeth and focuses. He begins to continuously hammer his soul with his Heavenly Essence.

Even though he tries to quickly slam his soul with energy to refine it, somehow, Lu is able to repeatedly intercept his hammers and add his own 3 hammers. Somehow, those small gaps between Hei's hammers are actually utilized easily by Lu.

Hei goes dizzy with pain and agony as he almost collapses. Lu's voice once again rings out with an almost evil tone to it. "Master, how about I see how many hits I can get in for each interval?" Hei's body shivers from those words. However, when he considers how useful this might prove to be, he nods.

And it was at this moment Hei knew…..He Fucked Up. Every hammer Hei does, Lu hammers a full 30 times. What is worse is that gradually, Lu seems to somehow increase how many hits he gets in. This ruthless and evil hammering causes Hei's soul, body and blood to be constantly tempered in the most horrific manner.

The sounds of the hits can even be heard outside of Lu's body. The other astral spirits watch in fear and shock from Lu's vicious and direct torturing of their master. Many times they would like to just close off their sensing but Hei's screams and the sounds of being hammered continuously ring everywhere.

Hei's cultivation continues to rise as his soul is constantly hit. Lu seems to hammer his soul so much that his cultivation actually went up then was forcefully hammered once again as it falls. Every time it rises, it actually falls a bit. This process continues for over an hour until Hei is actually able to endure the pain in a slightly level headed manner.

His cultivation actually goes up to the peak of Soul Refinement finally. Even when Hei stops hammering, Lu gives him an extra 1000 just to make sure his soul is perfectly stable. His body and blood are also given an additional 1000 hits to make sure everything even.

Hei is directly knocked unconscious as he was already exhausted and never expected Lu to be so ruthless. The astral spirits all have a look of shock with cold sweat running on many of them. The pressure and heat slowly dissipates from the furnace as Hei lies there, sleeping.

His naked body seems slightly weak but his skin is actually flawless! Like a maiden in her prime, Hei's skin shimmers with a faint purity. His hair seems a bit longer and he appears to be a bit taller and more handsome.

His muscles are slightly defined but overall, he seems quite harmless. Instead of looking savage and insanely powerful, he seems more fragile and cute. Hopefully no one mistakes him for someone weak or they might experience his wrath!

After a few hours of sleeping, Hei finally awakens. While his mind is completely exhausted, his body, blood and soul seem to be at a peak as they almost overflow with raw power. Hei gets up and quickly gets dressed.

The astral spirits observe the changes which happened to Hei as an even stronger sense of closeness seems to stem from Hei's existence. While they are sure that Hei's recklessness gained him quick and shockingly great results, they cannot help but be worried at his gamble.

Hei however doesn't seem too bothered by his reckless actions. If anything, he seems quite happy that he did this! Not a tinge of regret can be seen on his face. He laughs a bit and comments, "Seems my gamble was worth it. My Dao Is Supreme!"