Shenlong Weilan

Hei sits casually just a mere meter from the bowing dragons. "Sit up." Hei's calm voice seems quite casual and less imposing as he appears to have completely transformed when speaking with the 6. They quickly sit on their buts as they face this Young Master Tianxiong.

Hei stares at them for a few moments which cause them to freeze. They do not dare to even breathe as they observe this young master who seems to change personas on a whim.

In a casual tone but still sounding like some young master, Hei comments, "Come to think of it, maybe I should have asked them to stay. That Sniper Wolf didn't look too bad. She isn't the best out there but drinking a bit of sake with her in this weather wouldn't be too bad."

The dragons stare at Hei who seems quite carefree to all that is happening and cannot help but sigh. Only if they were born in a super strong and rich clan, then they too would have the capital to do as they feel.

One of the squad members musters enough courage and asks, "Young Master, since you're an extremely rich and powerful Young Master, you must at least have many beautiful women…why didn't you take any with you?"

This person is actually the weakest of them all and even his physical stature is the lowest among the 6. Hei sighs a bit as he helplessly comments, "My looks and temperament is too unique. Too many random females flock to me. I hate it."

"Young Master wants to genuinely try to get a female's respect than they randomly trying to cling to my power. Even now I am casually away from the clan to tour the world as I avoid marriage proposals. Young Master here wants to experience the world without hindrances."

The squad members observe Hei in complete fascination as they think it would be nice indeed to freely do whatever one wants. However, some persons are simply born different. This is a reality many deny while others embrace it to work harder.

The weak squad member thinks for a bit and grits his teeth. "Young Master, this one here is known as Duan…Sorry to be filled with questions but this lowly one here is wondering if you would maybe find interest in casually stealing the heart of a princess."

The other 5 quickly look on Duan with shock. Ruthlessness can be seen deep within the eyes of Duan. Just as the 5 are about to express their dissatisfaction, Hei casually comments, "Is this princess stubborn and unruly?" Duan quickly replies while nodding, "Reporting to Young Master, this princess is a true beauty but her tongue is as vile as a snake's, her cruelty even more than a demon's!"

Hei rubs his chin with his claws like a child trying to be an adult. While normal persons would find this funny, the 6 dare not laugh at Hei's appearance in fear of him casually annihilating them. Duan's eyes observe Hei, searching for any kind of positive reaction as hope and decisiveness can be seen within his eyes.

Laughing a bit, Hei calmly replies, "You're all trying to use this Young Master for your own benefits?" His voice filled with a sudden cold and biting killing intent. Duan goes face first in the dirt as he grovels. "Young Master, this lowly one admits…this is true. However, please spare my brothers, it was my intention alone!"

Staring at the groveling Duan, Hei's eyes remain calm and indifferent. However, in his mind he comments, "He's loyal to his brothers and is ruthless to himself. Furthermore, he isn't afraid to gamble his life. I sense a grudge! I love grudges!"

Within the dimension, Shu's leaves shake as his voice echoes out. "At times, I wonder if our decision to let Master use his physique's enhanced growth rate and our teachings to let Master already mature at this tender age was the right one…" Ren blinks as he looks on Mao who turns his head away. An awkward silence permeates the dimension.

Finally, Hei replies, "You can go back to normal. This Young Master here is slightly interested now that you speak of this matter." Hei casually looks in the direction of the Hidden Dragon Sect. "Oh, that is your sect I see. Is this princess you speak of located there? Oh? The patriarch's cultivation isn't too bad. I can sense it from here. In a few years I will be above that so it's not anything noteworthy."

They sit and observe Hei as they are filled with total shock. "Young Master…Patriarch is a Celestial Emperor…. You mean that in a few years…" Hei claps a bit, "Indeed, I mean I will surpass that level in a few years. If Young Master here doesn't achieve God Step in the future, then I'd be too ashamed to pass on my bloodline!"

The words, "God Step", echoes into the minds and hearts of the 6 as they dare not believe the words heard. Slowly, they begin piecing the previous words spoken by Hei. The name of his home with the word 'god' in it and the fact that he has a horrible amount of power but seems like a kid.

Furthermore, his claims of numerous women after his power and even the fact that he could casually sense the cultivation of their patriarch. All these things together seem to piece together a person they dare not even look on much less continue to speak to!

God Step, a part of cultivation seemingly lost to time. The ancients alone who have established terrifying clans are the ones who seem to know the secrets of such a realm and this person here seems to hail from a clan who probably has multiple persons at that level alive!

They blink as they look at Hei in shock and fear. Hei notices this and laughs a bit, "No need to worry. Young Master here isn't a snot nosed bastard who flashes power everywhere and acts like a god among cultivators. Well, I might do the last part but not all the time, hehehe."

"Tell me more about this princess and the situation. After all, Young Master here still has to keep his clan's existence a secret. I'm sure you all understand the importance of this…right?" Hei blinks as he observes the 6. They nod so fast and vigorous, their heads almost fall of their bodies.

"Reporting to Young Master, this one here is known as Yu. The princess is known as Xing Yinghua. She originates from the Beast Constellation Clan and was captured by our sect. She is participating in the war between our sect and the Nameless Sect which you just sent those persons to…"

Hei nods as he gestures for them to carry on. "While not many know this…due to a certain Young Bastard, I mean Master of the sect, she was successfully taken hostage. However, she does not know this. The patriarch has only 2 children which are both sons. Shenlong An Zi and Shenlong Weilan are his 2 sons. We are under Shenlong Weilan's banner…unfortunately."

"Shenlong Weilan is the patriarch's favorite of the 2. While he acts nice and courteous, secretly, he is just as cruel, arrogant and lustful as his father! Upon hearing that the princess was captured, he immediately set his eyes upon her. He tricked her into thinking she could escape by slacken the guards around her. He allowed her to kill her way through many of our friends…battle comrades…who were on her level!"

"What is worse is that when she finally thought she had escaped, he sent immortals to defeat her, badly injuring her. Then he appears and 'saves' her to gain her trust! Tomorrow is the princess' birthday and he is planning to give her a birthday party to help get closer to her. She has already fallen for his tricks!"

He treats her nicely and even offered to secretly let her go. When he did it, he arranged for experts to once again appear and capture them both. He was 'punished' by the expert and 'beaten' in front of her. He 'showed' how genuine he was and didn't utter a word!"

"That little bastard played her too well. Now she is actually good friends with him. One of the maids is this lowly one's good female friend and she tells me that the princess seems to be infatuated with him! I mean, come on, which female no matter how cold her heart would resist a play like this where a handsome and talented male pretends to be beaten for her and treat her nicely!"

"The bastard even hides his lust. All of this is just a game to him. Wait till he finally gets what he wants. He will just throw her away like the many others. Damn him, he makes me so…Damn him!" The leader shakes his head in pity as he pat's Yu on his back.

"Young Master, this one here is the leader of the squad and is known as Gao…Don't be bothered by Yu's emotional drama…He's just very saddened that he is on the 'leaner side' with slightly normal looks…so it angers him that the talented and handsome, not to mention favored by heaven bastard behaves like a total scum."

The others nod in agreement as if saying that this Shenlong Weilan is truly scum. Nodding calmly, Hei rubs his chin with his claws once more. "Interesting, who knew there was such a person existing. Please, do tell Young Master the rest of the story."

Another of the dragons speak, "Forgive this one here for not introducing myself earlier. Jun is the name for this one here. Young Master, this one here was once told by a female who clean that bastard's room that she once heard him having a dream about his father's other wife….his own brother's mother."

"He is truly the scum of all dragons just like his father. While his brother is quite a serious and evil dragon, cruel and unforgiving, he does not trouble the weak for he is too lazy to bother with them. However, I suspect we being sent off to be killed are being orchestrated by the persons below him to slowly cut off the forces the bastard has under his wings."

"While the patriarch has Young Bastard in his eyes, he knows that he cannot randomly let him be the successor of the sect. Thus, he has declared that whichever one has more battle merits and forces remaining after the fight between both sects will become the next in line for patriarch!"

Hei nods as he observes a bolt of lightning falling from the sky. The accompanying thunder roars as if the sky is filled with anger. "It seems this person really deserves death." The eyes of the dragons open wide in excitement.

"However, I know I cannot be too extravagant with my trip. Young Master's identity is quite sensitive. Thus, I will have to rely on you all to give me all the details you know." Another of the dragons speaks, "This one here is Bei, greetings to the Young Master!"

"This one here was made aware by one of the herb maidens that the birthday party for the princess will be held at the Azure Dragon Sanctuary. This is the personal home of the Young Bastard." Hei nods as a slight smile can be seen on his face.

Hei seems to come up with an idea and his smile increases. However, when the dragons see this smile on the bear they know can be quite eccentric, they cannot help but sweat. "Then ask a question, which of the battlefields does this Young Bastard have most of his elite and trusted troops?"

Squad Leader Gao thinks for a moment before he answers truthfully, "That would be Zones 20 and 19!" Hei nods as his smile widens even more, "Maybe tomorrow I should let the birthday party have some good news! Hehehe, this Young Master is truly interested now!"