A God’s Blessings

Hei's smile and laugh seems like the beginning of something horrible and sinister. While he looks like a normal black bear, the dragons cannot help but think to themselves, "Fuck, it's a good thing we were actually sent to this horrible hell. Imagine if were the ones who he is going to visit tomorrow…"

"This Young Master wonders about the time of the party." The last dragon to speak utters quickly, "This lowly one known as Guan once heard that it shall be kept when the sun is at its brightest….noon! Apparently, the Young Bastard wants to have a party while the sun is shining brightly and the bright blue sky can be seen."

Hei shakes his head in dissatisfaction, "This Young Master here is fond of the night. That's shameless thing for you to do little bastard of a dragon. Don't they know that darkness is supreme?" The squad of dragons looks at Hei with a small drop of sweat at their temples.

"Take out your weapons and take off your armor." The 6 stare at Hei in curiosity but they actually follow through. Not very surprising, they are all wielding simple swords which should be used by persons in the Foundation Step. Their armor is actually at the level where it is barely passable for someone in the Essence Gathering Step.

Hei inspects them and shakes his head in shame. "Trash…these things are trash. This Young Master is ashamed to know that someone I have sat and conversed with has such trash." The faces of the dragons turn red with shame as a stinging sensation washes over their cheeks.

"What elements do you all practice?" Gao replies, "This one here uses wood." Duan says, "This lowly one is a fire user." Yu jiggles a bit as he says, "This one here is an earth user!" Jun replies, "Water is this humble one's element." Bei emotionlessly say, "This one here uses metal." Gaun laughs a bit as he replies, "This one here's element is wind!"

Suddenly, darkness is spread from Hei's body and quickly devours the weapons. This startles the dragons but Hei doesn't say anything. He just sits there in a relaxed manner. 6 black tendrils quickly fly from the dimension and prick the arms of the 6, extracting some of their blood. Anyone would want to express dissatisfaction but not these 6. They obediently sit and didn't even flinch.

Hei speaks within his dimension, "Lu, please refine and upgrade these weapons to Low -Level Immortal Weapons and their armor to Mid-Level Armors. Infuse their respective elements too and definitely change the colors to pitch black."

"Yes Master! I will do as you wish!" Lu takes the armors and weapons inside his chest. The furnace quickly closes and begins refining and upgrading the weapons. In a little over 15 minutes, everything is actually finished. Lu releases them and they float in the air. Hei spits them out of the dimension right in front of their respective owners.

"These will be what you're using from now on. Not the previous trash which could blind this Young Master if seen long enough." The 6 quickly get up as they stare in shock. The pitch black armor and swords all diffuse a faint energy signature of their respective elements but this energy brings complete dread to them.

Furthermore, a connection can be felt to their weapons and armor. This connection could only be formed by refining a weapon with blood and by a grandmaster refiner at that or else the blood would be destroyed or not infused properly!

Having the blood in a weapon completely refined is the basis to raising a spirit weapon! They stare at the weapons and armor as if they are hungry animals who have seen a large mountain of food with a sign that says free.

The elements of the weapons and armor along with their immortal level strength slowly leak from them as if they are displaying a bit of their power. The swords gently keen as if waiting to taste blood but being patient towards their owners. The armors all seem to radiate a defensive and impenetrable aura.

Before the others can express their thanks, Gao quickly shakes his head in refusal, "Young Master, please forgive us but we dare not accept such weapons and armor!" Hei laughs a bit, "Consider it as this Young Master trying to make his sight stay perfect and not anything else. Refuse it and that means you're cursing this Young Master to be blind."

With a helpless expression, they finally take up their respective swords and armors. Suddenly, the weapons actually shrink and enter their bodies. They jump in surprise but the excitement on their faces cannot be hidden. They place their armors on their body and notice that the previously bulking frame actually shrinks to turn into a simple vestment.

With tears in their eyes, they all bow in respect and gratitude. "We thank the Young Master!" Hei laughs a bit, "Stop being so polite to this Young Master. Those weapons and armor are not even what should be given to guards so it is fine."

The 6 look dumbly at each other as they all mutter, "Not even what should be given to guards…" They gulp as they remind themselves to never underestimate the background of this Young Master they have recently been acquainted with.

"You're all not too shabby, but your foundations are lacking. Due to the difference in physiques, any resource I have would be dangerous to you 6. So when I am making preparations to send greetings to the princess and the young bastard, I will give you all some things to help with that. But I can give some help with cultivation."

The eyes of the 6 dragons glisten with tears and happiness. They cannot help but think that their lives have finally turned around. Maybe in their previous lives, they were good persons who helped the poor and weak so their karma has finally returned to help them when they need it the most.

Hei begins to casually speak to the dragons about cultivation in general and utilizing techniques more efficiently. Instead of actually teaching them anything specific, he gives simple information which could be acquired by anyone from a strong enough background which nurtures talents.

However, due to the way he teaches them and his constant stressing of always following their martial instincts, this information became something even more terrifying than what any grandmaster could tell them. Instead of just giving out information, Hei allows them to think for themselves and any answer they come up with and then it will be their own comprehensions and their own dao.

After a few hours of speaking, Hei finally concludes, "Remember, there is no incorrect method to cultivation. The reason the common persons never step onto the road of becoming a god is because they always try to follow everyone but themselves. Strive to improve yourself with your own thoughts and instincts. Add that to some resources and lucky chances and you could even become a god. The heavens are quite mystical."

Hei's teachings and closing speech seem to have sparked something which was slowly dying with them. Their Martial Instincts have not only reawakened but have increased in strength! The Martial Instinct is not something as simple as a concept but is actually the hidden feelings found in anyone willing to cultivate.

This is directly related to your dao. Everyone can gather energy and follow the general rules but at times, based on one's situation, their environment and even their resources, deviations will occur. These are never incorrect and should always be followed. However, not many do this due to their fear of possibly encountering a seemingly unfortunate or painful experience.

This instinct was slowly dying in these dragons' hearts but they were reminded of where they were coming from. They finally regained the will they had before they even started to cultivate. Setbacks happen all the time but is that a reason to give up? So what if your resources are trash? Just use what you have in the most efficient manner you can base on what you instincts tell you!

If you want to roam an area deemed to be barren, do it so as long as your instincts are telling otherwise. If your instincts tell you to absorb a particular energy or even a random plant seen, do it. The Martial Instinct is something given to any person willing to cultivate. However, many persons slowly ignore it to end up following 'traditional' methods.

Only those genuinely brave or simple minded persons would follow their Martial Instincts. This is definitely one of the contributing facts for the lacking of God Step experts. However, sometimes persons end up going overboard with their imagination which really does create problems. How they correct these is up to them.

Hei claps lightly which awakens them from their excited and engrossed states. They jump as they return to reality. "You 6 are probably considered dead so it will be quite shocking when you all return. Don't get yourselves killed. Stay vigilant and keep your new items hidden. Though I don't think I need to explain all this." They nod as the gratitude and excitement on their faces stay strong.

They once again bow in thanks. "Alright, you 6 should scram now. Return tomorrow evening after the party. Tell me what happens. Anything good shall be rewarded handsomely." The eyes of the 6 glowed with anticipation as soon as they heard that last statement. "Anything this Young Master is giving out is certainly nothing normal!" they thought.

Respectfully saluting, the quickly head out towards the meet up point for their sect. Hei uses his eyes to see them off as a light smile hangs on his bear face. "That was a lot of work…Being kind and sincere really is a drag. That little bastard of a princess actually fell in love with trash."

"I want to hit her in the head when I see her again. Now I will look like an idiot in her eyes if I were to sneak in and try to rescue her. Seems she will have to discover on her own how to differentiate between scum and good person. Look on how good I am and she called me a traitor. Emotions can really get you down, can't they?"

Hei relaxes as he continues to observe the clouds in the sky. As the night approaches, the area is filled with even domineering lightning strikes and roaring thunder. Sitting cross-legged in this bear form, Hei looks quite silly and cute. Taking the token Sapphire Jade gave him from his dimension, he channels energy in it to allow it to update.

Glancing at the battlefields, he looks at the information for both Zones 19 and 20. "Both are zones under the complete domination of the Hidden Dragon Sect. This is not very surprising. Information here says that there have been reports that the zones also possess Immortal Lords. Hmmm, the beginning of the Immortal Step, Immortal Lord….hmmm…seems no Immortal Kings or Emperors will be present."

"With my current battle power, I should be able to crush Immortal Lords. Seems I will have to prepare a proper greeting to the bastard of a young master. Furthermore, that little princess should use this as a wakeup call. I get the feeling she will be pissed at me. For once, I am feeling quite interested in how things are playing out."

Hei puts up the token once more and begins to meditate. "I will fully understand these 3 source powers for now. This is much easier than I expected. I gave those 6 blessings; maybe tomorrow I will issue another type of blessing. It won't be as nice though young dragons. Wait, I am talking like I'm old."

He fully immerses himself into comprehending his 3 source powers as he feels the direct changes brought to him by his current transformation. Time quickly passes as a new day arrives. Hei continues to meditate and keep track of the time.

With just a measly 2 hours before noon, Hei stands up and stretches. "Ah yes, it's time. I should go issue some blessings to the Hidden Dragon Sect. I will most certainly show them A God's Blessings."